Lifting like girls

Hi everyone!
Starting to feel a little better today. .. slow and steady, right?

I'm definitely at the point where exercise (within my limits) makes me feel better, which is GREAT!
Doesn't hurt that I continued my boxing binge today with my new FAVORITE accessory, pink boxing gloves!!! I am in love! I didn't know which workout I should use to break them in, so I went with the original pink glove classic: XTrain Hard Strikes. Cardio only + 1 tabata. I paused at different times to do overhead press deload moves, a great fit. I would have done more tabatas but my body gave me the signal that it was time to call it a day. I think I need to rest tomorrow (or do some non-shoulder cardio) but I cannot WAIT to use these puppies in the coming week (and beyond). Any recommendations for workouts to do with gloves?

My weight has stayed steady around 141-142 for the last 1-2 weeks during sickness. I'm pleased I didn't lose progress. Ready for a rest day then I'll kick it up a notch for my next phase of the Juggernaut program.

Justine, what's the other thread that's making you do more cardio (you gotta keep me posted if anything exciting is happening elsewhere on here... ;) my computer minutes are limited these days)?
And who needs broomstick RDLs when you have a parasol? 'Engage your lats, screw your feet into the ground, and stiff upper lip!'

Great work EVERYONE!

Lib, weaker days will always happen... they're just setting the stage for your next PR. ;)

Ok, I hear my formerly napping daughter so must run...
Y'all are awesome.
Justine, I admire your squat depth. It is so tough to go that low, and since I mostly squat with Cathe (that sounds odd when said aloud), I can't get low because she goes too fast. I'm glad I've inspired your inner Cardio Queen, ha! You inspire me with your weights and your adventurous workout spirit. You seem willing to try lots of stuff. I get stuck in ruts. Yes, DD2 is saying "mama" on repeat as I type. She knows it works for pretty much whatever she wants!

Lib, is your STS DVD damaged, hence the skipping? If it's the DVD itself--not the DVD player--contact Customer Service and they'll send you a replacement since you bought it from Shop Cathe. What Roz said--it is normal to have ups and downs with strength, unfortunately. As long as you're giving it your best for any given day, that's all that counts! Good luck powering through those mediations the next few days.

Roz, yay!!! You enjoy those gloves, girl! Can't go wrong with the workout that inspired it all--HS! I like using them on heavy bag routines too, even though I don't have a bag. Another move that they are great with is, surprisingly, burpees. They provide wrist support and make the burpees overall more comfortable. Cathe does this in RK heavy bag section, which is where I got the idea. MOST importantly, I'm soooo glad to hear you're feeling more like your fabulous self and that your long illness didn't derail your other goals. You go, girl!

Tom, gotta love those hotel/motel 'fitness' rooms. Most are definitely lacking in the equipment department. But hey, you made it work and got something in! High fives!

Karen, hey!

Today I did KCM Step Boxing Original + Amy Bento Rumble Heavy Bag, using my boxing gloves for all of it of course. Tomorrow will likely be Thursday's Live AT. Heaven help me!
Oh, hey Commandos, forgot to ask. Does anyone know the band Foreigner? I saw them making the media rounds for a new album. It reminded me that I'm a big fan, even though they're a bit before my time. My DH and I have a joke--if there's a classic rock song on the radio that you know all the words/music to, but don't know for sure who the band is, it is probably Foreigner! They have got to be the most prolific, ubiquitous band of all time!

Friday calls for such randomness in our check-in. :)
KPC today! More cardio....are you impressed Lisa? I wore weighted gloves, but not smart pink box I gloves like Roz and Lisa. (It's a great one to wear weights for).

Roz, this was the other thread about cardio:

I just feel that I've been pushing it too far towards weights and hiit, and it's time the pendulum started swinging back the other way. I'll probably need to alter course again in a few months!

Lisa, I must listen to that album, take me back to my youth!

Tom, you sound as though you're working well around that elbow.

Lib, what you up to?
Hi everyone!
Hope you're all well. It's. So. Cold here. Blech. I was going to take today as a rest day (sleep was awful, too -- DD woke up at 4:45...), but I was just feeling so cooped up that I needed to plow ahead! I've basically had a rest week, anyways. I'm feeling another step better today, too. So I did squats, 162.5# for 5x8, brutal. Then as accessory work, RDLs, walking lunges, and RKC planks. I sooooo wanted to put on my gloves for a boxing finisher, but I just knew I needed a shoulder rest day (one has been feeling ever so slightly tweaky, I think totally fine but just needing a rest day), so I did some of the leg blasts from the Boxing + Leg Blasts Live. That way, I can do the 'just boxing' part another day with impunity. ;) My legs are pooped! But it felt great to be able to have a tough workout and feel good with it.

