Runner's Check in 4/29/06


Good morning all,
Just a quick GOOD LUCK to all of you racing today. As I type this I'm sure some of you are on the starting line waiting for the gun to go off............GOOD LUCK!!!! Bring back your results to share and have a wonderful race.

Gosh what difference a day can make. I feel so good today from talking to all of you yesterday that even though it's my rest day I did one hour of yoga and dh and I have tons of yard work. Good luck to all those racing today. It makes me even more proud that I'll be out there with some of you next Saturday.
Good morning, ladies. Enjoy your weekends, and thanks for the good luck vibes (my race is tomorrow).

Karen-It was late last night when I read the last few posts from yesterday's thread. I wanted to comment too, if I may. I am SO GLAD I read them last night. What Sarah said is so very true. Putting that registration form in the mail is a victory in and of itself. Getting onto that starting line is another victory. And crossing the finish line is the ultimate victory for you (us as runners). No matter what the time. You should be proud of where you came from and where you are headed. YOU and only YOU turned your health and your lifestyle around and for that I PAT YOU ON THE BACK!

Good for you for setting the example for your family and children! That, to ME, is HUGE! Because I feel the same way. I have asked my family to make sure that my boys are there every race that I do. It may seem that I'm forcing them some mornings, as they grumble out of bed at 6am! LOL But in the end, seeing their faces as I approach the finish line, searching for me in the mob of runners, I'm glad to be their example. Jacob, my older son (8) LOVES for me to tell him what my personal goal time is. He uses his stop watch every single race to see if I hit that goal. It's great. Plus, both boys have been joining in on the kids fun runs as well.

Sarah-THANK YOU for saying those things to Karen also! I think I needed those words as much as she did! LOL With my race tomorrow, as usual, the nerves are settling in a bit and I've been thinking TOO MUCh about it. Putting too much pressure on myself. You know what? NO PRESSURE anymore. I will run, and run, and run for 13.1 miles and whatever happens with the timer, I finished the race.

Now, having said that, Carole and Christine, I am TAKING YOU UP ON THAT CHALLENGE of my time and Cardio Coach. My dad always taught me to take people up on their offers if it's something I really want. If the person was sincere, they'll follow thru. And if they weren't they'll follow thru and NEVER make the offer again! LOL. LOL.

OK...DS's baseball practice then packet pick up and expo (my favorite part, lol) this afternoon. Getting ready to run!


Karen...way to go!! A first race is always a bit nerveracking but yes once you start running the crowd just sucks you in and it becomes so much fun. Whatever distance doesn't matter! This race is for you and you made the decision and that is great! You have come so far and should be so proud of yourself. I agree with Gayle as far as Sarah's words. She is a great inspriration here and has helped countless women on this forum. I cannot wait to hear how you won't get lost..Good luck!!

Karin...way to go signing up for the 10K! I think you will do quite well and do have some time to prepare! Your DH is great getting you that gift card. Going to that type of store is the absolute best way to get the right shoe for YOU!!

Mattea...:)...yes a light workout on fridays as I don't have much time...MT Everest nah...but Mt Shasta is close...

Shelly..cautious and slow is not a bad way to be. If you can do 18 you can go longer...:)...I do remember saying "I'll never run a marathon, who wants to run that far!"..well 12 marathons later...:)..when is your half?

Good luck to all the racers and Kathy in her marathon. Can't wait to hear all of your experiences..:)

No run for me today...I'll do KPC/L&G premix

Have a great day...:)
Can I say it enough. I love you girls so much. Thank you Gayle so much for addressing me and giving me the confindence that I'm starting to actually belive that this is my reality. I'm suppose to do this. When I hear your stories about running, family, pre -race jitters it makes me realize I'm not the only one. I know what you mean about family being there. I so want the girls to see me accomplish this. I can't tell you how that will make me feel. Well, I guess I can tell you next Saturday. All of you have such a way of making this my purpose. I feel like I'm walking taller this morning, sitting straigher, and it's all because I have your support.

