Intermittent Fasting....4th weigh in...


I thought I would post one last weigh in, to make it an even 4, and to ensure that this seems to be consistent and sustainable.

Weighed in Saturday morning. Down another 1.8 lbs. Started at 176.6. Scale now shows 167.2.

Maybe I shouldn't say this here but, in all honesty, I quit the gym and only do 3 fifteen minute HIIT sessions per week. I have a pretty physical job so that keeps the muscles pumping!

I ate quite a bit more this week than the previous...because I just felt like it! No other reason! And I did 2 perfect fast days, and one pretty good, and so added a "refeed" day, and took advantage! That's what I love about this way of life.

Today I am taking Mom to Red Lobster for Mother's day lunch, and will ease into tomorrow's fast, concentrating on salad, fish, and veggies. But will have at least one Cheddar bay bis hit and a piece of chocolate wave cake! My first really heavy weekend, as a reward for how far I have come. Then back to fasting tomorrow. No guilt, no sweat.

I am having blood work done for my thyroid this week and am requesting others to check sugar and cholesterol to compare to last year's. Just curious! I have been using guidelines from the Leptin diet on non fast days (no snacking, no eating after dinner, go as long as possible between meals, watch fructose intake, watch carbs).

I strongly recommend this plan!
Is there a book or a website that you got all your info from. I've read a little bit about it but would like more info with more specifics. Great job.
I agree, keep on posting. It's inspirational! I'm still trying to figure out which method of fasting fits my lifestyle better. I have a job with fairly long hours where I'm on my feet all day, but my schedule is different every time within a few hours but it not consistent so it's hard to figure things out!
The original book is called "The Fast Diet" by Michael Mosley. But the web site has most of the I do. The book goes into the science behind it, which is interesting but not necessary to start the plan. The web site can be found by searching "the fast diet forum". It is a UK site, since that is where it started. The forums are great...lots of different groups, always new info, etc.

I was' t going to post again because I didn't want to bore you with it but will still post occasionally !

It takes a little effort to start, and to figure out what days work for you. The forums help with that too. Lots of good ideas, recipe ideas, etc.

After my food filled weekend, I started my fast after lunch yesterday. I had a few pickles around 6pm, and that was it til breakfast, which will be 2 eggs. Then lunch (salad with Romaine, hard boiled egg and tuna), and another salad for dinner, then done til breakfast the next day, when the fast ends.
I also see a site, same name (Fast Diet) by Mimi Spencer. I'm assuming this is the same as Mosley?
I am also do intermittent fasting to lose weight. I lost three pounds this week and on some weeks I have lost as much as four pounds, especially if I keep my macros in order. I sip ammino acids all morning and then have a big lunch with a smaller dinner. I am working out with the new HIIT series which I do first thing in the morning, plus am very active otherwise. I love it as I don't have to feel like I am eating all the time.
Just want to encourage you to keep's not boring. As a matter of fact, I've really enjoyed all of the fasting threads and am learning a lot from those who have posted. Thank you!
Mimi Spencer is the co-author, so, yes, same thing.

Malibugirl, curious about your amino acids. I did see that mentioned in some research. What do you drink that has it? It is so amazing how the pounds come off!

After you start this way of eating, a couple of things happen (well, to me anyways!)

First, you think how much food you put into your body when your body didn't really need that much! And second, I feel like there HAS to have been somebody SOMEWHERE who could have figured this out sooner and passed the word! Like, maybe, our surgeon General, physicians, etc. Why did I have to wait until I am in my 50's to learn all this?? Oh, wait, then I would have eaten LESS, spent less money, been healthier and not had to go to the Dr.....could almost make it a conspiracy theory! But I don't care! Just happy to have found it at all! And glad you all are enjoying and maybe learning with me!
I love reading your posts so please keep us updated on your progress. I'm doing my own version of this 5:2 plan and am happy to say it's cured me of my fear of feeling hungry LOL! I know eventually I'll be able to eat but it's certainly reduced my anxiety around food and having to have those constant snacks. I'm even finding my workouts are not suffering in a fasted state - even did Cathe's plyo hiit (one and two) with no problems. So glad you started this thread,
Just finished my second fast. I started a couple of weeks ago, then got sick. So, I started again Sunday night. I never feel run down or tired when fasting. It's very doable. Thanks for your posts horselady. Trying to see if I can get to my contest weight. Maybe not, but I'm up for a challenge.
Mixing it up...Yep! Keep your body guessing. That is why they say intermittent fasting works. Your body starts burning the fat you have, but stops before burning muscle because you started eating again.

I have been changing up my fast days. One week I will do 2 in a row, then Mon, Wed Fri the next, and so on. All depends on activities and what I feel like. And you don't get upset when you have a treat day or go out to eat or go to a party, because you KNOW, 100% , that you can easily get it back off.
Jamie vaughn, that's right! I had McDonald's chocolate shake AND an Apple pie Saturday before last.

I use my tdee as a guideline. When I first figured it on the fast diet site at my original weight, it said 2100 ! I have never eaten that much! So I lowered my exercise point on the calculator and came closer to what I thought was more reasonable. Then calculated what I need to eat on non fast days to lose 2 lbs a week. There is a formula to do that. By using 2 fast days at 500 calories, you are already set to lose 1 lb. Of course, wanting to lose more, then you figure that many fewer calories on non fast days, or just add another fast day.

Since I am typical and want it off fast, I went to the Fast Beach Diet, which is a stricter variation, watching carbs, etc and 3 fast days.
Decaf coffee, hot or iced, is a nice filling drink, too. Add some unsweetened vanilla almond milk and stevia (NuNaturals alcohol-free vanilla stevia is my all-time fave, has prices way better than amazon last I checked) for a sweet and guilt-free treat!

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