Pentagenarians & Beyond: W/B 10/09/2022


Good morning. starting this sat nite. we hope to ride early tomorrow morning if the air quality is OK.

air quality isn't good this morning so we will skip the ride. no sense sucking in a lot of smoky air.

diane sue, my husband has a theory about my knee dislocating and snapping back into place. it fits with my symptoms and what happened and what didn't. that sounds like what might have happened to yours. orthopedic surgeons like to do surgery but I do not want to go to that unless I reach a point where its dysfunctional. knee is stabilizing ( IMO) with controlled exercise, a pull-on compression sleeve. using the sleeve while riding or hiking as a reminder to step more carefully. I didnt have perfect knee function before this. I dont expect to. lot of miles on my knees.
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This morning I did Jane Adams Gentle Yoga Morning Energy practice for 18 minutes.

Valerie, I’m sorry that you didn’t get to ride today. It’s best to avoid the bad air if you can. I also wear a pull on compression sleeve when I do cardio workouts.

Waving hello to everyone. Have a wonderful day.
This morning I did Lower Body Blast. My time was 61 minutes with 305 calories burned. My average heart rate was 120 and maximum heart rate was 147.

Cathy, great job with Low Impact Circuit step only. I like the step from that workout and I have not thought about it in ages. I hope that your eye appointment goes well.

Have a wonderful day everyone.
I did 30 on the elliptical today and will do therapy exercises later. I've been doing a load of therapy exercises, increasing rep#s and intensity gradually. many things are separate for each side, so they take a long time. ordered a smaller squeezable 6 lb ball since the great big 55 cm one was too big.

we finally dropped our land line. been a stepwise process. first needed security system upgrade (worked via phone line), then moved our land line # to DH's cell phone. did that over the last week. we will then upgrade his very old phone. will leave a time break to make sure all works as it should. we started the last step more than a week ago and it finally happened last night. feel like we were the last people in north america to make the switch. I don't like talking on the phone especially the cell. I got a head set.

during lunch we have been watching educational lectures, the Great Courses. you've likely seen them advertised. we pick topicsm we never had time for in school. depends on your interests. not all appeal to everyone. I enjoyed botany , geology , a "how the Planet works" one, and history ones. lectures are about 40 min. fits in a lunch time. we usually watch together. not every course or professor is terrific but most are decent. I'm giving thumbs up to their worth. topics you'd like to learn more about but dont know how to begin. usually colleges give you time to cram in required courses and little else. you can do at your own pace and not worry about learning enough to pass tests. I really enjoy these.
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I had bad low back pain and hip yesterday. It hurt to stand up. I do not know why it was so bad, but I took Advil and used a heating pad, then went and did 50 minutes of CDorner mobility stretch for neck and back plus. Then I soaked in hot water. It lightened up over the day. Still a bit there today so I was careful about exercise choices. Tomorrow will be a rest day as I am getting together with my ladies group for games and card making with breakfast.
Workout was CDorner To the Beat Low Impact Cardio disco, 46 minutes, heart rate 139/171, 269 calories, 4,791 steps. I then did her Upper Body Abs mini band workout, 36 minutes, 91 calories, heart rate 92/131, 551 steps. I wish this one was more upper, but it was okay. I was looking for a mini band arm workout that I remember doing and liking. She is creative with those bands. I saw others after I finished, go figure.
I finished off with CDorner Full Body Stretch at home from 2 weeks ago, 22 minutes, heart rate 73/94, 29 calories. Total time was 1 hour 44 minutes, 389 calories, 5,347 steps.
Mini Band Upper Body and Arms Timed (I had to work on some of the abs to modify and keep from irritating my neck)
w/ up and 1 set push ups heavy loop band
section 1
1 arm row
plank knee to elbow
band side bend
repeat both
section 2
band above wrists robots (hammer curl alt.)
band around feet sprinter sit up
triceps kick back
band around wrists straight leg cross crunch
band on feet seated feet on floor biceps curl pulse
band on wrists banded lat pull