Good luck to you Gayle, I'm so excited for you. I know that you will do great. You already are great. Your kind words and heart make you that way.
Karen-you are welcome!

Carole-you mentioned the crowd and that's one thing I forgot. I LOVE THE CROWD! LOL They don't even know you yet they are cheering for you! I often think about them, standing on the curb cheering for us (me, lol), especially when I might be feeling tired or I'm climbing a hill. I just keep telling myself that I am running while THEY are cheering. They could be running, but they're not. (I don't mean that in a MEAN way, just to say that you are running and they are not.)

Also about the crowd, I haven't run anything yet with my mp3 player in. I was actually considering running tomorrow's half with it, but I don't want to miss out on the crowd aspect of it. Just something about hearing people yelling and pumping you up, well, PUMPS YOU UP!

Adreneline, baby! LOL (did I spell that right? lol)

Oh, you ladies have me sooo excited for July, now! DH comes home today so I can talk to him, finally. This is a very compassionate crew, you're right there Karen, and I am being motivated far beyond what I ever thought possible!

Good luck to everyone running today! When I strap on my shoes today and head out the door, I'll be there with you in spirit! And Gayle and Carole, the crowds are incredible. I remember during the Bay to Breakers running up the famous Hayes Street Hill (I swear that thing is a mile long!) I was starting to peter out thinking, "What harm is there to walk a bit of this?" A guy in the crowd must have seen that in me and called out, "Come on honey, you can do it!" Just that little oomph gave me the push I needed to run the hill. And he may not even have been talking to me, but I took it to heart!

Sarah - your post was incredible. Thank you so much!

I'm going to do a 4-5 miler (not sure exactly how long the run is - it's at least 5 miles, but I have to run it to be sure). My legs are a bit sore from yesterday's Legs and Back, but I'm having Indian food tonight, so I'd rather run with sore legs than the bloat I'll feel tomorrow. LOL.
Good morning! It's a beautiful day and I am running! least I will be soon. I'm going for a 10 mile hilly run, then I'll be starting my tapering period before my 1/2 next Saturday the 6th.
But, enough of me (yawn).
Good luck to the racers today and tomorrow :7 :7 :7 :7
I want to hear the details!

Sarah- Wow, you sure know how to inspire! I wish I had half of your
courage and insight.

Good luck to all who are in races this weekend and next!

I must go back and read yesterday's check in it must have been very beneficial based on the comments today!

I ran 7.5 miles, my longest distance yet, and felt good. It was a flat coures on the Erie Canal. I believe The Canal is a good place for me to increase my distances. I still do the hilly runs during the week.

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.
Just a quick post to let you know I ran 5 miles today, and it felt great. I think I almost killed the dog, but he'll survive LOL. My legs are sore now, but I'm getting ready to do an hour of yoga, so that will help. Enjoy everyone - let us know how the races went!! I'm very interested in knowing! I was thinking of y'all while I was running!
Wish I could read all the posts but ya'll are making me cry! Seriously...nothing warms my heart like knowing I helped someone...just by speaking my mind!

Karen, I appreciated your PM! The jitters are going to be there...can't avoid them! That just proves how important these things are to us. After all, we don't get jitters over laundry or grocery shopping...just want to get THAT over with! I get jitters before every race. All you can do is take deep breathes. They do go away almost the second you start running. Just get there an hour early so you can pick up your race packet, warm-up, stretch out and pee 50 times! Race packet pick up with be very clear an obvious. If not, just ask another runner who already has their number on. Again, you can't get lost! Have fun, enjoy the atmosphere and the best party's there are! With face painting and stuff for the kids, sounds like a blast! You will be hooked!!
O.k., I ran 7.5 with my training group this a.m. Time to taper even more! I had an awesome run. We did our group picture in front of the Paul Brown Football Stadium...which is the start of the marathon. I am so freaking excited! All I hear from those who have done the Pig in the past is what fun it is because there is so much crowd the bulk of the way!! I cannot wait


...but whose counting!:p

I can't wait to here back from Laura! It is a beautiful day here in Ohio so she may enjoy the rest of the day before reporting to us!

