Low Carbers & Friends - April to ?, 2013


Wow - we actually got to 7 pages in 3 months ;). So... I thought I'd do a new thread and see where it goes.

Happy Easter, all :cool:!
Lita, thanks for the new thread! We needed some spring cleaning around here!

Today was a sunny day, yea! It was in the 50s as well. We had a snow storm last Monday, but it was spring break for my son and DH got that nasty cold, so he took the day off work. I teetered on that cold, too, felt drained. I still feel that I have it, but am functioning throughout the day. Trying to take naps and take it easy when possible. DH got hit a lot worse than I did.

Lita, I am finishing up the 90 rotation too. I was thinking I was behind, but maybe only a few days. There's just a few workouts left, so may finish up next week, but I started in January, so that seems to be on target. I was doing the burn set workout today and thought to myself how much I like this series. I really like that booklet that goes with it too and all the options. I have had to modify a few things, but I do feel that I got stronger using it. And it doesn't have the mental fatigue of those long workouts.

Rhea and Tracy, I hope you are feeling better. This cold stinks!

So my class is psych nursing and I don't care for it. I am having a hard time wanting to read all the stuff. April 30 is the final, so it will go by quickly.

Happy Easter!
Hi babes! Thank you for starting a new thread Lita! 7 pages is a lot of posting! :D

It's Friday and 2 weeks since I came down with that @$#&^*! cold that I gave to Rhea and now, to you and your DH Melinda! :eek: I am sorry!! I'm still not quite over it, but it's down to a dry cough now. Grrr.

Rhea, I know that itch too! Strength workouts only till you're better! I had too many things going on to attempt any workouts when I was at my worst so that saved me from trying. I had one paralegal out for an entire week so I had to step in for a trial when I was still sick (we just read transcripts into the record with my new job, crazy, huh?) and I wasn't sure how I was going to get through that. I brought 2 packs of kleenex and hoped for the best. I walked into court and my attorney said, "We just settled it." Whew! I went home and went to bed. :)

Melinda, I can take that class for you if you'd like. I like psych stuff. Call me weird!

Did Cathe's upper body work from MM yesterday and premix 8 from X-Train Legs today. Love getting into the swing of working out again, like you babes are doing (before you got sick Rhea!)

And yes Lita, I would like to know why I got tennis elbow and lat problems sitting at my desk when everyone else gets hand and wrist problems! Geez! :mad: Bet it's 'cause I'm so short. :p

Happy Easter babes!!
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Hi girls,

I'm part of the Fat Loss check in but am interested in cutting back on my carbs :) Mind if I join in on your check in? Or are we supposed to just stick to 1 check in?
Happy Easter, all!

Melinda - I thought the same thing about this new series! I was able to go up in weights during the rotation and the shorter workouts left me more energized than drained :). Sorry you don't like the current class - hopefully it will go by as fast as all the others seem to have ;). Please continue to be kind to yourself - you don't want to get worse or let it drag on like it seems to be doing with many people this season!

Tracy - Hope you can soon kick the last of that cold! I'm sure all the manic moving and all hasn't helped :confused:. Being short probably is the reason for it all ;). Kinda like me getting weak bones when I have exercised well over a decade and walk several miles each week :rolleyes:. Go figure :p!

Candiceena - You are welcome here :). There is no limit on how many threads you post on. It's more a matter of how many you can keep track of :p. Any specific plan you have in mind when it comes to cutting back on the carbs?
So, it takes me a while to realize that the thread had changed. Cold must have got to me better than I thought. Yep, this is a stinker of a cold....just doesn't want to leave you. Hops around the body with different little symptoms. Think it is gone one hour and the next, back . Very frustrating!

So no workouts this weekend. Lots of rest, and just doing what I want. Weather was great for that too....raining/snainy (tried to snow, but didn't stick very well....thank goodness) I could probably use a week of that type of activity.

Hope every has a great Monday!!!
Rhea - Sounds like the perfect way to spend last week :cool:! Sounds like you may need to do that this week, too ;). 'Course, by now you've probably already jumped into workouts and overdone it all over again :p!
Hi babes! Hee hee Lita! You are probably right about Rhea overdoing it. :) Rhea, was she right?

We had an exceptionally gorgeous weekend last weekend and the farther south you went, the worse the weather. Weird! Anyhoo, the weather made everyone go outside, including me, DH and BB. And what does that mean? It means we got no farther on getting the house in order! :eek:

This weekend is icky rain so I'm hoping we'll get alot done inside!

So, one of BB's friends at daycare, a french bulldog named Sugar, is getting a surprise birthday party at the daycare next Weds. BB only goes on Fridays but I was told that Sugar loves BB so I said he'd be there. DH said, "I never thought that my life would revolve around my dog going to a birthday party!" I asked, and was told we don't need to bring a gift. :p

I got 5 workouts in this week--yippee!! Can't remember the last time that happened! Did Hard Strikes, X-Train discs 1 and 2 for upper body, Lower Body Tri-Sets and Super Cuts today. I need a bigger fan in my little workout room at the office. My tiny one is not cutting it. :confused:

Have an awesome weekend babes!
Nope, I've been nice and lazy, haven't even started a workout yet! This cold or whatever, has been taking its time to completely leave. The cloudy, rainy weather hasn't helped much.

