Is the Leg CatheLive download still free and where can I find it?

Thank you...I found it and tried, the link worked, but about 1/2 hr into the download, it I just
stopped. I may try again, it was gonna take an hour or so (yes, I have slower internet :) ) but I have
downloaded other things before....I have CatheLive but wanted to try & download PHA2020 and
Express your Step on a thumb drive to have ......Oh well.....I might try it again sometime...or not,
I saw your post and tried it. It downloaded fine for me. I guess I have fast internet because it downloaded in 2 minutes and plays great.
Lucky you with your fast glad you were able to get it...I am not
Going to fool with it anymore, but glad I was able to try it first without
Purchasing the 2 I wanted and then wouldn't be able to download them....maybe
The next time it would do fine...but don't think I will attempt anymore.
Well, knock me over!! :). I was finally able to download the Legs Live and put it on a flash took a while but I just let it go and checked it time to time.
Now to decide to buy the one I really want, Express Your Step! I guess I would
Only lose $10 if I could not get it.... I wouldn't mind having PHA2020 & Burn it
Boot camp too :)

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