Pentagenarians & Beyond: W/B 2/19

Today I did Imax 2, all intervals. I usually do intervals 1-6 or 7, so I was very happy to complete the entire workout. I love the music on imax 2 and the combos are not too complicated.

Lori, I am doing the February rotation with some modifications. I just started week 3.

Diane Sue, I like that Bolognese recipe from the Practical Paleo, but I have tweaked it a little to suit my tastes. The first time I made it it was too "meaty". I omit the bacon and use a lean ground beef or ground turkey. I also add a can of diced tomatoes to increase the vegetables ratio.

I hope everyone has a great afternoon.
Today I did Strong and Sweaty Total Body Giant Sets mix with the abs which took me 70 minutes with changing some weight plate pauses and writing the weights down. 390 calories. I then did Barre Amped strength and stretch, lower body and upper body stretch, 33 minutes, 83 calories. Total calories 473. My grandson came over last night and we were up kind of late. I have my granddaughter coming over after work to wait for a practice at school so dinner for both tonight. I ran out to get some more of my Tarte Foundation (which I really do like) because I had a 25% off coupon and did not want to miss out on using it. My daughter gave me retin 8 and I am getting some acne. I read that it can do that at the start. I hope it does not last too long. I am only putting it on every other day right now till I adjust.
I mentioned the Ancient Nutrition Bone Broth vanilla protein I bought, that Dr Axe sells and that it was not the best tasting. Well I discovered it does taste good and was the bee pollen I was putting in it that I did not like. Now I have to figure out a way to swallow the bee pollen. My coughing and sneezing has let up some from the allergies. I am not sure if it is the bee pollen or the fact that I started back to using the natural allergy capsules calle D-Hist. They don't make me tired and dry mouth like antihistamines do. It is viatamin C, Quercetin, stinging nettle, Bromelain , N-Acetyl -L- Cysteine.

Caitlin, I think that To the Max and Slam it are both fun workouts. Time goes by pretty quickly.

Deb, that is too bad about the bookmarks. I am not sure if the have particular inserts for bunions. I know they make different orthotic appliances for different foot and toe issues. I had to use a toe spacer for a couple of years when cooler weather hit and I would wear closed toe shoes. I would get an ingrown toenail every year. This year it has not happened. I am happy about it. Some of the devices they sell look kind of miserable.

Valerie, I usually order my inserts online. I move them to other shoes if they are not worn. I have had a few that after 2 to 3 years wore through the forefoot. My husband wears his down in the heal. That is why I switched him to the New Balance ones. They have quite a selection too. They sell them in the New Balance shoe stores. I guess my experience with the green super feet was not so good and left me not wanting to try another pair.
I use coconut aminos most of the time. It is not as strong of a flavor though. No soy in it. I sometimes use a bit of fish sauce. I always thought that I would not like it and that it would be fishy. It really is not bad at all in recipes. I am not sure what all you would use it in though. I just kept coming up with recipes calling for it.

Carolyn, I have altered the Bolognese sauce several different ways like that. Usually if a recipe calls for a lot of bacon I cut it in half. I only use nitrate and sugar free though so it is not that bad. I like it with the super lean ground beef. Ground turkey was only just okay to me. I have made it with and without the wine as well. She takes the wine out in her Sugar detox cookbook. I think it was he cookbook or the first sugar detox book. I have both. The one I was disappointed in is the Mediterranean Paleo cookbook. I just have not found many recipes I wanted to try. I should at least try though. Too much lamb and dried apricots and that sort of thing. I am not a fan of cinnamon in my meat dishes either.
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I don't think the store cares. I did lower body today, and next time I am doing Chiseled Lower

blast. I guess I can easily walk it back to the store, and I could put my weights in it.
Good Morning,
Today I did RWH Low Impact HiiT One before going out to run an errand.

Valerie, I read an article in the newspaper today about jack fruit. I thought it a funny coincidence that you just discussed it. The article was about a food truck chef who uses it in tacos, quesadillas, and burritos as a meat alternative. I don't think I'll be in any rush to try it.

