Low Carbers and Friends - Sept & Oct 2013

Happy Birthday, Lita! Yellowstone sounds so nice, I hope I can go there some day. I'm sure I will! DH wants to take a camper trip across the US for our 25th anniversary, so in 4 years. I can swing by and see you!

So 1 week in school so far, of course they dump 1/3 of the assignments the first week. Plus there computer training that needs to be done before clinical, that's about 4-6 hours. Tomorrow is the first day of clinical. I am going Sat/Sun. I will be finished with that the end of Oct. I'm of course nervous as usual. I'm a worry wort, if you all didn't know that ;)

Looking forward to having Monday off!!! We are going to an ox roast, will be our first time.

So weather wise, it's been hot and humid. Was in the 90s today. I've also been traveling around Ohio for work this month. I've driven 1500 miles. Will be mostly local in Sept and Oct. Can't keep that up, it's all driving, and in my dinky car, so not comfy either.

Tracy, I hope your allergies are getting better.

Rhea, hope you're doing well.

Everyone enjoy this Labor Day weekend!
Hi babes! Thank you for starting the new thread Lita!

I'm so glad you had the best day at Yellowstone Lita!! I went there with DH more than 10 years ago and absolutely loved it. I've never been to a place that has every type of geology in one park. Melinda, you'll love it. I need to get back there--and see you too Lita!!

Wow! They've got you off and running with both school and work Melinda, yikes! I know you will do well! Seriously, worriers always do well because they are too worried not to so they study hard. :D

We're supposed to get to 80 this weekend which is much better than what we had yesterday. For the first time since I've lived in the NW, we got an inch of rain in 20 minutes. Local flooding galore!

I'm sorry it's been so humid for you Lita! :(

Did Pure Strength this week, my legs were shaking along with Cathe today so I'm hoping I walk without pain tomorrow!

Rhea? Rhea, are you there? Please tell us how you are doing!

Have a great long weekend fit babes!
Melinda - That sounds like a marvelous plan for your 25th! And if on your trip you'd get the chance to stop by, I'd love it :D! I'm w/ Tracy - I know you're on top of it all because you ARE a worry wort :)! That's nasty weather to be traveling in! Hope it's gotten a bit cooler for you. You don't need to be stress AND hot at the same time :p! Say - how was that ox roast?

Tracy - I'd love it if you came to see the Park again and got to visit while you were here, too :cool:! Wow - that's a lot of rain in such a short time :eek:!!! Hope your new home stayed nice and dry!

Rhea - Come out, come out, wherever you are ;)!
Wow, a new thread and everything! I've been here, but for some reason I haven't been getting notices about new posts, so haven't been checking...guess I had better just push the app button and check more often. LOL

I've been doing good with the exercise, not so good with the clean food. M&Ms keep popping in my mouth...well, that and wine. But the BFFM challenge is almost over, probably not much change in my composition, but it is steadily getting better. Plus, this reverse puberty thing is a hassle. Body just likes to keep its fat stores....

I've been doing XTrain in the wee hours of the morning. I love this series. I'm starting to take advantage of the premixes for the longer ones. Just don't have 70 minutes in the morning, well, usually that is the leg workout and I don't have the muscle endurance for all that work either. I do rather like being able to sit and walk the next day. :)

Okay, back to work.....
Rhea - So glad to "see" you :cool:!!! Darn those M&Ms and wine ;). Reverse puberty - that's too funny! Unfortunately, you're right - the fat stores it brings is NOT a laughing matter :mad:! Glad your challenge is going well - I knew it would :). I think the XT series is definitely one of the better ones! I'm going to go back to it in a couple months - don't want to do it again too soon and OD on it like I sometimes do :eek:....
I am looking forward to the new workouts. I think they are all only about 25 minutes. I love being able to workout in the morning, not that I like getting up, but once I'm going, it is okay. I actually did the first 1-6 round of CLB this morning and managed to not trip over my feet. ;p
Too funny, Rhea! I can do some pretty serious tripping myself :rolleyes:. I agree - getting up for morning workouts is not a hoot - but boy am I glad when I get it out of the way that early in the day :cool:! I didn't realize the new workouts were that short. I like shorter workouts but like with the PS series, I just don't feel I get a good strength workout in that short bit of time :(. I think it's 'cause that series is too fast to really go heavy on...
Hi babes!

Good to see you Rhea! And I so get it with the way M&Ms and wine can jump in your mouth when you're not looking. Happens to me all the time!
I didn't realize the new workouts are shorter either, I'll have to look again at those. But I pre-ordered them all anyway so it doesn't matter if they're short or long. :)

Lita, I've put off doing the XT/LI rotation for a little while because I did feel a little burned out on XT towards the end. Plus the new workouts are going to be shipped soon so I don't want to stop a rotation on the middle of it to try these out. That sounds good, doesn't it? :p

Oh Lita! DH started watching a show on A&E called Longmire. It's a western crime show I think and it takes place in Northern WY. But the film it in New Mexico. Go figure! :rolleyes:

So we got more fun weather yesterday! I hope it doesn't get to you Lita! We got thunderstorms from the east off and on all day long! That is rare here, to get any at all. At night with the lights out , the lightening was seen through every window in the house and we got 3 inches of rain total. Our normal Sept. rainfall is 1/2 an inch. And I live in a (cold) rainforest!

Kudos again to you fit babes doing the morning workouts! This sleepy head still waits till later in the day. :D And that Pure Strength leg workout I did last week? The one where I hoped to be walking OK the next day? Didn't happen. I was sore for days!

Later babes!
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Hi everyone!

Tracy, I'm a late day workout person. Either late afternoon or evening is what I do now. I used to workout super early but don't think I can do it anymore. Boy, that is a lot of rain all at one time!

