Instructional segment on the New To Cathe video


New Member
I would love to see an instructional segment at the end of the tape showing a slo-o-o-w breakdown of each type of step in the video, so a Klutz like me can learn them without the constant stop and rewind! :)I know this tape is not really for step beginners, only those new to Cathe, but there is so little graphic and instruction info available on step technique this would be so helpful.
Maybe this could be a video all it's own demonstrating ALL the step/step routines you have used in your tapes?
If you choose to go the 'move Master' route, would you please consider demonstrating the moves while facing the viewer, not with your back to the screen. I found this very confusing in another workout with this 'bonus' feature. I am used to working out w/ the instructor facing me; I don't think it should be any different when breaking down moves.
Thank you for all you do,

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