Diane Sue, I am beginning to have more seasonal allergy problems. The pollen count has been very high for this time of year. My allergies are not as bad as yours however.

Have a great day.
Deb where are you this morning??

Carolyn that's funny! I wouldn't rule out jack fruit entirely. it didn't work in the barbecue preparation I tried. a lot is in the preparation and an inventive cook can make a huge difference. however... it's always rough when your first taste of something fails. Food trucks do some pretty wild and crazy things.
When I was a kid I hated squash and sweet potatoes. My mother prepared it all wrong. she added tons of brown sugar and butter I thought that was how squash actually tasted. she did the same with yams and sweet potatoes... "candied". inedible for me. I remember being served a half an acorn squash at my fiancé's home and I thought "OMG HOW will I eat this?" I tasted it and it was nothing like my mother made. it was delicious. I was stunned. so began my love affair with squash. so I'd maybe try jack fruit againif it gets popular and I come across something that sounds good.

I did a spin yesterday but because of the foot issue, I did a 30 min premix, wore the more supportive shoes, and sat more than usual. all OKay so far today.
Good evening ladies..

Kind of in a funk. A friend of mine died in a car accident. My age. We were close as kids thru my mid 20's. we lost touch a bit then reconnected several times. She lived in my home town which is 2 hours a way and we had hoped to get together one of these times when I came to visit my family. Now that will not happen and I feel really bad about this. Been keeping up with my workouts which is good. But really not doing more than I could.
Today I did Strong and Sweaty Slam it, no modifiers, 50 minutes, 402 calories. avg heart rate 134/ max 168. I then did Ice Low Impact Sweat Blizzard Blast, 11 minutes, 94 calories, avg. 130/max 145 heart rate. I finished off with Barre Amped Strength and Stretch bonus ball 7 minutes, 16 calories. Total time 68 minutes, 515 calories. It has been busy here. I had grandchildren last night. My two year old grandson spent so much time jumping on the rebounder and singing and shouting in the karaoke mike while his sister made up her own songs. I tried foam rolling and he thought since I was lying on the foam roller that I needed covered up with the mats. Funny little boy. Today was Wednesday dinner and I had two of my children and their families for dinner. I was putting together some snickerdoodle cookies and mixing up biscuits to add to the meal since there was going to be more of us here. I was lucky I had a large rump roast in the slow cooker with a coffee based rub on it. We still have extra I ate mine on top of a salad.

Caitlin, walking it back with the weights and carrying them back would be a workout :)

Carolyn, I seem to be reacting to every outdoor allergen that there is. It is so warm here, it didn't give much reprieve this year. It is supposed to be in the low 80's tomorrow. I am not sure if I tried Jack Fruit before. I pick up the odd things at Sprouts sometimes just to see what they taste like. Most of the time I don't care for the item, or just cannot find a way to prepare it. There was some small bright fuscia colored pokey looking fruit,(the name escapes me) that my granddaughter and I was looking at. I looked it up when I got home and I think it is used in Taiwan. There is a special way to fix it, otherwise it is bitter. Anyway, I never picked it up. Also the little brown tomatoes do not appeal to me jus,t looking at them.

Valerie, I was talking to a woman at Sprouts the other day who was looking for the white flesh yams. One of the employees, cut the ends off several varieties to see if they had any. I really like them but can never find them anymore. She told me her husband gets them at a Homeland a bit further away from me and it was called a bonita yam. I guess I should check there and Hometown grocers. That is great that there is no problem with the foot today.

