Knee Pain


Hi all!

I know this is a topic that has come up alot. I did a search on it and got a lot of interesting info., but I was wondering if anyone has experienced the same thing as me. I think I hurt my knee while doing PLB, I don't know at what point because I didn't notice the pain until shortly after. There was pain behind my knee cap but it didn't hurt when I walked, only when I moved my leg a certain way (especially when I layed down and straightened it). Now, it feels better but I can't do cardio as I am experiencing sharp pains. It's kindof weird because if I distribute my weight a certain way it doesn't hurt at all, but while trying to get through a step workout at certain points it will feel like a sharp pain. My DH suggested I back off for a few days, but I HATE to miss a workout. I stopped after only 20 min. today and did upper body instead because it was bothering me so bad. Any input?

My advice is to see an orthopedist. I have an appointment with one within a couple of weeks. Good luck.
You may be feeling pain when you are out of alignment. Focus on alignment with great focus as you workout. I agree you should see a doctor. In the meantime, use RICE, rest, ice, compression and elevation. Ibuprofen may help. I have had dreadful injuries due to over pronation and always recommend considering your feet which can affect knees and hips. Are your shoes in good condition and of the right type for the activities you do? Good luck. You only get one opportunity to heal so do err on the side of caution and take it easy until you get to the bottom of the problem. Best wishes for your speedy recovery!
Bobbi "Chicks rule!"
Tell me what you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver

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