Valerie, I do not have great knee function myself and should keep that in mind. It has been a long time since I have had it do anything. For a few years after the torn miniscus, I had my knee give out and oddly the good side the hip would just give out when I would stand up. Not all of the time, but occasionally. We were having dinner with our pastor and some other couples once and I went to get up out of the booth and nearly fell. It has not done that it a long time. I have learned to pay attention and I think my supplements and stuff help. As long as I can keep it well and keep moving, I will avoid heavy immune suppressing drugs, which my arthritis doctor tends to seem to push, and surgery.
My neck hurts when I talk on the cell phone. I do not know why as I try all kinds of methods of holding it. My husband puts his on mic when he talks on the phone.

Cathy, nice work getting in the step cardio from Low Impact Circuit before your eye appointment.

Carolyn, good job on Lower Body Blast.
I didn’t work out today. I had an appointment this morning and did not have time for a workout.

Valerie, great job with the elliptical and therapy exercises. You are not the last people with a landline—we still have one! I’m not a big telephone user, but I probably use the landline more than my cell when I’m home. Our security system is also tied into the phone line. I get brochures about the Great Courses periodically, but I haven’t tried any. I couldn’t work up enough enthusiasm for doing them. It’s great that you are enjoying it.

Diane Sue, I’m sorry about the low back and hip pain. I hope that it’s better today. Your workout choices were good ones for a day like that.

Hello to Judy, Cathy, and Lori.
I bit the bullet this morning. we loaded the mt bikes and rode our usual trails at the tree farm. It went OK!! I strapped on a brace but found it a little too thick. 1 hr 50 minutes. brace made it harder to get on the bike. I kept it on anyway. took us a little longer than usual because I was keeping speed down and we ran into an active logging operation, had to re- route. I am not signing up for a knee replacement just yet. my knee has gradually gotten more stable. I will probably never know exactly what happened. I plan on wearing a pull on brace for riding at least for a while. also plan on doing the therapy exercises every day. a bit like barre, plus getting lubricant injections, I am hopeful now that I have caught a huge break.

diane sue I've had problems with low back pain. and am doing therapy exercises for that too. I have one leg longer than the other and it causes a little scoliosis. I am hoping it can be treated with PT.

carolyn, I was sure we were the last land line people! ha ha, just kidding. Now YOU are!.

we needed to upgrade our security system anyway. we did it a few months ago. switching our land line # to DH's older celll phone took a week to accomplish. for talking, a headset helps a lot. the hardest part is getting the right pieces to hook up. it took a few tries to get it right. I wanted "hands free" and for $30 or so, the head set works great. I keep it on my desk. I want hands free to use my desktop.
Sunday I did a 45 minute Peloton ride and 10 minute Peloton Arms. Yesterday I did Live #318, Iron Legs and Muscle Meltdown Triceps. This morning I did a 20 minute Peloton ride and am planning on going to the gym with Chris tonight. Chris replaced the garbage disposal and we put in a new sink and faucet in the kitchen. It's nice to have a new dishwasher too.

Carolyn-Great job with the yoga and Lower Body Blast. That's another one I need to revisit.

Valerie-Great job with the elliptical and the bike ride. I gave up my landline back in 2004, when I was still in Iowa. We cancelled our land line here around 2010 or so I think. I have a some friends and relatives that still have one.

Diane Sue-I'm sorry about your low back and hip pain. I hope it gets better soon.

Cathy-Great job with the step from Low Impact Circuit. I hope your eye appointment went well.

Hi to Lori
No workout today, went and walked at the zoo. Beautiful day here and we are getting close to 50% color and lots of the golds, reds and peachy pink trees are in full color! My eye appointment went well. No change, so just sticking with the reading glasses I already have.

Valerie that's great that your ride went well! Everything you are doing seems to really be working to get in stabilized. We still have a landline that basically never gets used, but dealing with AT&T is such a pain, because it's bundled with out internet, last time we checked really didn't net us anything in the way of savings.