Lori, I am so sorry to hear about your friend. I can understand that you would feel in a funk. These things leave a sort of hole in our lives. I will send a prayer out for you and for her family.
Deb, I hope that you did not get back on the phone working with your computer and lose something. You are missed today.
Good morning,

Sorry about yesterday, I thought I posted, but I guess not. I woke up with a horrible sore throat...I started taking those zinc "melt-a ways" right away, hoping to stop it. After working in the afternoon, I started to feel worse and went home and had chicken soup. Then took Nyquil before bed, and slept in this morning Well until 5:30 which is sleeping in for me. :). Right now I just have a hoarse voice, no cough or sore throat, so maybe those zinc things work.

Carolyn, you are doing great with the rotation!

Valerie, squash and sweet potatoes plain with nothing on them are my favorites too!

Lori, so sorry about your friend. That had to be so shocking.

Diane Sue, great workouts. So cute about your grandson. :)

I have a nail appointment this morning, hoping I can make it. If not, there is always tomorrow.

Judy, I saw on MFP that you are back doing some must be feeling better, that's great!

Take care,
Hi Everyone,

Yesterday I did an indoor ride and today I plan on doing a weight workout, not sure which one yet. I hope to start back on a rotation this weekend. I started feeling better on Tuesday. I have a facial today, that I had to reschedule last week when I was sick.

Deb-I'm sorry about your sore throat. I hope you feel better. There is so much going around right now. That's too bad that you lost all of your favorites :(

Valerie-I roasted some vegetables yesterday, squash, carrots, & onions. I just put a little olive oil on them. I love plain sweet potatoes too. I remember candied sweet potatoes, we always had those on holidays. I agree, they were way too sweet.

Diane Sue-You have been doing some great workouts! I seem to react to all the outdoor allergens too. Usually I get a break in the winter, with a hard freeze, but this year the weather has been so crazy, it hasn't stayed cold long enough. Now it's like spring and the pollen count is going back up. I hate that I have to take antihistamines. I did start taking quercetin daily and that seems to help a little.

Carolyn-Great job with the Feb. rotation. STS Total Body is a good one, maybe I will try that one today or tomorrow. I have been doing 20 lbs for 1 arm rows. I got up to 30 lbs doing STS in 2015.

Lori-again, I'm so sorry about your friend. It's really hard to lose someone that way. It's a shock because you aren't expecting it. It's hard enough when someone is sick, but at least you can prepare yourself somewhat. I remember when a sales rep/friend of mine from work was killed in an auto accident almost 20 years ago. I found out reading it in the newspaper. It was such a shock and I wasn't myself for quite a while after that.

Hi to Caitlin,

Deb, glad you are (more or less) ok. I hate getting upper respiratory viruses like that. Hopefully it won't transition into a plain old head cold... but it probably will. I also think zinc helps, so good luck! maybe you'll dodge the bullet.

Lori so sorry to hear about your friend. we've lost friends in crashes. it's such a strange feeling when someone is suddenly gone like that. when I lost my friend to cancer recently it wasn't a surprise. the survival numbers are awful. I talked to her husband recently. I was one of the few friends from a long way back and I had pictures for a memorial for her. it made me feel like I could contribute something. I feel bad we didn't have a chance to get together again.

I think the cooking approaches our parents and grandparents used ruined vegetables for several generations of people. boiled-to-mush and over sweetened! My mother, aunts, grandmother were pretty good cooks, but they ruined every vegetable they touched. salads were always full of mayo.

I saw a pic of jack fruit. it was huge with pointy spines all over. from India. probably would not be a big seller in its natural state. I tried a small foil refrigerated package of a prepared dish. someone will figure out something tastes better than what I tried.

I've never seen white sweet potatoes. I've tried the baby purple potatoes. thought the red and yellow ones were better. rainbow carrots... the orange ones taste best. Rainbow chard is nice and all colors taste the same. very easy to grow.
ETA I just got an email from Burpee seeds and I looked at potatoes. this is a link to bonita, a white sweet potato. diane sue, you are right, it exists. Our growing season is not long enough or warm enough for sweet potatoes so I don't know much about growing them it seems you can order roots or starts for them.

