NEVER in my wildest dreams . . . . .


Did I think, when I preordered back in July, that my hardcores would come in ON MY BIRTHDAY! Who knew the best present I'd get would be from ME???! Perfect timing S'nM!
Valerie ~
Happy Birthday! Receiving your Hardcores on your special day is HOT!
You lucky lady! Enjoy!
~ Kim
Valerie! Too funny! I got my shipment yesterday...ON MY BIRTHDAY TOO! I thoughtt he exact same thing. "the best present I got was from ME".

Happy Birthday to you!

Valerie and Gayle...

Happiest birthday to you both!! Mine are supposed to arrive tomorrow......on my DD 4th Birthday. She does ask me often to call her in when Cathe is doing abs or the cool down so that she can workout with me. She usually has on a tumbling outfit and joins right in with me. She even has her own mat she likes to lay on. It's a really sweet time.:)

Happy Birthday Valerie. You share a birthday with my sister who also got this series for her birthday:)

I hope you had a wonderful day!!!

Birthday wishes of content to Gayle, Vlaerie and sister of Cathe!!!
AKA "Likes2bfit"
Happy Birthday to you. I placed the order on my birthday and a month later I'll be able to work out to one of the HC dvds. Let us know how ya do.:)

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