Question About SBF Streaming


Hi, I'm new to posting on the forum but have worked out with Cathe for many years. I've noticed some mention about Suzanne Bowen workouts and was curious how people worked them into their rotations. I've signed up for the 48 hour free trial and like what I see. Do you do mix them in with normal Cathe rotations and use them as add-ons or do you work out with her exclusively for a rotation and go back to Cathe, etc. I am such a creature of habit and am nervous to get away from my heavy lifting but I think I need a change. I turned 40 this year and have struggled with lower back pain off and on for a year and sometimes it is hard to pick up a loaded barbell when it is acting up. I look forward to your suggestions and have enjoyed reading everyone's post thru the years.

Hi Julie, I love SBF :) I signed up a year ago. Her workouts helped me during all my injuries. I had my share the last few years. Right now, I am doing the 21 Day fix and SBF together. Once I am done with 21 DF, I will mix Cathe Upper/Lower Body into the mix. I also have lower back problems (slipped discs). If you want to mix Cathe UB/LB into your rotation, I would recommend go lighter with your weights if you want to mix them into your rotation. I am seeing better results with lighter weights. Hope this helps :)
Hi Belinda, thank you for your response! I think I'm going to go ahead and sign up. I tried her total body fusion barre and really felt it in my shoulders with just 1.5 pound hand weights. I like that her workouts are short enough to put on the end of another workout, especially her seat and leg workouts, which I think would work well with Cathe endurance weight work. Lighter weights will be a good change and help work on some of my smaller muscles that don't get worked as much with heavy weights. :)
Hi love2read,

I also love SBF and always manage to fit her in with my Cathe workouts and rotations. The total body fusion was amazing! Loved the lying down shoulder work. Enjoy!

Hi Belinda, thank you for your response! I think I'm going to go ahead and sign up. I tried her total body fusion barre and really felt it in my shoulders with just 1.5 pound hand weights. I like that her workouts are short enough to put on the end of another workout, especially her seat and leg workouts, which I think would work well with Cathe endurance weight work. Lighter weights will be a good change and help work on some of my smaller muscles that don't get worked as much with heavy weights. :)

I signed up last year on Veterans Day :) Suzanne ran a special for her 1 year streaming. Maybe you want to wait until next week to sign up? I think I only payed $60 for the entire year :D I loved her Fusion Barre too. Like I said, I am seeing better results with lighter weights than going very heavy. Let me know how it goes and listen to your body. Good luck and have fun :)
Thanks for the tip, I will wait to see if she does anything special for the holiday. This way I can still experiment with the workout blender for On Demand, so fun! :) I'm looking forward to incorporating her into rotations, my shoulders are still talking to me about yesterday's work!!;)
I signed up for the 48 hour offer. Wow. She is amazing. I have a few of her dvds at home and have always liked her. I will seriously consider streaming for a month or two just to try her out. Loved it. I did Two upper body workouts + a cardio hiit for lower body. really good and short so I just wanted to keep adding on segments.

Thanks for the tip.
I signed up last year on Veterans Day :) Suzanne ran a special for her 1 year streaming
Hi Belinda, thanks for posting this and I apologize for hijacking. I'd also like to sign up and see if there is a sale on Veterans day. I'm in Australia and could not find anything on google about when Veterans day is. Can you please let me know what date it is? Thank you so much :)
Hi Belinda, thanks for posting this and I apologize for hijacking. I'd also like to sign up and see if there is a sale on Veterans day. I'm in Australia and could not find anything on google about when Veterans day is. Can you please let me know what date it is? Thank you so much :)

Hi, Veterans Day is this weekend :) I am not 100% sure, if she has another sale this year. But she always offers deals :) Once I see that Suzanne has a sale, I will let you know.
I thought Memorial Day was this weekend. Isn't Veteran's Day in November? Would someone let me know if I'm sounding senile. I hate it when that happens. Oh, maybe it's Veterans Day in Australia. Belinda, will you let me know too? I've decided I love Suzanne.
Thanks again for the SBF streaming tip. I signed up for a month and think I might just keep it. I sweat more during her hold positions than I do with any other workout! It's a different kind of sweat. Dripping, everywhere. I really like her and her stuff is tough but so enjoyable. Thanks so much for the change-up to barre. I've never done so much barre before. It's really changing my body and I love the workouts.

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