Judy great job with the Peloton rides and Iron Legs plus the Muscle Meltdown Triceps.

Carolyn nice job with Lower Body Blast. I hope your appointment went well.

Diane Sue great job with To the Beat Low Impact Cardio disco, Upper Body Absk and full body stretch. Hearing about disco reminds me that I got to go to an actual disco one time. The year I was 18 was when the drinking age here changed to 21, so I could drink from my birthday in November for about a month. By the time I turned 21 disco had pretty much vanished. Still amazed my BF agreed to go. LOL Other than short conversations, my sister is pretty much the only person I have really long calls with these days. When one of us is driving we can talk for an hour or more. I always use the speaker and just hold it in front of me, or prop it up.
We have been streaming using u-tube TV. so we are dropping cable and phone and that saves quite a bit. we tried antennas but we cant get a good enough signal unfortunately streaming channels are starting to release series one episode a week, and often when it goes to the next season, they gradually drop season 1 in the same way they added episodes. we have netflix, prime and hulu plus the u tube channels. the selection of movies is terrible. good well known actors appearing in absolute crap. premium channels will cost extra, to get anything worth watching or to avoid commercials. I won't watch TV with commercials. the most we will do is record program and fast forward thru them. if commercials aren't avoidable, I turn it off. most of the new movies we've tried to watch were absolute trash and not watchable.

no question that for talking, a land line is vastly superior. we dont talk on the phone much anymore so it's become less useful for us.
Today I did Cardio Party for 39 minutes and 269 calories burned. My average heart rate was 132 and maximum heart rate was 162. I got my Covid booster and flu shot yesterday and I have no side effects. My husband and I had to schedule at different locations because we have different brands of vaccine. His appointment is Friday.

Valerie, great job riding for 1 hour 50 day and using the leg brace. With streaming services I read a few months ago that they were starting to release shows more slowly to help retain subscribers. We watch a variety of things on television including football and basketball, but I rarely watch movies. I like home renovation programs. Did you ever watch Ozark? We’re waiting for Yellowstone, Succession, and a couple of other series to return with new seasons.

Judy, great job with your workouts this week: Peleton rides, Peleton arms, Live Iron Legs and Muscle Meltdown Triceps.

Cathy, that’s good news from your eye appointment.

Hello to Diane Sue and Lori. Have a great day everyone.
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I loved Ozark as well as Breaking Bad, Better call Saul, Handmaids Tale, and dozens of others. Saul was apparently out for a limited time on a regular channel, but isnt available except if you pay $3 per episode.on a channel we cant get. Series are where the good screen writers have gone. there are still some movies or made-for -tv movies I want to watch but finding them is a hunt lately. I didn't like Yellowstone. I loved Succession but we cant access the last season. usually some other channel picks up popular things and you just need to wait. Cable was getting incredibly expensive here and basic cable has absolutely nothing. whats happened for us is we are watching multiple series at once because there is only one episode released, and if you wait to watch them somewhat together, they start dropping the first episodes. I long ago gave up being able to operate the remotes. DH is better at it. then the "services" that show what you've watched and what you want to watch are completely inaccurate. we also get PBS and they are the absolute worst.
Valerie, it took a while for me to get in to Yellowstone. I wasn’t sure that I wanted to watch it at first but I was hooked by the end of the first season. The writing is very good and the story line is deeper and more complex than you originally think that it is.
I did a chest and back workout at the gym last night and MMA Kickboxing from the Shock Cardio series this morning. That one flew by and I really enjoyed it. It reminded me a little of the 4 DS KB workout.
I got my flu shot and covid booster this afternoon. Chris has a doctor appointment Monday so he will be getting his then. I had planned on getting mine a couple of weeks ago but had to reschedule it.

Carolyn-Great job with Cardio Party. That's encouraging that you haven't had side effects from having both vaccines at the same time. I'm kind of expecting to feel bad tomorrow but hopefully I'll be pleasantly surprised.

Valerie-I agree that a landline is much better for talking and having longer conversations. We don't do much of that either.

