How did you start working out?


Hi. I am trying to get my fitness back and am lost. I am perimenopausal and have absolutely no energy or motivation. I consider myself a beginner because it has been well over 5 years since I worked out regularly. I was just getting started with Cathe when my body betrayed me. My goal is to someday be a Cathelete ( I don't believe that 51 is too old!). Anyway, I was wondering how you all got started exercising, and if you had any tips and/or advice.

I have always been very athletic since childhood- dance, track, weights, aerobic classes, etc. Then I had back-to-back pregnancies which both required full bed rest the entire time. So in a 24 month period, I had 15 months of bed rest. I'm talking only 10 minutes/day on my feet. I also gained 65 pounds both times, though I lost the first 65 before I gained the second!

Anyway, after my second baby, I was so out of shape I couldn't even make it up my stairs without stopping for breath, and holding the baby just killed my arms because my muscles had gone to mush.

I knew there was no good place to start, so I just jumped in and got busy! I did only three days a week to begin with, and after a couple months of reconditioning my heart I went back to 5-6 days of training per week. At the time I worked out with The Firm, if that gives you a reference for what kind of work I was doing. Good ol' weights and cardio! I lost all the weight and got back into tip-top shape in 10 months.

I went as hard as I could and modified where I needed to until my strength started coming back. It didn't take long! My advice would be to look at the rotation forums and find one that looks like fun to you, and then do what you can with it. Give it your best and leave the rest behind. You will get better every day. Maybe do three days of Cathe, and the other days of the week do something else active like yoga or a long, fast walk. Listen to your body, but don't be afraid to push yourself! Good luck!
Hello. I feel that if you slowly start with cardio, the exercise will give you energy. Once, you start to have the energy, you will feel much better and want to exercise. Over time you will increase you exercise sessions and start with the weight training. This is how I started and now I can't get enough Cathe. I follow her rotations and am loving every minute. Good Luck and best wishes!!!!:D
Hi! For me, my fitness journey started at age 28, 258 lbs, and 5'2". I started by counting calories, drinking water, and walking 15 minutes 3x/week. My right foot was shattered and that was all that I could do. Over time, I worked up to doing my trusty Gin Miller and Kathy Smith videos. As I outgrew those, I discovered Cathe on FitTV. I started by ordering Rhythmic Step. Man, was that over my head!!! I quickly learned that the beginner's rotation (its a sticky in the rotations forum.) starts where most other instructors' 'advanced' leaves off. :D

Tell us about your fitness goals, and it will help us steer you in the right direction. Also, what did your body do that 'betrayed' you? What happened? We may be able to help in that arena too. I've had some issues with estrogen dominance, PCO symptoms, and endocrine issues since I was 18 months old, I might be able to help or at the very least offer sympathy.

Since you are 'perimenopausal' and have little energy, you might get tested to be sure that you don't have a vit. D deficiency or your thyroid is compromised. In any event, I would recommend trying some coconut oil (I prefer the Spectrum brand.) I like it in my morning oatmeal. It helps support the thyroid, and without a happy thyroid we all feel run down and lack luster.

If you haven't tried one, you might want to do an elimination diet to find out if there is a hidden food sensitivity which is causing low grade inflammation and exhaustion.

If you are having any digestion problems, you might look into adding some lemon to your morning water. That can help with any kind of indigestion you might have. Without good digestion we always feel lousy because we are inadvertently experiencing all kinds of vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

I hope I didn't wander far too off on a tangent:eek:,

I started with light weights 3 times per week and walking 2-3 times per week. I slowly increased my weights and added more intense cardio over time.
The main key was consistency and getting up and doing my workouts even though I didn't feel like it, was tired, felt fat, felt depressed, wanted to quit.
I ignored that mean little voice in my head that said go back to sleep, sit down and watch tv, eat that big piece of cake with a cup of coffee and forget it-you'll never have a good body again. LIES LIES LIES

That dedication paid off over time, NOT over-night. You will have the body you want again if you are consistent.
Hi Sharon,

My journey began at 19 years old. At only 5'1, I weighed 140lbs (not very heavy I know, but on my small frame, I was considered overweight). My eating habits were lousy and my activity level was low. I had been very athletic in grade school, but during high school I somehow left that behind. By the time I turned 20, I went down to 110lbs by eating very healthy and becoming active again. What also helped keep me fit was my full-time job. I was on my feet for 9 hrs/day, walking, unloading skids, lifting heavy boxes. I easily took 20,000 step/day. During my twenties, I developed a love for bike riding, hiking, traveling, anything that allowed me to walk and be active. What I did not do was weight training. So although I was thin and active, I started to get flabby.
My real test of fitness began with the pregnancy of my daughter in 2008. I was on bed rest for 4 months and gained 55lbs! I gave birth to her 2 weeks before my 30th birthday via c-section. Within 1 year of giving birth, I lost 45lbs. I used strictly exercise video's, walking, and a healthy diet to lose the weight. It was not until I found Cathe in May 2011, that I was able to get into the greatest shape of my life. I am now fitter, healthier and stronger than I have ever been. People told me I would never look the same after I gave birth. They were right........I LOOK BETTER. With Cathe I have achieved a level of fitness and confidence I never knew existed.
My advice to you would be, all the little things add up in achieving your fitness goals. Start out small and work your way up. Attainable goals are far more likely to be met. Do not underestimate walking!! It is one of the greatest ways to lose weight without putting too much strain and impact on your body. If you want to start with Cathe w/o's, perhaps give the beginner rotation a try, like Alicia suggested Eventually you will get stronger and able to take yourself to the next level. Perhaps you can go into the Ask Cathe forum and she might be able to give you a personalized rotation and advice.

