Pregnancy tape?


I was thinking the other day that it would be great if Cathe could put out a pregnancy tape to keep those of us that are used to the more advanced tapes something that is more suited for us. I realize that CAthe may not be planning on ever having another child, maybe she is, either way none of my business. But maybe she can lead a group of pregnant women through a tougher, yet safe workout.
I just know that looking at what will be available for me when I get pregnant with my next child, I'm not very excited, but I know that I would be if I thought there was a Cathe pregnancy workout out there.
Maybe she could do both an aerobic and toning in one type of tape.
Just a thought!
How about a pregancy series? Just kidding. I'd be super happy with one pregnancy video. SUPER DOOPER happy.

Due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"

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