It's time for beginners and intermediate workouts.

To anyone looking forward to next series building up from a beginner/intermediate level to advance, here is in my opinion
a way of embracing challenge! For those who need challenge without just going with the flow.

Basic Premixes:

1. Main Program (Push Day instead of Pull Day)
2. Pull Day First:
3. Pull Day + Push Day

Timesaver Premixes:
1. Just Mixed Impact Cardio
2. Just Push Day
3. Just Pull Day

4. Pull Day Single Sets
5. Pull Day -Two Sets

Scrambled Premixes
1. Double Mixed Impact Cardio
2. Double Mixed Impact Cardio + Pull Day
3. Double Mixed Impact Cardio + Push Day
4. Mixed Impact Cardio + Pull Day + Push Day

One would start from the Timesaver premixes highlighted bleu, then move to Green premixes. After that she/her could move on to basic
premixes and scrambles.ATB:)
Last edited:
Cathy, I love your DVD's. I have every single one of them. I don't purchase anyone else. I'm sold on yours for the rest of my life. And have been following you for 12 years religiously.

Sometimes people for many reasons, need to use beginners or intermediate workouts. I know we can use most any of your DVD's and adjust. But the problem with that is, I want desperately to follow exactly what is on screen. And in the end I feel like a failure. Or I hurt myself trying to keep up. Once I use the Beginners and Intermediate DVD's I can be inspired anxiously to use the more advanced DVD's.

Don't get me wrong. Anyone doing exercise for the first time, shouldn't be able to go through the whole DVD the first time or even weeks/months, and of course we would work toward that goal. But it's different when you try to follow an advanced workout.

Is there a chance that you could make an update, more "with the times" DVD set? I'm getting older (66 years old) and want to be inspired to do a DVD exercise program from beginning to end without adjusting or feeling if I really did a good job. When things happen to me in life to where I have to start over I do use the beginners DVD's you already have. But Oh, would love to have some new ones!

Here are some more reasons (inspirations) to make a set of beginners and Intermediate DVD sets.

Getting Older, Had surgery and starting over, lacked off and need to start over,
Life got in the way, Came back from depression, Healed from broken bones,
People starting out, Showing beginners your work, Reminding people we can exercise at home,
Traveling and no gym, Showing off what works, Saving money,
Beginners, Intermediate...

There are many more reason's to do beginners and intermediate workouts. I can't imagine they wouldn't sell.

I'm forever grateful for you helping people. It's a lifetime commitment on your part. Without you, I would not be so healthy as I am today.

Thank you in advance, for taking the time to read this.

Jane McBride
Cathy, I love your DVD's. I have every single one of them. I don't purchase anyone else. I'm sold on yours for the rest of my life. And have been following you for 12 years religiously.

Sometimes people for many reasons, need to use beginners or intermediate workouts. I know we can use most any of your DVD's and adjust. But the problem with that is, I want desperately to follow exactly what is on screen. And in the end I feel like a failure. Or I hurt myself trying to keep up. Once I use the Beginners and Intermediate DVD's I can be inspired anxiously to use the more advanced DVD's.

Don't get me wrong. Anyone doing exercise for the first time, shouldn't be able to go through the whole DVD the first time or even weeks/months, and of course we would work toward that goal. But it's different when you try to follow an advanced workout.

Is there a chance that you could make an update, more "with the times" DVD set? I'm getting older (66 years old) and want to be inspired to do a DVD exercise program from beginning to end without adjusting or feeling if I really did a good job. When things happen to me in life to where I have to start over I do use the beginners DVD's you already have. But Oh, would love to have some new ones!

Here are some more reasons (inspirations) to make a set of beginners and Intermediate DVD sets.

Getting Older, Had surgery and starting over, lacked off and need to start over,
Life got in the way, Came back from depression, Healed from broken bones,
People starting out, Showing beginners your work, Reminding people we can exercise at home,
Traveling and no gym, Showing off what works, Saving money,
Beginners, Intermediate...

There are many more reason's to do beginners and intermediate workouts. I can't imagine they wouldn't sell.

I'm forever grateful for you helping people. It's a lifetime commitment on your part. Without you, I would not be so healthy as I am today.

Thank you in advance, for taking the time to read this.

