new video suggestions


I haven't read anyone's suggestions just popped on to chime in on a few video ideas! I'd love to see a HIIT mini series done for 4 tapes! One would be a high rep light weight training focusing on all muscle groups. Another would be an "all step" tape like rythmic step! Have to have that fun grand finale on the end and putting it all together :) The third would be a stability ball workout focusing on using the ball with cardio for 20 mins then toning for 20 mins with weights then 20 minutes with pilates on the ball with some yoga moves to cool down and stretch! The 4th would be a no equipment needed video and a bit longer focusing on 30-45 mins cardio of intense kickboxing( w/ jump rope and drills) standing and floor ab work, navy seals training using the body as resistance only, and good old fashioned floor work! (this video will come in handy when on vacation and will also test our performance level!) I also have a suggestion for a 5th video or a future video--don't laugh :)---------------------------------------------------------a slide video :) I just don't understand how the slide never stayed popular--that is such an adrenaline pumping workout that really focuses on the lower body! If any one can bring it back to life and make it popular, it will be the one and only CATHE! It would be XTREME TRAINING on the slide with her instructing:) Thanks for taking our suggestions into considerations!:*
Intro to cathe

I just read your video idea formats--I know should of read them before I posted here:p Your ideas sound wonderful! The only one that stumped me was the Intro to cathe tape--maybe it was because I read intermediate to advanced level-can't grab that concept of ever putting your name in the same sentence as intermediate}( You are the Queen bee of high intensity and advanced level workouts-please stay there! No One does it better! You are consistently putting out challenging tapes and never disappoint us. We are growing with you and always look forward to your next challenge you bring on! If you feel that an intro is needed, can't you do a section at the end of the workout for people to fast forward to use to get familiar with your moves? This way the workout is smooth flowing and everyone can get there kinks out at there own pace! My vote is stay advanced and throw them to the wolves}( I say this because I have two left feet and my first step workout tape from you was POWERMAX. It took me a while to get it down pat, but after 3 weeks of practice I got it down, found my step groove and learned most of your moves from that tape! You are such an AMAZING cuing instructor, you make step soo much fun and doable! I'd be all over that step if it weren't for just listening to you---you are always soo on time!( Instead of an intro to cathe go for the SLIDE suggestion :p)
RE: Intro to cathe

I agree I want her to stay intense this is one tape I probaly wouldn't buy.I love her tapes and know some people are beginners.But I am selfish and want her to stay the way she is.}(

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