My sad/funny little Hardcore story


I got mine yesterday, as promised, but because it also happened to be my partner/best friend's 50th birthday, I had to just let them SIT IN THE BOXXXX!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH It was awful. I just tried not to think about it. So, this morning, I took the day off to enjoy a Cathe day. Do I suck? Well, I guess so. Anyway, I watched Kick Max. Looks wonderful, and I can't wait to try it.

Next, I decided to preview Imax3 since today is a cardio day for me. As I was ripping off the plastic, I got so enthusiastic, I somehow got the point of my knife under the wrapper for the actual DVD and peeled that off too!!! It did feel kinda tough, but Cathe has made my arms and hands so strong, dontcha know, that I didn't notice. So the entire label came off! A black box with a DVD in it is all I have now. More WAAAAAAH! I hadn't even watched it yet and already I messed it up. Well, I scotch taped the paper part back on while I previewed IMax3. It looks really really fun, great, wonderful. Can't wait.

What I plan to do is the cardio from Step and Intervals, just to make sure I get a workout and then just muddle along and try Imax3, learning the routines, and not putting too much oomph and intensity into the intervals my first time around. Then I'll do a Stretch Max, without previewing it. That's my plan for Cathe day, and I'll probably preview something else too. I'm so curious about LowMax and High Step Challenge.
Boo! Hiss! :p
Put those arms away, before they hurt someone! :)
Or at least the knife, ha ha.

My dvds are due in on Fri, and I am bummed because I was diagnosed with Pneumonia yesterday! Oh well, at least I can preview. I actually don't feel all that sick...I did SH Bis and tris two days ago. The doc said "That's why they call it walking pneumonia!"

Oh my Lianne! I feel for you. I'd be devasted if my label came off. I am one who tries to take care of them. I even get upset if I lend a book out and it comes back a bit tattered! But, no one better EVER ruin one of my Cathe labels! Ha! I am just having the time of my life previewing these workouts. (Something I never do.) Guess I best get at it and do one, eh? Have FUN!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
I hate when things like that happened.I was cleaning my room one day and I put a mirror on top of my new comforter.When I went to take the mirror off, a nail ripped right through my comforter.My heart sank! I hate when things like that happen to new items.But the pain heals!:)

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