We have cooled down, it is really nice here now. The best part of the year, in my opinion. The ox roast was ok. The sandwiches were HUGE, and I had worked out, so was hungry. I ate the whole thing. It had to be 6-8 oz meat. I never eat that much meat at one time typically.

Rhea, I like the "reverse puberty". Well, I didn't have a period, then got it last week and you'd have thought I cut my arm off, it was so heavy. It was awful.

Lita, I think you said you didn't get the new series. I didn't either. I may order just a few later on with a discount. I didn't know they were 25 min long, I do like that idea. Really anything that's 45-50 min is ideal for me.

School is in full force, I just keep plugging along.
Tracy - No, you wouldn't want to stop a rotation in the middle ;). Not that you ever get to a new series right away - but I won't tell anyone :p! Longmire, huh? I'll have to check it out! But gosh, if it's based in the NW part of the state, they couldn't get any better scenery than we have here - but I'm sure they have more predictable weather down there. Speaking of which - we had some pretty serious thunderstorms through here - with some spectacular rains, too.

Melinda - Glad you're plugging along :cool:. This cooler weather is my favorite time of year, too :). Nope - didn't get the new series. Way too much impact for my liking.
Hi babes! I didn't see anywhere in Cathe's blog about the length of the new workouts so I was probably not looking in the right place. I am hoing to try to get to this series as quickly as I can when they arrive and won't bother previewing the cardio (unless it includes weights). Hopefully, I can get to them in record time and will give you a full report about them. :D

Lita, I always think you need rain so I'm glad you got it. Not glad you got it through thunderstorms though! We may be in for them again next week. :rolleyes:

We are cooling down a bit here but I am not entirely ready for Summer to leave just yet! Our Summers are pretty short here since we don't get much sun until mid-July.

Glad to see you are plugging along with school Melinda! That means there have been no bad surprises thrown your way!

I met a new employee at work today. She was highered as a lawyer, but it was contingent that she pass the bar exam. She had already taken it, but didn't know if she passed. Talk about stress! That's a terrible place to be in mentally! Well, she got news that she passed the exam, whew! She told me she didn't bring any personal items for her office or anything because she didn't know if she would be staying. I said to her, "Yeah, and you don't even have lights on in your office."

She replied, "Oh, that's because I have a small hangover. I had to drink champagne last night to celebrate!" LOL I certainly couldn't blame her for that!

Have a fun weekend babes!
Tracy, funny story about the co-worker. I know someone I used to work with that also just took the Bar exam and passed. That was 3 long years of hard work!

We are having a bon fire tonight, weather's perfect for it. DH's bday is Monday, but we're celebrating today, gonna roast hot dogs over the fire and we're getting an ice cream cake. Simple, but fun evening.

Have a great week everyone!
Tracy - Did you truly say you were going to do the cardio ones without previewing :eek:???? We DO always need the rain so it was definitely appreciated :D! It actually rained again all day Saturday but no complaints here :cool:. It actually gave me a good excuse to not do the gardening :p. Thunderstorms are way cool - a magnificent reminder that there is a Higher Power out there ;).

Melinda - Hope you had a great weenie roast :)!
Hi babes! It's been a little quiet this week! Well, I'm sure my big mouth can put a stop to that right now! :D

Yep, you read right Lita--I truly won't be previewing the cardio workouts! No need since I won't remember the steps anyway by the time I actually do the workout! I'm anal preview girl when it comes to weight work. :cool: I just get peeved if I try to guess at the weight I should use the first time through because I always get cautious and grab too low of a weight. So I get more bang for my buck by previewing. Although, I didn't preview any of X-Train because of Cathe's handy-dandy book she sent with the series. I thanked her for how much time she saved me! (Especially because I was in the throws of house building at the time.)

I did read that the workouts on the new X10 workout (I think that's what it is called) range from 25 to 29 minutes and pertain to single body parts. The preview runs them altogether though so it seemed like a workout that would kill us all so I am happy that that is not the case. Whew! :)

Hey! I wanna have a weenie roast! But we're banned from any burning until Oct. 15. :mad: Which is really stupid because we've had 3 + inches of rain this month instead of our usual 1/2 inch. I have NOT been pleased with September and am crossing my fingers for a nice October. I hope your celebration of DH's birthday was nice Melinda! Did you have the bon fire at your house?

I think the upcoming change of seasons has caused me to spend too much money online! A new dress and 2 pair of shoes in 2 days. :rolleyes: But I got them all on sale. Not 50% off sale, more like 20 and 30%. Better than nothing but I am going to have to keep DH from finding out--we need to focus on needs for the house, not Tracy's wants. :p

Hope you all have a nice, sunny Fall weekend babes! A soggy weekend is predicted here....
Tracy - I do think shopping is in the air ;). But I HAVE to quit - need to get some work done around the house that's going to wipe me out for some time :(. Oh well - it's only money, right :p?
Yep, its only money and you can't take it with you....right?

Looks like everyone has been good. I just haven't had much time to post, plus the darn app isn't giving me my update notices. that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it...

Been sloughing off of the workouts a bit. Still getting up at the wee crack of dawn, but actually doing weights and then some yoga. I sure hope that most of the new workouts are the short kind. Maybe it was only the X10 that was 25 minutes or so. I think they will ship out by Monday....yippee! What a way to start October. Wow, did I just say October? Eek.
Rhea - So glad to see you :cool:! I know - it's so hard to believe October is right around the corner :eek:! I bet you're soon decorating for Halloween, aren't you ;)?

Melinda - You hanging in there :)?
Well, what a bunch of party poopers ;)! If you were here, *I'd* let you decorate :p! I always get the "honor" of decorating for all occasions (including our year-round tree) but they give me so little to work with :rolleyes:....

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