Mommas to Be-Week of Nov. 8th Check-In


Hi Ladies,
I hope we can do a weekly check-in to catch each other up to what's going on, keep track of our workouts, get and share motivation and whatever else and basically give each other support. I've done this during my last two pregnancies, and it was really awesome! So, please, please, if you are expecting, please check-in!
I am up early, getting ready for work. I am a first grade teacher. I am 35, and I have two boys (ages 2 and 5). I love to workout, and I recently bought a kettlebell workout that I love. Tonight, I plan to do a Cathe Kickbox workout-not sure which one yet. I'm still quite nauseous, but not as bad as on the weekend. How is everyone else doing???
Have a great day (and week)!
p.s. I am 7 weeks pregnant as of last Friday.
Hi Jen,

I don't know if you remember me, I did the pg checkin with you last time around. I am not pg but just wanted to say hi and congratulations!

Hey Jaypea and all you lurking mamas-to-be and wanna-be mamas-to-be!

I am 36 weeks pregnant and still working out to a hybrid of many cardio and weight workouts (incl. Cathe, Amy Bento, and Chalene Johnson). I recently bought TurboFire and have been previewing the videos in anticipation of tackling them after I deliver! I couldn't help myself though, and tried Fire30 this weekend and it was a lot of fun.

I have found it pretty easy to workout through my pregnancy (my first), although I was pretty nauseous for the first three months! I do a lot of Cathe premixes and find it easy to modify step and kickboxing workouts. I have trimmed my weight workouts down to mostly 10s, 12s and 8s since I'm finding it more and more difficult to lift heavy weight.

I think exercising has managed to keep me sane during the pregnancy and of course, my weight has not increased dramatically (about 30 or so pounds). The real test will be in delivery!
Hi ageleg,
Congrats on your pregnancy! You're so close!!! Is this your first baby? Are you ready to finally meet this baby? Wow-you give me such great motivation to workout. I want Turbofire and Cathe's new workouts SO bad. For the meantime, I have my tried and true Cathe's and some others. I am sure your delivery will be easier due to the fact that you exercised throughout your pregnancy. Do you know what you are having?
Hi Ladies,

I am now 31 weeks along. I have been having contractions for about 4 weeks. They started one night feeling like menstrual cramps way down by the cervix and they were 5 minutes apart. I had no idea what it was. I thought contractions would hurt all over my stomach. It was a misearable night but I did get some sleep. I had a regular doc appt the next day so I had to stay in the hospital one night and then bed rest for a week. Now I can work and stand to teach my classes but very limited activity at home. Still have contractions but I can not feel them. Also on medication. Sooooo I have not been working out at all.

Other than heartburn, constipation and contractions things are going well.

Jen - congratulations on your third. This is my first and I think last. I am 38 and not sure I want to be pregnant again. I remember 7 weeks and I was still in the "pregnant - really?" stage.

Ageleg - is this your first? Wow you could have a baby any day now.

Good luck ladies. Can post any my workouts other than going to the bathroom and the fridge..........

Hello Jen, Ageleg and Winter,

My name is Melanie I am 36 and 22 weeks pregnant! We are having a boy!

I have been around the message boards previously, I have had two miscarriages (one singleton 2/09 and twins 10/09). So up until now, I have been on the down low so to speak. In the beginning, I took a daily aspirin and progesterone until 10 weeks, now only aspirin. Don't know what worked but something did and I am so blessed and grateful to God for this little boy : )

Other than nausea in the first trimester (no vomiting, yea!) and unusual breast changes (long story and 6 doctors later w/o a clue) this has been a wonderful pregnancy. I love feeling him move and kick around, so awesome.

I am still working out, but certainly modified. I do a combo of Cathe workouts and classes at my local YMCA, mostly spinning. Yesterday I did step moves but only on the platform. I feel uncomfortable doing too much bouncing.

Looking forward to getting to know ya'll.
Hi Winter and Mel,
Winter-Scary stuff to have to go through. Thank goodness that you are o.k.

Mel-Congrats to you too! I have two boys, and they are devils. They are also very fun;). Everyone keeps asking me, "So, are you hoping for a girl?" It's getting annoying...I just want a healthy baby. Spinning is such a great idea. I plan to sign up at the local gym when their winter class schedule comes out. I never thought of that.

I am just about 8 weeks along now. My dr. appt is next Tuesday to check/confirm everything. I am still very nauseous. For supper today, I was only interested in eating apples with peanut butter and milk. My neighbor had a purse party, and she had cheese. I LOVE cheese, but not tonight:(. This too shall pass!

I didn't exercise in two days, but I plan to do the kettlebell workout I bought tomorrow.

Did any of you have pregnancy migraines/headaches? I never had them with my previous pregnancies, but I got a migraine on Monday night. Then, Tuesday it was a dull headache. Wednesday it was a bad headache, and now I feel fine. This pregnancy is kicking my butt. Hopefully that means, the baby will be an angel;).

Oh, talking about strange things...I wake up each night right around 3 a.m. I go pee, then it takes me till about 4 to fall back asleep. This started when I found out I was pregnant. Anything strange going on with you too?

Take care!
Hey Jen,

I have found w/spin class, I am at the point where it is uncomfortable to lean to far over (belly and back), I just make sure the handlebars are up fairly high. For me it is a great workout b/c I can adjust the tension depending on how I am feeling and no bouncing.

For a while I was living off cereal, 2 bowls a day. Nothing else sounded good. But now, I am able to eat more, I am grazing all day. I have a hard time eating a large meal, which is good for portion control. I still eat a lot of cereal especially when at work ( I work 24 hr shifts), it helps me to eat better while working.

I know what you mean about boy/girl. We just want a healthy baby, the sex is really no big deal to us. Either gender has good and not so perfect points....I am thinking of myself when I was a hormonal teenager, yikes! I am up for the good and bad.
Late reply

...Ageleg - is this your first? Wow you could have a baby any day now.

Good luck ladies. Can post any my workouts other than going to the bathroom and the fridge..........


Hi Winter; hope you are feeling better. Yes, this is my first child (girl) and am looking to 'spitting' her out anyday now! hahah. It's funny because I feel like a whale for most of the day until I put on my exercise clothes and start working out. Then, I feel almost 'normal.' LOL. My body feels comfortable sweating, I think, so I try to give it what it needs! Can't wait until I can jump and hop again though.

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