Cathy-Walking at the zoo sounds like a good workout! Glad your eye appointment went well.

Hi to Diane Sue and Lori
I shopped today so no workout. We are pretty much stuck with AT&T Uverse out here for internet. Only other option is satellite which is awful. Years ago we had it before they put uverse out here and you pretty much ran out of data every day and had to wait till the next day to get it back and that was without doing anything beyond social media and cruising the internet. Videos were the kiss of death. To get the kind of data we need for DH working and to do all the stuff we now do on satellite would be incredibly expensive and still unreliable.

Carolyn nice job with Cardio Party.
all I did today were therapy exercises for 45 minutes. grocery shopping and picked up our mid term ballots. we are trying to schedule a MT trip. we expect our mail in ballots ( mailed on the 20th) will arrive while we are gone. we don't want to wait until the last minute, so we went to the county auditor/election office and picked them up in person. never did it before but easy, efficient. filled them out this afternoon and will mail before we leave. (if we leave!) trying to get several things scheduled and not getting anywhere, but its one less thing to be concerned about. I do NOT want to miss voting in this election! what a raft of total lunatics running.

We don't a lot of internet choices. the tv cable works fine but a small fortune monthly for the privilege of having the service. we have zero interest in sports channels. If you could sign up for the channels you want without getting 157 channels of blech, then maybe. hopefully cable companies will offer something competitive some day. so far, no. we can't get dish, too many trees here. we are using u-tube TV. works for both houses which makes it a decent option. nice to have the same set up in each house. not all channels are the same but most are.
Today I did CDorner Low Impact Walking workout 38 minutes, heart rate 145/177, 234 calories, 3,679 steps. She uses 2# dumbbells near the end of this workout. I have been getting higher heart rates lately. Not sure if it is because I have loosened my watch a bit since my new band keeps grabbing my skin in the latch. I think the workouts that are steady state get my heart rate up more though because when there is pauses to learn or off and on cardio my heart rate plummets. I really wanted to do a strength workout but decided to give it another day. My low back still feels a bit off. I also did CDorner Core Mobility workout from yesterday, 28 minutes, heart rate 79/96, 46 calories, 205 steps. This had balance work and some plank work like bird dog and had more movement to it till near the end. I cut it a bit short as I do not like the lying there and relaxing thing. Total time was 66 minutes, 290 calories, 3,884 steps. I had a great time with my friends yesterday even though I was dragging out the door. Hardly any sleep. I woke at 3 am, finally fell back to sleep and my dog work me up at 4 and I had to get out of bed to let her outside and clean up the rug. Then I went back to bed and had just fell asleep when my husband came in and that woke me back up. I did not post yesterday evening because I was tired and had spent time shampooing the carpet before I went to bed. Thankfully only the bedrooms have carpet.
I am going to try a new curcumin supplement that one of my friends doctor gives her. I found it on Amazon, but I could get it from their store as the manufacturer has a store, Ultra Botanika that sells it. Ultrucur Advanced Dairy Free, Clinical Strength Curcumin with Devils Claw Extract and Boswellia - 60 Capsules : Health & Household She says it is really helping her and she is older than I am. She says her doctor is a regular medical doctor, but does naturopathic stuff as well. He gave her some recipe to mix and drink for healing when she had to have shoulder surgery.
Just finished Dynamic Total Body. I do really like that workout, at least when I'm not cursing her. LOL Very fast paced and uses dumbbells, gliding devices and yoga ball. Hits all the parts using compound moves.

Valerie my ballot has already been received by the clerk. DH and the boys are in the mail in various directions, though Nick is the only one waiting for his ballot to arrive. Nice that we can track where they are at. You are doing such a great job of doing your PT and it's bound to pay off for you.

Diane Sue great job with Low Impact Walking and the Mobility workout. Sorry to hear you had a rough night's sleep. Far too common of an occurrence for so many people these days. I put turmeric in my smoothies every day, and curcumin is one of the compounds in it.

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