How To Make Healthy Home Smoothies


Staff member

As we celebrate our one year anniversary of our Cathe OnDemand streaming network we're excited to release our first non-workout show called "Healthier Lifestyles" . The first episode of this new show features Jane and Stephanie from Nourishing Guru's talking about the benefits of smoothies and offering several really neat tips and recipes for all of you smoothie lovers out there.

Cathe OnDemand customers can view the entire show on our OnDemand streaming network. Just go to your OnDemand video page and in the dropdown for "Workout Series" select "Healthier Lifestyles".

You can sign up for Cathe OnDemand or learn more at:
Are these only available to on demand subscribers and not to Cathe Live subscribers? These seem to also be Cathe Live. I would love to have access to them but I am only a Cathe Live Subscriber. I own all of Cathe DVD's and alot of the downloads so it is not feasible for me to also subscribe to the On Demand.

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