I'll probably start up something tomorrow. Today is usually a long day at work, so no workout planned for tonight.
Tracy - My gosh, your dog has a more active social life than *I* do :D! Way to go on those workouts :cool:! As for not staying in and settling the house more, your home will be htere for many years to come :). The nice weather, on the other hand, isn't guaranteed to last ;).

Rhea - I am so proud of you for resting :D :D :D! EASE your way back into it, okay ;)?
Lita - I think BB has a more active social life than all of us put together!

I've been a good girl and only have done one workout and that was just a 16 minute bout on the treadclimber yesterday. but of course, this morning, I wake up with sinus stuff again!!! I'm going to wait for a while and see if my darn body can get rid of it by itself. I don't want more antibiotics and I deon't know if they were really working last time. I didn't "get better" after about three days, so I'm going to take my allergy meds (since suddenly it is warm and things are sprouting!) and see. I'm going to do some strength stuff too. I'm just tired of the aches ....maybe I'm detoxing.....yeah, that's it. (I've been much lower carb and lots more veggies this week, so could be part of the just not perfect feeling this am. I felt great last night....:p :~ )
Rhea - I am so very proud of you :cool:! I do think strength is better at this point - but I tend to always think that :p. Detoxing very well could be part of it, along with those blasted sinuses :mad:! You weren't by chance feeling great last night because of upping the "grape" intake, were you ;)?
Hahaha! Nope, normally that would have been a great guess, but I'm off the wine because it aggrevates my food intolerances. Err. Plus, I'm tired of the acid reflux from it too. :( Funny, I'm feeling better again today. Weird. I'm just playing it day by day.
Rhea - Acid reflux is raunchy :mad:! Chocolate & coffee get me - but I just try to eat lots of other things along with to keep the reflux at bay :p ;)! I am so glad you're feeling better today - fingers crossed it lasts this time :D!!!
Hey ladies!

Well, this past week has been pure hell. My entire family EXCEPT DH came down with a nasty bug that involved throwing up and very extreme diarrhea. We believe it came from visiting my 4 year old niece's bday party about 10 days prior. The actual sickness lasted 24 hours, then we were just extremely weak. We had to put my dad in the hospital to get rehydrated, his diarrhea was so bad. My kids, parents, brother and his wife all got it. My niece had been around another child that had it and there you go. I saw on FB my friend works at a long term care facility and about half the residents have it. On top of that, I had to take a test for my class, I seriously didn't think I would be able to make it, but I did. And I had to work extremely long days after that and travel all around Ohio doing screenings. I went to clinical today, then came home and took a nap. I will just sleep in Sunday, I basically need to rest to get my energy back up, other than that I am fine.
I have not been sick like that in years.

On the bright side, I now have 2 weeks left of this class, then the summer off.

So, Tracy, BB has a good life for sure. I have not been to a birthday party (except for my niece as mentioned above) in a long time. I'll bet he had more fun! And I agree with Lita, doing things outside when it's warm is a better choice than staying inside and working. Save that for the rainy days.

Lita, I will also eat foods that cause me stomach or headache issues with foods that don't and that seems to help like you said.

Rhea, have you ever tried a nettie pot for your sinuses. I have one and sometimes it helps. Ohio is awful for allergies and I've known people to say it can help with sinus issues.

Hope you're all having a good weekend.
Melinda - Oh how awful :(! I am so glad you're feeling better! Wow - just two weeks left :eek:? Talk about time flying by! 'Course, I'm sure it didn't feel that way to you ;).
Man Melinda, sounds like you got hit hard! So glad that everyone is getting better. School is almost out huh? I do not miss school, that is for sure.

Well, Lita - I still haven't worked out! I did a little treadclimber about two weeks ago and didn't feel great the next day, so that has been my excuse and I'm sticking to it!! Now, yesterday I did move/shovel about 1/3 of ten yards of dirt. Only about 30 minutes and I had to stop because my back was starting to cramp up....shoveling and turning to throw the dirt. I really am getting the itch to workout though. I'm thinking of this weekend and putting together some sort of rotation. Do you know if there is somewhere on the site that has all the dvds with their time length, muscles worked etc? I didn't want to haul all of the dvds to the office. But I might have to....either that or get the rotation done while I'm at home....hahahahahahaha!
Rhea - I am so proud of you :D! Hmmm... not sure if all that stuff is amassed in one place or not :confused:. The newest catalogue has most of that, but not muscles worked. I don't think I've seen anything that extensive. But then again, I am easily confused :p! Good luck ;)!
Hi babes! I'm sorry I've been a bit MIA, working on the house alot but still not done. I'd be OK with that if no one was planning to come over but I have a freind coming over on Tues. I've already warned her of the disaray!

Melinda, I'm so sorry you and your family got so sick!! :( I got that sick once from food poisoning and hope it never happens again! 2 weeks of school will be over before you know it--yippee! You deserve a relaxing summer!!!!:D

How are you feeling now Rhea? I'm glad I was wrong about you overdoing it. :) We're in full allergy swing here and I'm glad it's too cold to open the windows.

Lita, what rotation are you doing now? My modifications continue for my shoulder but other than that, I'm getting it done! I still have no workout room set up yet so I just take BB out for a walk or run after I get home.

Well, unless I'm too tired. Not sleeping too well these days but not ready to get an Rx for it.

Have a wonderful, healthy week babes!
Tracy - Glad you could pop in :cool:! Hopefully once you get more settled in all will get back to normal and you'll get to sleep at night :). Right now I'm doing the XT/LI rotation along with all my PT exercises.

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