How do you workout in an apartment?



Just need suggestions...might be moving to a condo in the Winter. ( Finding it too much work to maintain a TH by myself ) But I was wondering how to keep working out with videos if someone is gonna be living below me :(
How do you guys manage it?
Gonna need to get rid of a few things too. Squat rack needs to go. So glad I kept my Cathe Tower ( that can stay ) but the Olympic bar... Might be hard to hide. I can keep my Firm BB and T grip and Bosu. But I'm worried I'm gonna have to haul the laptop to the building's workout room and have people watch me do videos...[emoji22]

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You will figure it all out once you move into your condo:) I lived in a huge condo in Germany and had a room with my squat rack :) Had no problem. My DD lives in an apartment in DC, when I visit her I often workout in her living room with no problems. You can hide a lot of stuff in an apartment :) If you know how much room you have to workout, I wouldn't get rid of anything. Wait until you move in, you figure it all out:rolleyes:

I lived in an RV for over 8 month before we moved into our house. I had an entire gym set up in the RV:p If I can hide a lot of stuff in an RV, you can hide lots of stuff in a condo:D Not to mention I did a 6 month rotation in our 35 feet RV. I finished with no problem. I also did Cathe's step workouts in the RV. People in the RV park thought I was nuts, lol:p Maybe, I am a little :p:D:p I have to find the pic my husband took from my gym in the RV. I will post it here as soon as I find it :D
We have folks living under us usually (we rent a main floor/upstairs suit in a house with less than 1050 sqfeet on this floor), and if I am doing any jumping around, I try to do it when I know they aren't around and I use a thick rubber yoga mat over carpet. I have not had any complaints. Someone did ask when I was using paper plates during LIS CardioSS - what instrument I was playing? lol. So I try just to use the plates now when I know they aren't there ....I can see how it would be a bit bothersome.
The only limitation I have come across myself is there isn't much room for much Cathe step. I am not such a fan anyway. lol. Or travelling side squats, that type of thing. I didn't think I would have room for a barbell, but it stores fairly easily. There's no way though, I could fit a squat rack or anything here. Perhaps your layout might allow for it. I hope it does, if it's important to your training. As with any downsizing, you will have to make choices about what has to go & after be thankful that you have less stuff to clean! Cathe does use quite a few pieces of equipment though, so depending on your space, you will likely have to adapt and change some things. I have adjustable dumbbells - they take up much less room and you can put the money towards them that you make from selling your fixed weight ones maybe? I set up an inverted row thingy with handles on the back porch cause there was no room in here for it. I am looking now for a nice room divider to just conceal some of the other things I use regularly that I need handy like my stability ball.
If the building has a workout space, use it. Maybe someone will join in? ; )
Interesting thread:).

When I moved in my current appartment I told ,my lower floor, neighbour about my lifestyle. So he's aware.
He needed to know especially knowing he's sedentary and does not go out often! That being said i have
rented a ground floor appartment for years and never had any complaints whatsoever:)

I have a stand Rack similar to Valor Bd-9

I can only bench up to a certain maximum but I am fine at this point. For any extra lift I go to the gym.
I do stack all my plates together and dismantle my barbells. I do not own any olympic bar. My longest and thin barbell
can be dismantled into short bars. My other 3 barbells are shorts. I have two big adjustable dumbbells weighting up to
110 pounds all together. I invested in this one because of room constraint;)

This does not take much room I set it when I need and stack it in my bedroom corner. My bedroom and living room are
spacious and I can store my equipment and use a room divider to make the bedroom as tidy as possible.

Just try to make it work best for yourself!:)

Ps @bayerngirl you cracked me up! Your post is giving thoughts to hide more in future Lol:D:D:p
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You will figure it all out once you move into your condo:) I lived in a huge condo in Germany and had a room with my squat rack :) Had no problem. My DD lives in an apartment in DC, when I visit her I often workout in her living room with no problems. You can hide a lot of stuff in an apartment :) If you know how much room you have to workout, I wouldn't get rid of anything. Wait until you move in, you figure it all out:rolleyes:

I lived in an RV for over 8 month before we moved into our house. I had an entire gym set up in the RV:p If I can hide a lot of stuff in an RV, you can hide lots of stuff in a condo:D Not to mention I did a 6 month rotation in our 35 feet RV. I finished with no problem. I also did Cathe's step workouts in the RV. People in the RV park thought I was nuts, lol:p Maybe, I am a little :p:D:p I have to find the pic my husband took from my gym in the RV. I will post it here as soon as I find it :D

Your post has made me re-think about an old project of mine --- Adding a foldable boxing stand and a punching bag.

Belinda, do you think I can hide this somewhere in my appartment?:p:)
I live in a condo, and I worked out today on Sunday and I jumped and so on. I have foam puzzle mats underneath an area rug. I don't think the guy underneath me can hear much plus he is the best downstairs neighbor I ever had. I had people that could not pay their rent, and they made nine fake 911 calls on me. Eventually, they got into a lot of trouble, and they were evicted. I also had nutty people that banged on the ceiling all the time. I am very thankful for the person downstairs now; he never complains.

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