Jane McBride
I think more beginner/intermediate workouts are a great idea. They will work for true beginners who will get more exposure to Cathe all the way up to the most advanced Cathlete who may need them for various reasons like active recovery weeks, recovering from illness/injury, or because they are focusing on one aspect and needing lighter sessions in between.

I personally would love to have more hour long workouts that are lighter intensity, steady state that I can use when I am doing power lifting rotations. True power lifters (not me) would say you should not do cardio at all on in between lifting days. Not being a true power lifter, I want to have lighter cardio to use while I focus on increasing my strength on the big lifts during these rotations. Doing the same 2-3 workouts that are available now for 2-3 days a week for 12 weeks gets pretty boring by about week 3.

I guess I just see these types of workouts as being able to help all levels of exercisers work at a challenging level.
To everyone looking for beginner workouts - there are so many wonderful trainers producing them! I moved to Ellen Barrett and Kari Anderson and feel graceful and happy. I can’t even imagine I’ll do a tuck jump or more than 10 push ups in a row at this stage of my life. And I’m not a senior , “just” 37 years old. Sometimes I do KCM and these are my advanced workouts.
We are working out to release stress and feel better. Whichever workout achieves this for us, is the best one for our particular body.
The fact that i still lurk in Cathe’s forum is because I love her personality, and I hope she’ll produce something which I may use in future.
*if this post is inappropriate , please delete it*
To everyone looking for beginner workouts - there are so many wonderful trainers producing them! I moved to Ellen Barrett and Kari Anderson and feel graceful and happy. I can’t even imagine I’ll do a tuck jump or more than 10 push ups in a row at this stage of my life. And I’m not a senior , “just” 37 years old. Sometimes I do KCM and these are my advanced workouts.
We are working out to release stress and feel better. Whichever workout achieves this for us, is the best one for our particular body.
The fact that i still lurk in Cathe’s forum is because I love her personality, and I hope she’ll produce something which I may use in future.
*if this post is inappropriate , please delete it*

Could not agree more with highlighted above#justsaying:cool::cool:. I am glad to know you're happy.

Your post is not inappropriate. In fact it has been one of the most polite,sincere and graceful on here.
Take care:);)
To everyone looking for beginner workouts - there are so many wonderful trainers producing them! I moved to Ellen Barrett and Kari Anderson and feel graceful and happy. I can’t even imagine I’ll do a tuck jump or more than 10 push ups in a row at this stage of my life. And I’m not a senior , “just” 37 years old. Sometimes I do KCM and these are my advanced workouts.
We are working out to release stress and feel better. Whichever workout achieves this for us, is the best one for our particular body.
The fact that i still lurk in Cathe’s forum is because I love her personality, and I hope she’ll produce something which I may use in future.
*if this post is inappropriate , please delete it*

Have you tried the ICE or low impact series? I would love her to do a low impact series 2 with more music that is like x trains. I love those workouts but don't do it as much because the music isn't great.
Then there is the ICE I can only do the main workout not the advanced part so I really love these and I can not do every rep of every exercise but I can do let's say all of this set but the next set I may be only able to do all but five seconds left I have to stop the pick it up again on the next set and do all of those. Kinda like that. But I hope it gets me to be more advanced. However like u said I want a few that's just plain fun and not to hard every day.

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You may have already tried all these ideas but :

On days when you are really bad off ( for whatever reason) just do a warm-up followed by the stretch. ( ex: Muscle Max, or Low Impact Circuit DVD) ( Or you can add in the core workout too. Then you have done a 20 min. mini-workout which is good for a whole lot of reasons.)

Good easier premixes are:
ICE-MTB-Pre-Timesaver #4 32 min

ICE-LIS-Pre-Timesaver #4 28 min
ICE-LIS-Pre-Timesaver #10 28 min
CrossFire-Pre-Timesaver-Low Impact Tabata 18min !!
TTM-Pre-Timesaver "No 30/20 HiiT " 40 min ( I modify the TABATA to make it low impact )
TTM-Pre-Less Impact
KPC- Pre-Cardio Conditioning 37 min
SAS-Cardio Slam-Pre-Timesaver#6 17 min !! ( I modify 2 exercises here )