Good luck & take care,

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I agree with what others have said about starting with small baby steps. If you start out gung ho, too hard and fast for what you're conditioned for you may peter out and give up too easily since it it will be overwhelming. I did step videos in high school and also used a gym in college (as well as my trusty videos). Like Natasha though, I never touched a dumbell back then. Once I was done with school and started working my commitment to exercise waned and I became very inconsistent. I'd workout for 3 months, then quit for 9 months! Then I finally stopped altogether from about age 32-37. Even though my BMI was still in the "healthy" range it was near the top of that range and I was extremely out of shape.

I always had trouble working out in the mornings but I knew my problem with inconsistency could be solved if I could just get up early enough to do it in the morning. I got some 10 minute solution dvd's and just resolved to do 2 of the 10 minute sections every morning. I didn't even do cardio at that time...just the pilates ones. That way I could just simply get in the habit of actually getting up and doing it every morning. I'd even do it in my pajamas! Once I had the habit I slowly increased my activity...adding cardio, more time (30 minutes, then 40 etc). Then I discovered circuit training videos and started adding strength work. That was when I discovered Cathe...about a year after I had been doing this. Then my fitness really took off! Like, Natasha said, I have never been as strong and fit as I am today and that's all due to Cathe!:D

So my recommendation would be to take extreme baby steps- make small achievable goals so that they simply become a habit rather than something you have to force yourself to do, and really try to workout in the morning if you can. For me, if it doesn't get done in the morning it ain't happening!
I agree with what others have said about starting with small baby steps. If you start out gung ho, too hard and fast for what you're conditioned for you may peter out and give up too easily since it it will be overwhelming. I did step videos in high school and also used a gym in college (as well as my trusty videos). Like Natasha though, I never touched a dumbell back then. Once I was done with school and started working my commitment to exercise waned and I became very inconsistent. I'd workout for 3 months, then quit for 9 months! Then I finally stopped altogether from about age 32-37. Even though my BMI was still in the "healthy" range it was near the top of that range and I was extremely out of shape.

I always had trouble working out in the mornings but I knew my problem with inconsistency could be solved if I could just get up early enough to do it in the morning. I got some 10 minute solution dvd's and just resolved to do 2 of the 10 minute sections every morning. I didn't even do cardio at that time...just the pilates ones. That way I could just simply get in the habit of actually getting up and doing it every morning. I'd even do it in my pajamas! Once I had the habit I slowly increased my activity...adding cardio, more time (30 minutes, then 40 etc). Then I discovered circuit training videos and started adding strength work. That was when I discovered Cathe...about a year after I had been doing this. Then my fitness really took off! Like, Natasha said, I have never been as strong and fit as I am today and that's all due to Cathe!:D

So my recommendation would be to take extreme baby steps- make small achievable goals so that they simply become a habit rather than something you have to force yourself to do, and really try to workout in the morning if you can. For me, if it doesn't get done in the morning it ain't happening!

Totally agree with all of this. Baby steps is how I started out as well. I actually couldn't even really do any of my Cathe workouts for a while when I started working out regularly again after two years of no activity and gaining back weight that I had lost a few years prior. I just didn't have the cardio capacity or the energy. I had to go back to my old Firm workouts and build back up from there. 30 to 40 to 45 minutes of moderate exercise about 4 to 5 days a week. That was November of 2010. Now I'm averaging 60 to 75 minutes mostly Cathe's with a few others mixed in 6 days a week.. but as you can see it took me a year and change to get here. And I also work out in the mornings. I like to get it out of the way so it's not hanging over my head all day that I have to work out when I get home.

Just start out slowly and work your way up. If 30 minutes is all you can do then so be it. Next week try for 40 or 45 and work up from there. It's okay to modify if you need to. We all have to start somewhere. Good luck!
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I have always been very athletic since childhood- dance, track, weights, aerobic classes, etc. Then I had back-to-back pregnancies which both required full bed rest the entire time. So in a 24 month period, I had 15 months of bed rest. I'm talking only 10 minutes/day on my feet. I also gained 65 pounds both times, though I lost the first 65 before I gained the second!

Anyway, after my second baby, I was so out of shape I couldn't even make it up my stairs without stopping for breath, and holding the baby just killed my arms because my muscles had gone to mush.

I knew there was no good place to start, so I just jumped in and got busy! I did only three days a week to begin with, and after a couple months of reconditioning my heart I went back to 5-6 days of training per week. At the time I worked out with The Firm, if that gives you a reference for what kind of work I was doing. Good ol' weights and cardio! I lost all the weight and got back into tip-top shape in 10 months.

