NO Sound


Now that I have finally received my new DVD's in the mail today, I went to preview them and NONE of them have sound. I put in any of my other 14 Cathe DVD's I already own, and there is sound. Has anyone else experienced this problem with their new DVD's????

After waiting so long to get them, I was hoping and praying that there would be no skipping or freezing....but no sound. ;(

I have a JVC XV-S30 DVD player. If there is anyone who might have some ideas on how to solve this, please feel free to chime in. Or it just might be these DVD's. I don't know.

Thanks in advance everyone!
Sherri, my new dvds didn't have any sound as well until I played around with the audio options in my dvd. Two options (I forget now what those were) worked and now I have sound, which is very good, I have to say. My dvd is a really old one, about 8 years old, so you may have more options than I have.

I had the same problem when I went to preview the DVDs on my living room DVD player. Unfortunately I don't have any suggestions on what to do because I then went up to my exercise room and it played fine there. It must be the audio setting as the previous poster said.

BTW - WAY TO GO on your weight loss!! Great job!
Thanks for the suggestion Pinky! I went and got my JVC owner's manual out and looked into different audio options and guess what? I changed a selection on the digital audio output section and it works!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yahoo!!!!

Kristi, I bet it's the same for you on your living room DVD player.

Again, thank you so much for the suggestion. Now I can enjoy my new DVD's! I am so excited!!!


PS - Thanks Kristi for the compliment. Good luck on your half marathon in April!!!

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