Lower Body:
ICE-CLBB-Pre-Timesaver #4 40 min
RWH-LIHI-Pre #1 All Strength 30 min
X-Train-Cardio Leg Blast- Pre-All Strength 36 min
X-Train-Legs-Pre-Legs-Standing 29 min
GSL-Pre-Timesaver #1 32 min
SAS-TBGS-Pre-Timesaver #1 ( LB ) 31 min
SAS-PHA-Mishmosh Pre-LB Split #1 27 min

There are so many more, these are just some. I think it is easy to modify UB workout just by the amount of weight used.
A P.T. told me a few years ago that now is the time for me to do less 'compressive' workouts and vary things up with more yoga, stretching, swimming, biking. Most of these premixes are about 30 min, so I can use Cathe's premixes and add on core work and stretching or some yoga afterwards. That way I can still get my heart pumping and do a Cathe workout without the injury risk. ( Because I am spending less time doing "compressive" workouts.) My "endurance" workout is swimming once a week.

I don't know how much you have looked at using her Premixes, but they are so great for the very situations you mention. It is like having a whole new set of DVDs .

Linda 1... Thanks so much for the list of Premixes. For some reason, I have never taken the time to look at the Premixes. I guess, I am just wanting to work out for the 1 HOUR .... and do the actual workout. I am thrilled to have these premixes you suggested. :)

What a terrific topic! Janie , I have also been hoping Cathe would make more of her new DVD's a Lower Impact variety. I am a Baby Boomer who is unable to do High Impact workouts any longer. I love to workout and Cathe is my favorite ( I Own all of her DVD's.... no streaming for me either!!! )

thanks so much for all of these recommendations.
I agree about the need for low impact - intermediate workouts. This is not just for joints that are old - it is really what younger people need. I did too too much high impact as a youth and that is why my joints are so bad now. Thus, it is BETTER TRAINING FOR EVERYONE with low impact - this is what is being taught at top gyms around the country. High impact is an old-fashioned way of training.
I'm 52, and I'd love another ICE level series. And going forward, as in some of the newer advance workouts, simply showing a low impact modification makes all the difference in the world. I can usually come up with a modification (or do some other move altogether), but when Cathe suggests it, the modification feels "sanctioned" and okay, and alleviates any feeling of not being able to keep up with the class!
I'm 52, and I'd love another ICE level series. And going forward, as in some of the newer advance workouts, simply showing a low impact modification makes all the difference in the world. I can usually come up with a modification (or do some other move altogether), but when Cathe suggests it, the modification feels "sanctioned" and okay, and alleviates any feeling of not being able to keep up with the class!

I agree with this!! It is wonderful to have the usual Cathe advanced workouts, but it is just as wonderful to be given modifications to those workouts (as in Cardio Slam) for days we are feeling less than awesome. :(
Longtime Cathlete here -

IIRC, way back in Cathe's early career as a home-ex video/DVD producer, she mentioned in an interview that she preferred to produce high-intensity workouts for advanced exercisers in part because there was an overabundance of workouts billed as "beginner" and "intermediate". Her enthusiasm for high intensity / advanced workouts has always been clear, and maybe the reason she has produced so few beginner/intermediate workouts is that they just don't appeal to her creative and athletic preferences. I liken it to asking Philip Roth to write a genre legal thriller, or asking JK Rowling to write a romance novel - it's just not their cuppa tea.

I've been working out to Cathe's stuff (mostly cardio- and circuit-based) since 2000, and in all honesty, her later productions, even billed as advanced, feel much easier than her earlier productions (with a few noteworthy exceptions including "RWH Plyo" floor routine.) That's probably in large part due to the fitness gains I got from the earlier stuff, and I expect the intensity level to be ratcheted up even higher.

The home-ex fitness market being what it is, I have no doubt that lower-intensity, "beginner/intermediate" productions will come from Cathe, but I do hope her main focus remains advanced workouts. There are those of us out there (and I'm pushing 57 and pushing it hard) who want to and can perform productive advanced-level workouts without modifications. Shaun T and his Insanity workouts are the only other ones that make me feel like I'm working - and having fun into the bargain.

And I sincerely hope Cathe never abandons the DVD format. I hate streaming. I trust what I can hold in my hand.

Just my Point-Oh-Two -

Another longtime Cathlete here.

Aquajock, wow, I remember you! Good to see you.

And I totally agree with your post. I also remember Cathe saying she preferred the advanced workouts. And I am grateful. I envy you if you can still keep up with her. I'm a few years younger, but my body keeps telling me to back off. I argue, but it's a losing battle. :) BUT I still prefer to buy Cathe's advanced workouts whenever I can. I know I can make modifications that are still more advanced than a lot of the other workouts out there, but are suited to what I need.