Justine, thanks for the link to the cardio thread. I think if I tried to do Intensity now, I might cry. :) Maybe I should take that as a challenge... and yeah, I agree, Lisa is our patron saint of step -- I always feel her presence as I mambo and cha-cha. ;)

Great work, everyone! I think DH successfully got our daughter down for a nap... he does it so much better than I. :rolleyes: Maybe she just knows I'm a sucker. :oops:

Hope you're all having a great weekend!
Justine, I am indeed so very impressed by your continuing streak of cardio! KPC is always a leg burner for me, with the squats into jumping kicks and whatnot. Well done! I think fitness goals are an ever swinging pendulum. Keeps it interesting.

Roz, Justine, Intensity is never easy! No fancy hats or parasols could survive the brutality. I will gladly consider myself the Commando patron saint of step! With every V-step, I will be there; with every repeater, I will be counting!

Roz, way to 'ease' back into things! The leg blasts from that particular Live workout are burners! How are you even walking? My DH tends to have greater success in almost all areas of life than I do with DD1. I think it's part Daddy's Girl and also part Daddy's-at-work-and-I-see-you-all-day-long-Mom (thus making Daddy a novelty). That's how I've wrapped my head around it to avoid jealousy, ha!

Another Live to add to the OMG I LOVE THIS list: AT Training Live. The first 30 minutes were terrifically brutal!

Cheers for a lovely weekend to all! Waves to Tom, Lib, Karen.
Lisa, I thought of you when I watched the athletic training live preview! Kind of knew you'd like it.

HTS today- deadlifts. 20 singles, maxed at 97kg, like last week, but did more at the higher weight than previously. I'm learning to nudge the weights up, rather than take an optimistic leap! Lots of strange moves today- quite a workout for the hips and obliques.

Happy Valentine's Day to you all! Any of you do anything romantic? (We don't!)
Happy week start Ladies! Not a great day here, but got some stuff done. Started with barbell bench but saw it wouldn't work, so went with dumbbell bench instead, finishing with 65s x 12,x10 and 55s x 15. Did inclined bench 50s 4 x 12. next I did some standing wrist curls and reverse wrist curls, using 50s for toward the body, and 40s away, 3 sets each. Abs were next, doing 3 sets of seated knee ins, and a 6 minutes of planks. I finished with pushups x 25 x 20 x 15. Hope everyone has a terrific week!
Been swamped this weekend. Did 20 hours of internship in a day and 1/4! Doing it again next weekend. Needless to say, I was exhausted yesterday. But put off legs, took the boys to a movie, then sushi for lunch, then home and fell asleep while watching something the neighbor brought over. Yes, fell asleep while he was here! Lol. Good thing he's a good friend!

Slept until noon today.....ugh! Got up, did a double scoop of preworkout.....felt my skin crawling, ick. Did legs.....puked.....finished legs.....

Does anyone know how to let the company know my disc is messed up, to get a replacement?
Lib, sounds like you need some rest and TLC! 20 hours in a day! That is crazy. And with all of that, you finished legs? Now you know how Roz feels about the Meso 2 Legs puke factor. Hope you're feeling better. If you bought STS from Cathe's website, send an email to: [email protected]. Nancy will likely be the one to help you. She's amazingly helpful. Tell her which disc skips and she'll help you out.

Tom, sorry about your rough day with that elbow. Did your son give you any tips on how you might heal it, or is it just a matter of time and not doing things that hurt? Sorry you're struggling with this.

Justine, nothing romantic over here for Valentine's Day. I tell my DH that I would rather have him surprise me with random acts of love (flowers, chocolate, cleaning the bathroom, that sort of thing!) the other 364 days of the year. I don't want him to do something for me just because a greeting card company told him to. Nice HTS yesterday. LOL on learning to "nudge" up your weights rather than taking "optimistic leaps." It's a good approach. :) I listened to a Nia podcast yesterday. I'd gotten behind so I had several to choose from. They are great. Are you still following along with the podcasts?

Roz, did you survive the Polar Vortex in VT-land? I'm thinking you're not done yet. Sending you hot chocolate wishes and toasted marshmallow dreams.

Karen, hey girl! I hope work isn't killing you. Have you had a chance to go visit your newest grandbabies yet???

Yesterday was rest. Today was XTrain CLB. I love this one because I go heavier in weights than Cathe does, which pretty much never happens, and it always gives me a false ego boost. :)

Hope everyone has a great Monday!
A "shoulda stayed in bed" day. Managed 6 light sets of lat pulldowns x 12 but only 3 sets of deads 205x5 x 3 225 x 2!! I was just not there today. After the 225, I just went back up the stairs and said it "ain't happening" today. I'm going to have to get my mind right. Elbows no excuse for today, but I think I'm frustrated because of them. I need a "attitude adjustment" I guess! Hope all the rest of the Commando sisterhood has a better Tuesday!!
Lib, 20 hours in a day and a bit? You must be exhausted!

Lisa- CLB is one of my favourites too. And I agree on Valentine's Day...

Tom- perhaps you need a deload week? Maybe plan to do at least a week of lighter stuff, maybe some mobility drills, and see how you go from there?

