No sweets, salt, junk food, more water Check-in July 2


Shelley!!!! I was looking for the check in and I didn't find it. So here we go. Today, so far so good, no sweets, I had some peanuts though, and that's about it. I need to drink more water though. I hope you all have a great 4th of July weekend.
Doing good on the no salt. I dink plenty of water so thats not an issue. I had a carel frappacino light yesterday to spurge after the no sweets challenge.

Terri Terri Terri!

I had a caramel light frappacino this morning at Dominick's! That puppy was gone in a few minutes! Deeeeelectable!!! :9 :9 :9

Angie, SEE I knew you would do it! Yep they are yummy:) Way to go and good for you. You deserved it.


ETA i wonder if bobbie got one and Dallas was going to as well I think.
LOL! That is some title!

Well, so far for me: no salt, no sweets, no junk food, plenty of water... AND.... no smokes. We are heading out to a birthday party after dinner...if the cake looks good I may attack it!

No salty snacks for me today. Since I am on restricted caffeine as I taper down, I felt I did rather good today at Barnie's. I love Barnie's iced coffees!!. I ordered a decaf, skinny hazelnut iced coffee, hold the whipped cream please.... It was very good.
Sorry!!! I haven't been around much today.

Okay, I had one cookie, but that's okay, because my no sweets challenge is done, I'm just cutting back now. No salt, no junk food and I'm almost at my water limit.

Oh, and I got on the scale this morning, evening though I swore I wasn't going to until the PMS bloat was done, and I've lost my last 3 lbs!!! Of course, seeing that made me want to lose 5 more:p
No sweets or junk food here today. I bought a bunch of fruit and cut it all up and put it in a big container. The pineapple is to die for and the watermelon is even better! Now we can all have healthy snacks for a few days.

Had some "light" chips (only one serving, 10 chips) I will remember not to do this tomorrow.

I really need to work on the water!! I think that I have only had 3 glasses of water today! How do you keep track and make sure you drink enough?
So far so good here too. Salt doesn't entice me and I am keeping with the no sweets/less sweets.

One trick I use for my water intake is to always drink 32oz of water during my workout and another 32oz in the evening between dinner and bedtime. The other 32oz I fit in during the day. I have been doing this for a long time and it not hard to do at all.

Well I haven't done very good on the sweets, salt,or junk. I figure its not going to do much good with going on vacation. I will be full force when I get back.

Shelley you deserve that cookie, you did great on the challenge.

Infact everyone should give theirselves a pat on the back!

Awww, crap. x( I totally forgot about all of this.

Let's see: waffle fries from Chik Fil'a (or however you want to spell it), a slim fast snack bar, not nearly enough water, etc.

I might as well go pour salt on a donut and eat it without water to wash it down at this rate.

I rarely use salt when I cook and buy unsalted canned ggods when I can and it's gotten so that I have a hard time eating out since everthing is so salty. I have had no sweets, little salt, no junk food and I just went and got some water. :)
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what it is you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver
Since my previous post today when I said no salty snacks, well I guess it had to be "so far". The dinner choice tonight was Mexican. I cannot, CANNOT go to a Mexican restaurant and not eat the tortilla chips. It just can't be done. I limited myself to a serving which is 12 chips which way below the whole basket I am usually able to put away myself. July 2nd, second day of the challenge, and I have already cheated.

No more Mexican this month. I will just have to stay away.
Well, after the 8 inch philly cheese steak sub for breakfast, and the chips and guacamole for snack... and i definatly didn't have enough water because i was too full all day to drink much. x(

I think i'll try again tomorrow. My one exception is eggs. I HAVE to have salt on my eggs. But that's it :)

This is gonna be tough! haha

Two days of No Sweets and all is well. PMS is starting to creep up on me...but I am determined to be strong! I'm using sugar free bubble gum to zap any sweets cravings. By the end of the month I will have jaws of steel. :p

Hi Lunacat,

I think that we're allowed 1 day of forgetfulness. Fresh start tomorrow, ok. ;)

Your post made me literally laugh out loud- thank you for that! If I ate a salted donut I'd probably cure any donut cravings I might have lingering in my soul. :p :9

RE: No sweets, salt, junk food, more water Check-in Jul...

>Wait a minute! what is this? i must have missed it
>somehow....what are the rules?

Jes, Shelley started it last month with the "No Sweets Challenge". In the middle of the challenge most of us were noticing that we were eating salty junk food because we couldn't have any sweets so someone suggested to get rid of salty snacks and excess salt for July, but most of us still wanted the no sweets check-ins to continue, others suggested to get rid of all junk food, while others suggested a check-in to make sure that we were drinking enough water (and not soda, juice, etc.) To make everyone happy the "No sweets, salt, junk food, more water Check-in" was created. Let's see how we do with it this month and maybe we'll expand it even more for August.

By the way, Shelley congratulations on the 3lbs. I have lots of inches to lose still haha, but I'm getting there.

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