I love Cathe's intermediate series - it's just a whole different flavor, which is fun. But I hope that as long as she's able and wants to, she keeps cranking out those intense workouts. I may be getting older and falling apart, but there are lots of younger people out there who want to get into peak shape. Cathe will get you there!

And by the way, I'm able to modify so successfully because Cathe has taught me so much over the years about physical fitness - both lifting techniques and tons of creative cardio moves. I think I found her in 2001 ... something like that.
I don't know about other Cathletes, but I am honored and take my hat off to the "longtime Cathletes" that post here.
Your Cathe knowledge & wisdom speaks volumes. Aquajock & SRP thank you for sharing your opinions with us!
Another longtime Cathlete here.

Aquajock, wow, I remember you! Good to see you.

And I totally agree with your post. I also remember Cathe saying she preferred the advanced workouts. And I am grateful. I envy you if you can still keep up with her. I'm a few years younger, but my body keeps telling me to back off. I argue, but it's a losing battle. :) BUT I still prefer to buy Cathe's advanced workouts whenever I can. I know I can make modifications that are still more advanced than a lot of the other workouts out there, but are suited to what I need.

I love Cathe's intermediate series - it's just a whole different flavor, which is fun. But I hope that as long as she's able and wants to, she keeps cranking out those intense workouts. I may be getting older and falling apart, but there are lots of younger people out there who want to get into peak shape. Cathe will get you there!

And by the way, I'm able to modify so successfully because Cathe has taught me so much over the years about physical fitness - both lifting techniques and tons of creative cardio moves. I think I found her in 2001 ... something like that.

Hey, SRP, how the heck are ya? Good to "see" you again. I agree with you about getting Cathe's advanced productions and doing your own mods - I vastly prefer that approach than trying to up-modify a more moderate workout.

I found Cathe in 2000, right after I cut back on my group-ex teaching schedule. Started with "Interval Max" and was hooked. Still crazy about 'em after all these years.

Take care, my friend!

Aquajock - I have followed your postings for so many years, and you always hit it just right! I could have written your post, except I didn't start with Cathe until about 2003. I'm gonna be 57 this summer, and I still LOVE the advanced nature of Cathe's workouts. Her variety, her cueing, and her professionalism brings me back for every single DVD. Love, love, love them all and keep doing even the old ones regularly. I, too, am no fan of streaming, either. If I paid for it, I want to own it, not rent it. I don't lease a car, either.
Hi, Firelight and Evie - sorry I didn't respond to your posts earlier, and thanks to you both for your kind words! My goal is to be working out to Cathe's Toughest Stough :) when I'm 87; then I might think of dialing things back. Moderate-intensity workouts are just not my cuppa tea either - if it doesn't challenge me, it just annoys me.


Interesting thread. I am a "new" poster, but have been working out with Cathe since the 90's. I started with her Maximum Intensity Strength and Pure Strength Series on... VHS!! (I am 51) I have a huge DVD library of various workout videos, and the only reason I buy Cathe is because she does advanced workouts. I feel zero need to ever buy ICE or LITE. If I need a less intense workout, I have tons of FIRM, Jillian Michaels, various yoga and etc. videos I can fall back on. It seems to me that the vast majority of workout videos out there are really beginner/intermediate, so there is no reason to buy more of them from Cathe. I love that she specializes in advanced workouts, and I would prefer that she puts out even more of these. My primary reason is this- even when I can't keep up or have to modify, I feel like I have something to aspire to. If I am presented with a video with someone saying they are picking up 5 lb weights or moving slowly, I don't feel motivated to do much more. OTH, when Cathe picks up a barbell loaded with multiple plates while wearing a weighted vest or does a burpee to a tuck jump, I feel motivated to aspire to her standard. This is motivating to me.

That said, I would like to see more low impact, high intensity workouts that don't necessarily involve putting weight on my wrists. As I age, my knees and back would appreciate this! :)
Wanted to tell the group that I deleted my posts. I did that because I didn't think but I actually was talking on behalf of Cathe.

I didn't mean to talk on behalf of her. I thought I was helping, but I wasn't. I apologize to Cathe and for you all.

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