Imax2 BlastMania Premix


I may never do Imax2 the normal way again. This is so compact and effective! I just tried it for the first time today, as a warmup for a leg workout. I've been using 30 minute cardios before weights on some days, and usually did Imax2 1-5 or 6-10, but there was some recent thread about Blast Mania and I thought I'd try it today. It's great! Anyone who hasn't tried it should give it a go.

Hi Liane!

I'm so glad I read this post before I worked out this morning! I wanted a nice cardio warm-up before I did L&G, so I used your suggestion and did Blast Mania (I've always done the complete IMAX2). It was great! I was huffing and puffing like crazy and really felt the intensity in a time frame that worked very well for me!

I know I'll be using this premix often, and I thank you so much for posting your experience!:D
I did survive, but I am tired. I did the Pyramids premix, then the cardio. I am glad it is over. i did like it better than the 1-5 premix, 0r the 6-10.
How odd -- I did it the first time today too! I have the same feeling about it like you... I like it better than the original IMAX2. I think it is compact, intense-but-doable which is what I'm looking for during the summer school break.
It's the blasts and recoveries, without the step portions. So, no, you can't do it with VHS. But it's a good one. If I had VHS, I'd just do intervals 1-5 or 6-10, which are still useful.
Yes, much easier with DVD. I could always fast forward thru the step portion, actually I thought about trying Imax2 by fast forwarding thru the recoveries and just doing the step and blasts. Last resort I could just make my own tape by copying the blasts and recoveries. Thanks for your quick reply.....:)...Carole
Kim - OT question..

"Was that a sheep?" - Is this from the hilarious Big Trouble? I crack up every time I see your posts because it makes me think of this movie! Just curious...
I guess this is HIIT, huh? I've seen so many people talk about it, that I think I must try it. How long is this premix? It would be great if I had time to do this in the morning, and some Pilates or Yoga afterward. What a way to start the day before work!
I was able to make this one from my Terminator DVD. I have a DVD/VCR player so it is easy to copy. I cpoied the warm-up 6 min, the first step portion, then the reat of the blasts and recoveries only, then the stretch. It totaled 37 min. Lisa, I do think it would be considered HIIT, and I thank Mogambo for letting me know what it was...:)...Carole
I just tried this today for the first time and it really is a great way to get your interval work done in a shorter amount of time, and much more fun than than doing half of IMAX 2.Here is the official premix and chapters:
BlastMania PreMix 41:41
6.1 Warmup 6:53
6.2 Interval 1, step routine 1:42
6.3 Interval 1, blast 1:46
6.4 Interval 1, recovery 0:45
6.5 Blast #2 screen 0:03
6.6 Interval 2, blast 1:26
6.7 Interval 2, recovery 0:54
6.8 Blast #3 screen 0:03
6.9 Interval 3, blast 3:09
6.10 Interval 3, recovery 0:55
6.11 Blast #4 screen 0:03
6.12 Interval 4, blast 1:25
6.13 Interval 4, recovery 0:41
6.14 Blast #5 screen 0:03
6.15 Interval 5, blast 1:28
6.16 Interval 5, recovery 0:43
6.17 Blast #6 screen 0:03
6.18 Interval 6, blast 1:42
6.19 Interval 6, recovery 0:41
6.20 Blast #7 screen 0:03
6.21 Interval 7, blast 1:27
6.22 Interval 7, recovery 0:56
6.23 Blast #8 screen 0:03
6.24 Interval 8, blast 1:50
6.25 Interval 8, recovery 0:54
6.26 Blast #9 screen 0:03
6.27 Interval 9, blast 1:28
6.28 Interval 9, recovery 0:46
6.29 Blast #10 screen 0:03
6.30 Interval 10, blast 2:08
6.31 Interval 10, recovery and cooldown 1:53
6.32 Stretch (and credits) 5:29
I forgot to add that after the premix, you can then cue in the ab work and stretch from cardio/weights on the same DVD and keep the whole workout to about 45 minutes!
I just did it this morning. It was a great workout! Not including the warm-up and first step section Cathe throws in as an extended warm-up, the blast/recovery portion takes about 25 minutes. That short time makes this premix very doable! Thanks for bringing it up, Liane!
I LOVE the IMax Blasts!! Here's what I've done: I made my own Blast work out from IMax 1 (from the video to DVD on my DVD recorder) and when I'm feeling like the energizer bunny, I do IMax 1 and IMax 2 blasts together - 20 intervals - for a good work out that lasts approx. one hour ... woo-hoo!

Carole-you can just fast forward the vhs to the blast and that acts as a recovery period I do this with imax also.

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