Need help with BTR


Active Member
I just got my BTR that I ordered from EBay. It looks like new but there no directions on how to put it together and no guide on how to use it. I got it put together fine but my questions are:

How do you judge how close far to put the foot piece away from you? I'm about 5'7" and I'm not sure how bent my knees are supposed to be.
I have no clue as to the different exercises you can use it for other than the leg press type one. How do you use yours?

For those of you who use or have used one any and all help and advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks so much,
Hi Carolyn!

Wow, that was fast! Glad it got to you safe & sound! I am headed out right now for the whole evening and we have a pretty busy day planned tomorrow, but in the next two days, I will be happy to make copies of my book for you. It shows how to position the BTR and also all the different moves. I can either send it to you or fax it to you, which ever you prefer. Just let me know. Click on my E-mail icon or PM and you can send me your address or fax number. I'll try to check back here ASAP! Sooo glad you got one. You are in for a treat! :7
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Hi Carolyn!

Thanks so much Debbie. My fax at work is 561-833-8262. I really appreciate you doing this, you're an angel

Carolyn Smith
Me again!

The link Jane gave you is good. It does leave out the Slalom move. You turn both feet to the right on the plate and then after completing reps, turn them to the left. I found out I cannot fax from my home as it will not accept a book. Hubby told me to stop by his work tonight and we can do it there. Sooo, hopefully, you wil have it late tonight or early tomorrow! Let me know when it arrives!(I did not see a copyright on the booklet.)
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Okay...

I got it. Thanks a bunch. It really helps and thanks for the workouts too. I think I'm going to really like this. My dog was afraid of it maybe this means she'll leave me alone when I use it, any exercises I do within two feet of the ground she's all over me. I figure who needs to use a green genie when you do crunches when you have a dog on your stomach.

I really appreciate your help Debbie, thanks again.

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