Gayle, Good Luck tomorrow! Get back with us as soon as you can! I think it is so cute and sweet that your son keeps time! That must be extremely motivating for you and so fun for him!!

Short story...I ran a 15K (9.3 miles) at the end of March. It is actually a huge race here...big ordeal. At the bigger (more populated) races, I never see my DH, brother and kids...they just get lost in the crowd. I know they are there but when I am darting for the "Finish"...I don't see them. Well, at the 15K, I saw them. I will never forget...ever...the look on my son's face when I saw him. He's almost 4 years old. He was clapping and so excited to see me in the pool of other runners! I loved the way my son was looking at me at that very moment! That is how I want my kids to see me!
I ran 10 miles this morning. There is a thick marine layer today so it was nice and cool. Really, nothing too exciting to report like a marathon, 1/2 marathon or a 5K!

This check in is so inspirational and has put a new pep in my step when I'm out running. There's nothing like knowing there is a group of like minded women that I can check in with to share running stories!!
Okay Sarah-Now I thought last night's post was emotional, now you really are making me cry with that story! :) And, that's the best advice yet, get there early to pee about 55 times!

Karen-You have put a huge smile on my face:D, and again, I am SO PROUD of you, but that's nothing compared to how you'll feel about yourself when you cross the finishline (and pass a few men-preferably younger men;-) right before the finish).

Laura-We're thinking about you!

Gayle-Tomorrow is supposed to beautiful here, hope you've got the same weather in store. Both you, Karen, and Sarah are such amazing inspirations for you kids-you are the kinds of fit moms that I hope to be, not just fit for yourselves, but healthy motivators for your children. Bravo!

Christine-Isn't it nice when a run turns out longer than you thought it was? Makes me feel more accomplished!

Carole-Which premix did you end up choosing? Those are some of my favorites-I really like one to the strength cardio circuits.

Shelly-Work, work! 10 hilly miles, that's exactly what my 10 mile course is like-hills are such a mental thing sometimes aren't they?

Judy-Congrats on the 7.5 miles! Here comes 8... When DH and I lived in Brockport it made me sick everytime I had to drive over those stupid lift bridges that you SEE THROUGH! Ugh, gives me the willies.

Elaine-I know, it makes me want to run everyday, even if it's just a little bit:+

No run for me today either, I slept in way too late and so decided on shorter, but more intense cardio, lol. Did Imax 3 WU 7-10, then 90 seconds of terminator climbers, and then the medium and high impact sections of MIC. WHEW!

Good luck again racers!
Marine layer is a fancy way of saying overcast. But it's from the ocean because 2 miles inland it is not overcast. In any case, it makes for nice cool running but the humidity causes my sun glasses to fog when I get heated up. Why do I need sunglasses if it is overcast, you ask? Because they are prescription and I can't see my HRM without them!
Hey ladies,

Thanks for the good thoughts!!You all are so great. I love coming here and reading your inspiring posts. It was so nice today,perfect for my 5K. I beat my last race time which in itself was my best time. I finished at 26:00. I felt good and am pleased with my time. I felt I did good and as sarah said your a winner no matter what. I came 2nd in my age group . I talked my two other friends into running today, I think the one might be hooked.

goodluck to everyone else who had races today and I am counting down for you sarah!!!!

again thanks, your all wonderful!!
O.k...well, since I am on the Ohio River, I can say we have a nice 'marine layer', too! Thanks for the definition...I was hoping it wasn't some tweaked form of marshall law!:7

Oh, and I always need sun glasses...even if it is toally gray out! My eyes are very sensitive to light!

GREAT JOB LAURA!!!!! Way to PR!!! I am so glad it went so well for you! I know you have been working very hard! That is so awesome that you finished 2nd in your age group! Don't forget, you're always #1 here!!

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