Need help with High Step DVD


Hello from Alaska,

I have been lurking on these boards for about a year. That is when I found Cathe and her awesome DVD's! I have worked out for close to 23 years now and have not seen as much improvement in my body as I have in the last year with Cathe. She is so awesome!

My question is: I bought a High Step recently and along with Muscle Endurance, which I love. I am not thinking of adding to my library of Cathe DVDs and want to know which one you would suggest. I can only get one right now, but plan to get both. Would you all get High Step Challenge or High Step Circuit first??? I have Cathe's Hardcore Exteme with Interval Circuit (incorporating her High Step Challenge) already in it.

Thank you so much for your advice in advance.

high step circuit is more of a beginner/intermediate workout. high step challenge and high step training are more of the advanced level. i have high step challenge but have not done it yet(just got it) but both are a little more high impact and go heavier on the weights for all exercises. where high step circuit is pretty low impact and using lighter weights and tubing.while you can add heavier weights to high step circuit to make it harder, there is still a big differenc between all the workouts.

have you watched the clips??? b/c if you can you will see a difference


"And do what thee wilt as long as ye harm none"
I like HSTA (which you didn't mention...any reason?) better than HSCh. They both have a 'boot camp' feel to them, but HSCh seems a bit more disorganized, and is a bit less intense. The one thing I didn't like about HSTA is that the music changes speed, and it's so obvious that it does so because someone is turning a knob (that is, a very awkward transition). But

I did HSTA yesterday, and the music changes didn't really annnoy me any more. It has some interesting moves that are not in other Cathe workouts, and it's great for the short attention span I have in summer because you do each exercise once, then move on to something else. It also hits each body part very nicely (but with a series of different exercises, which is a nice change from Cathe's usual 3 straight sets of one exercise with rest in between).
I agree with Kathryn and also recommend HSTA- I don't notice the music changes any more, it was just strange the first time I did it. This is a great workout and I always feel envigorated after I do it!

I did mean to type High Step Training, not High Step Circuit. I think I had a moment there. ;) Thanks so much for your opinions so far. I think I have made my decision!


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