Day off yesterday, and HTS today. Nothing of note. Relatively ok with what I achieved today.

Got my step son and his girlfriend arriving shortly (he's doing a ski season in Switzerland , and is just over for a few days). It'll be chaos!

Hope everyone is ok. Xx
Hey everybody!! (she's aliiive). We have had the yuckiest inversion here for about a week. So, DH and I decided to go to Southern Utah for the four day weekend. Red rocks, running and biking trails, just beautiful. When we got home, yesterday, a small storm had blown through, and all the nastiness in the air was gone. We can actually see snow covered mountains, now.
I see everyone is kicking some butt. I'm on week four of KB Burn. No kb swing finishers this week. Next week, I will start phase 2, hypertrophy. Nice job, everybody. Four days was forever, I missed you all. Will get back in the groove. Have a good week, everyone.
Tom, hang in there. I think Justine's on to something--maybe a bit of a shake-up might help. Does anything sound 'fun' to you right now? If so, go with that!

Justine, have fun with your guests. Hope it's not too chaotic.

Karen, glad you're back!!! Inversions are the worst so you and your DH were smart to get away.

Waves to Roz, Lib!

I did RWH Chest, Shoulders, Triceps today. Cathe is such a machine in the RWH weight work.
Tom, as Lisa stated, may be time to "shake things up." Doesn't have to be a big change, just something a little different. I'm going to shake things up, by adding in HoCo, again. HoCo, is the best thing to happen to my abs. I have a love, hate relationship with them. Hope it doesn't get too chaotic, Justine. Lisa, thanks for the reminder. I need to get caught up on the Nia Podcasts. Hope you are doing well, Roz, and Lib. Take care, everyone.
Hi everyone!
It's COLD out there! Eek! Karen, glad to hear you got to escape to greener (redder?) pastures. I've only been to UT on a layover at SLC, but I'd love to explore Zion national park someday. I love love love our mountains out East but out West... it's just a different scale. So breathtaking. I've been to a number of the national parks out thataways but never Zion.

Tom, what everyone else said -- sounds like a deload and/or a change-up is in order! A little rest is always better than burning out for a longer time. But your 'bad' days are still great workouts!

Lib, can't believe you did STS legs after such a long day! Sorry you ended up in pukes-ville -- Meso 2 legs had me heading that ways a few times, so I just lay down on the ground...
Are you having pre-workout stimulants and coffee at the same time? I imagine that could add to upset tummy, too...
But great work as always, you are a warrior, woman! :)

Justine and Karen, I am just loving reading about your programs. They sound like they're just perfect for you.

Lisa, amazing work, as always! Love your updates, love your reviews! :) I definitely was visited by St Lisa a few times this week, see below. ;)

All my workouts this week were 5x8 at 65% of 1RM (which was adjusted based on Phase 1 performance... the only big jump was my squat). Then accessory/assistance work. I think I already reported squats so... I did bench on Sunday. My shoulders were fried so I did the 4DS HIS cardio only -- a Lisa rec which I LOVE. I wanted to do boxing but I need to be smart about where I add it in so I don't overwork my shoulders. Monday was just deadlifts. Tuesday (yesterday) was overhead press then RK with gloves!! I did almost all of it -- skipped the second half of kickbox cardio because I was short on time and wanted to get to some punching. :) Today was off lifting so I did High Energy Kickbox Live -- with gloves -- SO FUN! Perfect because it wasn't ALL punching, which would have been too much on my shoulders. Highly recommend this one.

DD just woke, gotta run!
Roz, Karen, good to hear from you both.

Karen, you're very lucky being able to escape for a few days. It sounds amazing. I can't believe you're going to do more hoco! Scrub that. I really can believe it

Roz, I'm never sure what % of 1rm to use for each rep / set combo. Even though I have a chart, my body doesn't necessarily agree with it! Is 65% for 5x8 tough? What amazing numbers are you hitting these days?

Lisa, yes, I still listen to Nia. Tony gentilcore was the last one (love that he's writing a programme for later in he year, his stuff is great). I'll listen to the new Nia challenge later. Sounds intriguing.

Tom, we've all ganged up on you! Go deload! You've earned it. Dean Somerset reckons it's the tendons and fascia which require the deload, rather than be muscle themselves.

Lib, are you coping with all your college stuff still? Have you been for that coffee???

HTS today. Went down a few kg for the paused deads. They felt better lighter (i.e I wasn't struggling to keep my back from rounding, and I held the bar a little lower). Blasted landmines again...although they're starting to feel very slightly easier. Clean and presses, I nudged the weights up, as I did with KB halos.

Horrid, wet, cold weather here. Yuk. Log fire and red wine later, I feel.
Back and biceps, been a day off since this weekend.

Have a sinus wonder I'm weaker. Since on the antibiotics I feel like walking dead. Off to long as I can stay awake that is. Thankfully the professor is out of town this week, so no class tonight.

Justine, haven't heard from him.

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