i'm sick of it!


i'm so mad at myself. I made it 2 weeks binge free and then today i binged sooooo bad. I probably consumed 2,000cals during my binge. I have such all or nothing thinking. I won't have even a small cookie b/c i think its bad so i wait and wait till the cravings become so intense that i eat the whole damn container. It makes no sense logically b/c i know the cookie has 150cals yet the whole bag has 2000. I'm going through a lot right now personally. My brother just admitted to oxycottin use as well as being an alcoholic but he does not want help. My mom is depressed over the death of my dad and i feel responsible for her. I need to focus on me. Binging isn't making things any better. I'm so sick of thinking about food all the time. It takes away all the fun in life. I'm sick of working out. I'm just sick of everything!!!!!

But I'll bet they tasted so good! And the venting; it was good too! Last night it was too many Cheez-It's for me. Well, any Cheez-it is too many, but hey!

Sounds like you have bigger fish to fry that you probably have no control over. I'm sorry you have family issues, it sucks, I know. Even harder when you can't make it better.
I also went off the rails last night. My DIL came home from TCBY with a frozen yogurt oreo pie and 2 containers of frozen yogurt and I ate plenty of all of it. The really depressing thing is I was the only one! Everybody else was watching football. I had been doing really well since I started doing barre workouts. Oh well there is always today to clean up my act and one night is not going to do it all in. Don't worry about it too much--just enough to not repeat the whole episode.
Yesterday I went salmon fishing and tried so hard to catch one. I ate cashews, energy bars until they were coming out of my ears , an apple cause, well, you know, they are healthy, a whole thin crust pizza, all by my self.:eek:

Don't give up what ever you do. You are not alone. What you are going through is awful, and it might help not only venting here, but perhaps a councilor. I had one for 3 years to help me through a very tough time. But, I'm still not certain how to get the eating under control.

First things first though. Take care of you and what has been happening in your life. Then, when things settle down in those other categories, then and only then worry about your eating. You'll be stronger and make wiser choices. I usually do, but there is still the occasional binge. Which I think is so much better than it use to be. Staying active helps a lot too.

Let us know how things go ((hugs and prayers your way)).

I'm no professional and I don't always say things the way I mean them to come out but here goes:

You are only responsible for yourself!!!

It sounds like your family issues are driving your eating right now. Don't worry about your eating too much.

Next, your brother can only be helped when he decides he wants it. There's nothing you can do about it and there's nothing you can do to help him right now except pray, if you believe in prayer, and be ready to be there for him when HE'S ready.

Your mother will only break out of this depression when she decides to get some help. Maybe gently suggesting she go to a support group would help her. You cannot take care of everyone. They have to want to take care of themselves.

All you can do is be there to support them, but you can't take on any guilt or responsibility for them or their actions. Be supportive, but remember to take care of yourself first. It sounds like you're not doing that and that's what's driving you to binge and to throw up your hands to all the hard work you've done for yourself.

Do what you have to. Take long walks or quiet baths. Whatever you need to do to relax and restore yourself. Once you do that, you can be there for others and maybe the rest will fall into place.


I will send peace and healing energy to you and your family.

Take care!
Berating yourself is not the way to being binge free. Celebrate the fact that you had two whole weeks binge free. I think that is an awesome accomplishment and you need to learn how to do a re-do. Thats where you practice the situation in your mind first with the way you did it before and then with the way you would prefer that you deal with it. You do this every night before bed for about 10 days. It doesn't have to take a long time, 15 minutes is enough. And, if you mess up, its ok because thats what the re-do is for, to reprogram your habits not to just go in there and make you feel like crap which usually just leads to more unwanted behavior.

I know I say it all the time but IOWL is a great way to deal with binge problems. (Inside Out Weight Loss the podcast)
thanks guys. you all are so right. i cannot change any situations right now i can only change how i react to them. by hurting myself with binging, i'm not doing anything to the situations except making myself worse. i'm mad at myself that i have let these things rise a reaction. i can only control my life and i need to focus on my health and my marriage.
I just wanted to pop in and say that I'm so sorry you have so many things on your plate right now. Especially when it's family - I think that makes it more difficult to deal with. However, the people on this forum are fantastic and had some terrific advice for you. I just wanted to add that your in my thoughts & I wish you the best!! And don't worry about your eating - people screw up! Plus, you've got a ton on your plate - focus on stress reduction for now and the eating will fall into place.

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