Did Ramped up yesterday. not going to be at Cathe weight on that one for a while. 25's on 1 arm rows and pullovers. the hardest move is 5 lb lateral raises with the mini raises. my left shoulder is still stronger that the right. trying to hold in place instead of minis. a little progress. I will get that one soon.
the Midwest is sure getting some weirdly unseasonal weather. My friends there keep telling me "Wisconsin winters aren't what they used to be". too bad that causes allergies to surge for both of you. we are wetter than normal but California is the real eye opener. at least for the moment, the drought is over. floods everywhere. we need to go to a wedding this weekend and are flying to LA area tomorrow so been watching it more closely than normal.
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I had to just do a quick workout this morning so I chose Ripped with Hiit Plyo Hiit 2, 28 minutes, 208 calories max heart rate 163. I have not done this in a long time and surprised myself that I was able to do the whole thing without modifiers. I picked up two of my younger grandchildren and brought them back to my house. Their mother's daycare children all had bad colds. One had to go home they were so sick. We did not want ours to get sick.

Deb, I hope that you stop that cold. Hopefully you can make your appointment today, but like you said there is always tomorrow.

Judy, I am glad to hear you are feeling better. I have been enjoying hitting some tougher and longer workouts lately. I guess my energy levels has started coming back. I am hoping for one more Rapid fire workout. Then a lower and Ramped up this week. We will see. The lower body gets worked fairly well doing Rapid Fire and the plyo workouts so I doubt I need a lot. I usually get the D-Hist from Amazon but it is not available. I think they have some other similar products, but not with all of the ingredients in them. I meant to check Walgreens and Sprouts. I know some of the reviewers said their doctors had recommended D-Hist I believe I read someone mention getting it at a drugstore. I am just taking two in the mornings after a two day upload.

Valerie, I have seen Jack Fruit at Sprouts. They do carry a pretty extensive array of produce. I tried purple sweet potatoes. They were good but I was not real impressed. I found cookie recipes using them and they didn't need any dye. Thanks for the link. I put those in a large pot and grow some. Of course if I found the potato I could start it in the house and plant. I did that at my daughter's with a Japanese Yam. I guess they just did not know how much nicer roasted and sauted vegetables are. I remember boiled cauliflower with cheese sauce on the table. Green beans were cooked till they looked like most canned green beans do now. They things they were good at cooking were casseroles and homemade desserts. Speaking of weather today is supposed to be a near record breaker here. Somewhere in the 80's. But, tomorrow will be in the 50's for a high. There is rain chances on Sunday. So a bit of a cool down , but not freezing. I doubt I will be doing real heavy for quite some time if at all for shoulder work and chest work. My neck has too much degeneration and it can be very painful if I push things too hard. If I keep things from getting tight with focused therapy and stretching it makes a big difference.
My workout today was Flex Train. This is a good metabolic workout but there are a couple of moves that I modify. Squat thrust push-ups are not for me and the plank kickbacks were also modified.

Deb, I was concerned about you and I am glad to hear that you are mostly doing okay. I hope the sore throat is better.

I had lunch with some former coworkers that I was close friends with. It was a very enjoyable afternoon and I saw quite a few people at the office.

Take care and stay healthy!
Carolyn, I find plank kickbacks to be a very uncomfortable move. I don't mind planks and I don't mind kickbacks, but not combined. I don't mind the planks with a leg and arm raised. I usually do plank kickbacks with a light weight. Much lighter than Cathe does. The thing with squat thrust push ups is that they are done so fast. They can easily cause injuries. Quite often I am behind on the count when I do those because I go a bit slower and take care with the form. I have come back up with twinges in my low back before. Lunch with former coworkers much have been nice.
Sprouts sounds like a heck of a store. we have Whole foods, Central market, and PCC, none of which are close enough for me most of the things used to get at PCC have gone mainstream. my regular grocery has very good produce but not a lot of exotics. they will get things for me if I ask.

did total body metabolic again today. I will say, these get more efficient with multiple repeats. there is a song or two in ramped up that drive me crazy. I think the same one is in a spin workout too. I need to remember to turn off the sound track on ramped up. I like the workout a lot but one song ( WHOO OOO OOO ) makes me want to shoot the DVD.

