Shipping Update - Sun, Oct 23rd

SNM Videos

We just now finished processing the last of the pre-sale orders and everything that did not ship yesterday will ship out on Monday. Tomorrow will still be a busy day for us, but we will try to catch up on any customer service issues. Good night everyone!
Thank you for all your hard work.

I can't even begin to imagine how much effort this new series has taken.

From the incredible amount of planning, trying out and revising the routines for all of these workouts. That part alone had to have taken months.

to the filming and editing

and now to the shipping.

It has been a monumental task that we can only begin to imagine.

Well done Cathe and team... and thank you.
Wow! You guys are AWESOME! Thanks so much for all the hard work & dedication that you guys bring to the table! PLEASE don't let the naysayers get to you guys. Most of us out here in Cathe Land appreciate & respect all the hard work & effort & discipline it takes to run We probably have no idea just how much hard work it takes, but I do know that we appreciate the final product - for years!;)
Thank You SO much for your very supportive words. I have shared them with the staff and it makes them smile every time.

You all keep me inspired!!!!

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