Lifting like girls

I bumped it up a day because not sure what tomorrow's weather will be and I may need to shovel...(that may be a problem). Today was light chest, bis and tris. 3x10 on all, bench was 115 135 155, dropped clear down to 30s for db curls and pushdowns were light as well. I was gonna do some bwt squats but that seemed to aggravate things so I bailed. Abs are going to have to wait too, but did a little anyway and that's better than nothing. I did put on about 5#, and it was all "candy weight"! DW loads up on it when the grandkids come and I end up eating it....ALL OF IT!!
Off to a day of binge tv watching waiting on the "blizzard"! Adios friends...hope your weather is better than ours!
Good idea, to get the workout done. I had to do Shovel Max, yesterday.
The candy situation sounds familiar. I now have a bunch of cookies that will need to go to the freezer. That’s after the kids took a bunch home. If I don’t get them out of sight, every time I walk by, I grab a cookie. One of my best friends, had to put her pan of brownies in the kitchen sink full of water. Just can’t control our goody appetite.

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Hey guys! Been missing in action. Lots going on right now. Tomorrow I’m taking one of my 8 year old golden boys to be neutered. Vet told me something going on, just not sure what. Seriously? So now my pup needs to lose his parts. He’s such a good doggie.
Been giving Mark Lauren a rest. Doing Tracie Long’s Studio workouts, alternating with STS Meso 3. Pick up Mark again in a couple of weeks.
That’s about it, hope you are all well. Is your back feeling better, Tom? Lisa, I’m sure the kids are getting excited for Christmas! Hope your news is all good, Lib! Take care all!

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Hey all, I've been MIA too, just giving it a little rest! We have a 9 mo old mini golden doodle and she went into heat and is "batshit crazy". Have had a little friend hanging around and now I know why God gave me sons!! I'm wanting to "kick his arse" Lol! Poor parenting aside, DW is taking her to my brother the vet Monday to hopefully the problem. Hopefully things go well Karen for your golden guy! Lisa, hope you're surviving motherhood! I'm going to try to ease back in to lifting, starting tomorrow cause the guilt is overwhelming!! Old guy out....I'll try to do better, enjoy your lives friends!
Tom, I feel your pain with your dog. Growing up we had a female toy poodle. She was so cute. "Batshit crazy," is putting it mildly. There was a tiny little dog living next door, and the damn thing jumped our 6 ft fence to get at our female. After two litters, my parents "fixed" the problem. Good luck!
Well, today was awful! Did some light chest, shoulders and tris and it was pathetic! 10 sets of light shoulder work, 2x20 seated db presses (30s) 2x10 side laterals (20s) 2x12 high lat bar pulls (trying to work rear delts without bending over lol!) 2x10 seated db front raises (20s) and 2x20 light db shrugs (60s). Chest was depressing, Bench was 115x10 165x5 and 175x1 (WTH) then dropped to 2x10 at 135....175 felt like 225!! Trying not to get depressed about and explain it by saying I did shoulders first BUT shoulders was NOT exactly brutal so I dunno.... Tris were skullcrushers x15 12 and 2x8 pushdowns. Tomorrow I will try to do lats and bis and hopefully some abs. Guess I'm off to see if I can find some Xanax or other antidepressant.....I know.,,CANDY!!!!! I'm outta here friends....DONT BE ME!!
WTH? I "watch" this thread. Am supposed to get posting alerts but the Forum wasn't showing me anything. Sorry. I got so behing following the crazy antics of Karen and Tom...and your DOGS! Geez. I'm not looking forward to the dating years for either my daughters or my son! The hormones!!! I'm planning to scare them $h!+less about the realities of parenthood and child support...

Hope your dog is okay, Karen.

I know people who coat their tempting treats in salt before they throw them away, so they don't pull them out of the trash (ew). I had a pretty normal eating routine over Thanksgiving because I am lucky to not care that much about Thanksgiving food (rather eat steak or seafood), and I didn't do any baking. Christmas is a different story because I do like many of the chocolatey, sweet treats. And I will be doing some baking, uh oh

Tom, glad you are continuing to feel better. You'll get your groove back for certain! Saw news coverage of the blizzard. Blech!

Karen, you got snow, too? We have had rain but only snow in the mountains. Hope that continues. I think Tracey and Meso 3 will be a great combo!!!

Had a b'day celebration this week for DD1, and other general busy-ness. Legs on Monday, most recent Low Impact Bootcamp Live on Tues, cardio yesterday, and mobility lower body work w/ resistant loops today. Trying to incorporate more functional fitness in my schedule. Have a great Thursday!!!
Today was lat, bi and ab day, light but done! Lats were pulldowns x 10 10, low cable pulls 2x10 and 1 arm cable pulldowns 2x12. Bus were 2x10 seated db curls and 2x10 conc curls and abs were 2x20 cable crunches, 1 min side plank and 60 mountain climbers. Everything was lightened from normal because I feel like I need ease back into it, but when I was done I felt worked! Amazing how the body declines after some time off....guess the moral of the story is...,DON'T TAKE TIME OFF!! And don't do stupid sh=! That makes you take time off.
Sounds like you have all been hitting it hard, using that to motivate me! Have a great Friday lifter friends!
Did a light leg day today. Yesterday we spent the day in KC so delayed it until today. Still not right but did 2 sets of light thrusters (40kb). a new one for me, 2 sets of light reverse lunges, 2 superset of air squats x 20 20/ pushups x 20 25 and 3x20 cable crunches for a little ab work, finishing with 3 sets of 1 leg calf raises x30 25 20.
Pretty paltry day, but at least did a little. Hope you are all well and had a relaxing weekend! Old guy out!
Hi all! Good to hear you’re doing better, Tom. I usually don’t workout on Sunday. Do my six days, and take Sunday off. But, the ox is in the mire, so to speak. Today is Shovel Max. Second time this year, I’ve had to pull out this workout. Heavy wet snow. That’s all for me! Take care.

