My suggestions...


I would also like another CTX series although this time would it be possible to mix up the intensity?

I would love a pilates DVD from you - you have a ton of step vids and weight-lifting vids but no pilates yet...I think you would be a wonderful teacher.

Please incorporate the stability ball in your next series - I bought the ball and would like the oportunity to use it more.

In the past I've seen a lot of requests for a pregnancy workout and also requests for a beginner workout. Perhaps you could design a workout at a slower BPM with fewer turns that would be safe for pregnant women and also good for those just starting out with your vids. Perhaps have a pregnant woman as a background exerciser.

I also would like to put my vote in for a RS2 and a CK2.

Now, that isn't too much to ask, is it!

:7 :7

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