My favorite Cathe workout and least favorite


Active Member
I love, love, love the Step Blast DVD. the music is so awesome and so are the moves. I ordered the step, jump and pump+step blast. the step, jump, and pump is good too. In the same order I got the the classics vol 1 also. I have to say, I don't see myself doing that one again. It probably won't ever see my DVD player again after doing each of those 3 workouts once each. The music is absolutely the worse and very dated. Although, I can't imagine ever liking any of that music to workout, especially the music on the first workout during the warmup. Its kind of painful. Oh well, whats one bad choice. the step blast makes up for it.
Favorite for weights...Muscle Max

Favorite for cardio...KPC

Favorite for circuit...Drill Max

Least favorite...Basic Step still frustrates me, not as much as when I first committed to learning it, so that's a good sign.
Favorites = KPC and Muscle Max (in that order)
Least favorite = Imax2 (I gave step one last try with this, but step is just not for me).
Favorites: KPC, Rythmic Step and Muscle Max

Least Favorite: Kick Max although when I just do the leg conditioning part I'm okay, (and actually that's the only way I use this workout now) as a whole I don't like this workout -- it pales next to KPC
Faves: Step Blast, Rhythmic Step, Step from C&W, IMAX2

Least Faves: High Step Training, High Step Challenge
I actually like all of them except for Cardio Kicks and Circuit Max. For whatever reason those two never clicked with me.
I really love the weight work for bi's and tri's and chest and back 4DS - the music and Cathe's comments make me laugh through the pain and I love the pumped feeling in the muscles after those workouts.
For cardio...difficult decision- I look forward to the 4DS kickbox, Step Blast (just the right amount of steady state and interval at the end) and I like High Intensity step from 4DS - especially the second combo and blast.
Now for the dislikes - I do not "hate" anything Cathe does - but I don't like the stop/start of Bootcamp (original) and Butts and Guts has a tough dread factor for me - but I do it anyway!
Favorites: 4DS Series, Stretch Max, Core Max, Basic Step, Supersets/Push Pull
Least Favorite: Ugh, the orginal Bootcamp! Love the bootcamp in 4DS MUCH MUCH MUCH more!!
Favorite cardio - Rhythmic Step
Favorite strength series - Gym Styles
Favorite total body workout - Muscle Max
favorites for each category:
cardio: KPC
strength: tough one, maybe GS BSB
lower body: Legs and Glutes, not her toughest but it has a fun factor

least favorites, which I promptly departed with:
Kick Max
Push Pull/Supersets
Cardio Kicks/Circuit Max
My favorite strength is 4DS, but it's a tough call because my favorite changes depending on what I'm in the mood for. Supersets & Push Pull is really fantastic, too, and Power Hour is a sentimental favorite.

My least favorite is cardio -- all of it (not because the cardio isn't good, it's because I'm not good at executing the choreography). :eek:
Least Faves: High Step Training, High Step Challenge

I feel the same way, for some reason these two just don't do anything for me. I think I'm going to concertedly put them in my rotation for the next month and see if I feel differently at the end of it. Let's hope so...:confused:
My all time favorite is Imax 2, current favorite is LIC.
My least favorite is Imax 3. Too high impact for me.
favs: kpc, imax 2 and lic
least favs: mic and kickmax, I had cardio kicks and circuit max and got rid of it.

Everything else kind of falls in the middle depending on my mood.


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