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Much better chest and tri day! Last week I did a single on bench at 175, today I did a double at 205! Bench was 10 sets, 45x8 ( and I couldn't touch chest at all, it went right to the same depth as the small block, couldn't get any farther down, so I guess that will be where my stopping point will be!). Next was 115x8 135x8 155x5 175x3 195x3 205x2 185x5 165x10 and 145x12..highest volume in awhile. Tris were skullcrushers, (2 45s) x15 12 8 and pushdowns x8 10 10. I was happy that I was back over 200, last session was soooo depressing, so today was a good day!
Karen, so about the shovel max w/o, that workout sucks!! Lisa, go get that pride back!! Hope y'all survive your Mondays!! Lib, hope you are doing well!!
Tom, those air squats yesterday??? Were you incorporating cardio, say what??? Lol. You're getting back in the game. Love it!

Today started rough but then I killed a leg workout so I will claim victory.

Omg, so much snow yesterday. Karen, I feel your pain. Our kind neighbors decided to earn points with Santa and they got our driveway for us. Wasn't that awesome of them??? I know I complain but I guess it's nothing compared to the blizzards in your area, Tom.

Have a great Monday!!!
Back and bis, 3x12 pulldowns 3x10 low cable pulls and 3x10 db pullovers. Bis were 3x8 ez bar curls 2x10 db curls and 1x10 conc curls. I'm sore from my half a$$ed leg day Tris are sore and lats will prob feel it tomorrow. For some reason the pulldowns with low cable pulls really works them and I don't get the joint issues I get with pullups.
Off to work, have a " goodun" friends!
Yesterday was what is getting to be the norm....a MIA day on Wed. It seems I do legs over the weekend and they just aren't ready by Wed. Today was shoulders, 20 sets and while nothing was heavy, it was "additive"! 3x8 standing military press and 100x8 was as heavy as I went, still lower back protective. Seated db press 45s x16 12 8, 1 arm side laterals 3x10, 1 arm rear delt flys 3x10 ( used the off arm to take pressure off the lower back). 2x8 and 1x10 Seated db front raises, and 2x15 1x10 lat bar wide rear pulls, finishing with db shrugs 85s x30 x25. Tomorrow will be arms then Sat or Sun will be legs, the other prob some bench....NO DEADLIFTS!! Happy Thursday all!
Still doing STS and Tracie Long. Tracie is one of those that you need to do 3-4 times, until you figure out what she's doing. Little of this, then moving on to a little of that. Like I said, it's a 3-4 timer. Yesterday was STS Plyo Legs. I forgot how good these are. Definitely a cardio leg workout.
Wanted to fire up my wood burning stove, love that nice warm heat. but another inversion, so no wood burning. Seems to be happening more frequently, as the population grows. Only downside of living in the Valley.
Hubby is here now. Says we need to move. He is very tired of the inversions. Mixed feelings here, love the area, and the mountains, but the winter inversions, suck, and on occasion, I want to buy a lotto ticket without driving to Wyoming or Idaho to do it.
Tom, you're rocking it! You're doing something, and that means rocking it. Lisa, hope all is well with you. Thinking about you, Lib.
Take care guys, I'm kinda in a funk. Dreary winter does that to me.
Aw, Karen, hugs to you. Winter is hard, indeed. The inversions are the WORST, and you guys get it way more than we do up here. I honestly don't know how you handle living in your area. The culture would make me want to puke. Daily. Multiple times daily. I'd like to move to a warmer climate, you may remember me floating a possible Florida move. Nope, not happening since DH got promoted to management in his current company. It's s terrific career move but a terrible lifestyle move (for me, the Winter hater). My DH doesn't love it here either, but we both like good employment, lol. It's a pickle.

Sorry for whining. DH and I are finally binge watching This is Us. I think it's making my emotions get the best of me!!!

Tom, good call with conservative shoulders weights. That tendency to arch the back on presses, etc., is for real!!

Doing some Gym Styles to end the workweek. Today was Chest and Tris.

Have a great afternoon friends
DW tapes that, but I've never seen it.
Today is going to be a before lunch/ after lunch day, light legs then arms.
Legs were 3 sets of light bench squats, 45 115 and 165 all by 8, gob squats 3x12 (50 kb) and rev lunges 2x8 with 35s and 1x20 kb swings (50). For calves BB calf raises 165 x25 20 and single leg calf raises 2x25. Be back with the PM stuff later!!

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