How long are the workouts on Terminator DVD?


I am super excited to try the Terminator DVD. I was wondering how long each premix is?
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If you like Intensity series, you will really enjoy it and it's sweat inducing plyo combo (& just variety) of these! I do not like the step choreography in Imax 2, so it isn't for me.
I cannot remember the other two, but I thought Viper was pretty good & definitely for an advanced (at least cardio wise) exerciser. I hope a Cathlete who has a better handle on her 'older' step routines can be a little more specific for you! lol. For me, many of them are not doable and take up way too much space. I admire the talent and execution behind all of them.
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I love the 3 workouts! Even though I have the individual workouts that comprise the Terminator I still have fun with it. I don't have On Demand so this is my way of "Mixing it up". It's a keeper as Cathe has said she doubts she will be making this type of DVD anymore due to streaming etc. Bummer for sure.
I just got this last week because of the raves on it. So I decided to try Viper first because it had more weights and I'm nowhere near Advanced. Got through 85% of it and burned over 750 calories. So I'm rather happy with it. Even though the IMAX portions tried to kill me. I am now rethinking my view of C&W. I didn't like it before. I think I might give it a chance.

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