I don't mind plank kickbacks. they are fine if you drop the weight. I do them with 5 lbs without getting twisty and off balance. I can do 8 but it gets weird.

will be gone for a couple days. going to LA for a wedding we don't really want to go to. whole lot of money to get there and back. nice nephew but we barely know him. more as a favor to SIL.
Deb, hope you didn't get sick.
Judy hope you are continuing to get back to basics.
Lori, again, my condolences. it does make you pay more attention to your own life when you see how quickly things can go downhill.
Good morning,

I slept in today, actually did not get up until 6:00 am! Wahoo! That is the latest I have slept in years. It must have been the Nyquil that I took last night. John got up with the dogs, showered, dressed etc and I did not hear a thing. The zinc seemed to be working at first, but then the cold just came on like a ton of bricks so I guess it really didn’t work that much.

Judy, glad you are better. A facial is so relaxing! That should make you feel even better.

Valerie, that is so great that you had pictures for your friend's memorial. Yes, she did fight against some horrible odds. Hope your travels to LA are uneventful. How long will you be staying there?

Diane Sue, good that you got the grandkids away from the kids with colds. I did go to the nail appointment yesterday....good thing since I would not be going today if I had delayed. I think these big swings in weather like you are having and we have had are what start people to having colds. Not sure why that would be but is seems like everyone I know has a cold now.

Carolyn, I forget about workouts like Flextrain....need to keep those in mind. I do plank kickbacks in a modified plank, where I put a knee on the ground, or I would have to use 3-5 pound weights. It's so nice that you are keeping contact with old friends from work. Are they retired as well?

Lori, hope you are feeling a little sad when something like that happens suddenly

Just relaxing for me today, hoping to kick this thing,

Take care,
Deb, we leave this morning for the airport, flight is around noon. we are back early on sunday. neither of us have any interest in anything in LA so just in and out. I think zinc shortens a the length of the cold, makes it less intense but it's impossible to compare. I figure it can't hurt. I had to go into "archives" to find the pics. sent them to her husband with as nice a note as I could write as I only met him once years ago. there is nothing that doesn't sound trite especially since neither of us were religious.
I like flextrain and use it much like total body metabolic. those are my two favorites right now. no dread factor and work everything well. music is OK. it's funny how a song or two get on my nerves to the point I have to stop the routine and switch the audio to voice only. Ramped up has one and I'm sure I've heart it somewhere else, like maybe on a spin? more later.
Today I did Lower Body Blast warm-up and leg conditioning drills. After that I did a timesaver premix from Yoga Relax.

Lori, I am so sorry about your friend.

Valerie, have a good trip and enjoy the wedding.

Deb, hopefully your cold will not last long.

Hello to Diane Sue, Judy, and Caitlin.
Today I did Rapid Fire 4 Sweat pre-mix , kickboxing that includes he core, 49 minutes ,363 calories. This mix is the first 3 rounds of kickboxing and includes punches. The next group of rounds are boxing and still include lower stuff. I wanted to have time for weights today I did Rampep upper, doing the entire workout for the first time. This was 47 minutes, 266 calories. I did some of Cathe's weights, but a lot were somewhat lower. I did progress a bit on some of the weights. Total workout time was 95 minutes, calories burned 629.

Valerie, I did notice the soundtrack portion that you mentioned. It didn't really bother me all that much tough. I hope the trip and wedding is enjoyable for you once you get there.

Deb, that is great that you got to sleep in. I love it when happens. I think hat peoples immune systems get a bit messed up going from cold to hot. Then they get out around sick people and pick up the viruses.

Carolyn, nice work. I wish I had time for some yoga and stretching today, but I have a lot to do ad here and to get out to the store while my husband is working and no family here.

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