I went as hard as I could and modified where I needed to until my strength started coming back. It didn't take long! My advice would be to look at the rotation forums and find one that looks like fun to you, and then do what you can with it. Give it your best and leave the rest behind. You will get better every day. Maybe do three days of Cathe, and the other days of the week do something else active like yoga or a long, fast walk. Listen to your body, but don't be afraid to push yourself! Good luck!

Hi nkhansen1! Thank you for your advice! I love your words, "Give it your best and leave the rest behind"..."Listen to your body, but don't be afraid to push yourself". I have always had it in my mind, that if I can't do the whole workout, then I won't do it. I don't know why I think that way about myself. I tell others to do what they can. I am going to print your words and tape them to my TV! (With your permission of course!!) I also like that you said that there is no good place to start. I think alot of my excuse is that I'll start when I find the "right" place to start.

I, too, used The FIRM. I struggled through the Classics (future goal is to do Vol. 1 ALL the way through! I may be 70 yrs old, but I WILL do it! LOL!!). I had the greatest success with BSS1! Then I tried Cathe. I couldn't do alot, but when FitTV ran her workouts, I watched (key word is watched) every day. I learned (by memorizing) to do the first part of Imax 2 that way! I didn't use a step when I attempted, but I was on my way! I knew I wanted to stick with Cathe because she talks to the viewer like a friend, not scripted. And I felt that all the ladies were my friends. And she had only one name for each move in ALL her workouts. Silly reason I know, but I would always get thrown off with the FIRM when in one workout a move was called one thing and then in another the same move was called something else. I like simplicity in my challenging workouts!!

Thanks again for your encouragment!
Hello. I feel that if you slowly start with cardio, the exercise will give you energy. Once, you start to have the energy, you will feel much better and want to exercise. Over time you will increase you exercise sessions and start with the weight training. This is how I started and now I can't get enough Cathe. I follow her rotations and am loving every minute. Good Luck and best wishes!!!!:D

Hi missyt! Thank you for your advice! Seeing in words that cardio first will give me energy to keep going and then add weights was an AHA moment. My brain knows cardio will give me energy, but I guess I had to have someone tell me. Thank you!! My mind is churning now!! I'm thinking that if I watch Basic Step and just march in place to it a little at a time, it's a start! And then do the toning workouts with 2# weights and skip the band segments to start!

I'm reading this back and thinking how silly I feel asking for advice when I seem to know what to do. Now to JUST DO it!!

Thanks again!!
Gilad, Gilad, Gilad

I have been working off on and off for years, however I have never been able to stick to a fitness routine for longer than several months during my adult life. Something would always come up and I couldn't make it to the gym for several weeks and then weeks would turn into months!

I started working out again not necessarily to get into shape but to be able to sleep at night. I figured it was a healthier approach than taking sleeping pills or anti-depressants. I started out by recording Gilad's Bodies in Motion and then doing them at night after my son went to sleep. I really liked them and younger Gilad is complete eye candy. After about a month I started recording Gilad's Total Body Sculpting as well and doing both programs! After another month of that, I added in some recordings from Denise Austin that are on ESPN (her and I don't mix well though....something about her personality really grates on me). After a bit, I was working out an hour plus a night and still barely breaking a sweat. Then I read about Cathe on some fitness forums. I purchased some cheap DVDs and a step from Craigslist and have been hooked on her since!

If it's been awhile...start slow. I would get pretty tired when I first started doing Gilad and I didn't always get his moves right but I stuck with it. The nice thing about him is he doesn't use a lot of equipment either. I wasn't sure if I was going to stick with exercising at first so that was a big plus to me. However, it's been over six months now since I started up again and I am still going strong! I am even doing a STS rotation now! Who would have thought that seven months ago? In the words of Gilad "You can do it!"
Hi! For me, my fitness journey started at age 28, 258 lbs, and 5'2". I started by counting calories, drinking water, and walking 15 minutes 3x/week. My right foot was shattered and that was all that I could do. Over time, I worked up to doing my trusty Gin Miller and Kathy Smith videos. As I outgrew those, I discovered Cathe on FitTV. I started by ordering Rhythmic Step. Man, was that over my head!!! I quickly learned that the beginner's rotation (its a sticky in the rotations forum.) starts where most other instructors' 'advanced' leaves off. :D

Tell us about your fitness goals, and it will help us steer you in the right direction. Also, what did your body do that 'betrayed' you? What happened? We may be able to help in that arena too. I've had some issues with estrogen dominance, PCO symptoms, and endocrine issues since I was 18 months old, I might be able to help or at the very least offer sympathy.

Since you are 'perimenopausal' and have little energy, you might get tested to be sure that you don't have a vit. D deficiency or your thyroid is compromised. In any event, I would recommend trying some coconut oil (I prefer the Spectrum brand.) I like it in my morning oatmeal. It helps support the thyroid, and without a happy thyroid we all feel run down and lack luster.

If you haven't tried one, you might want to do an elimination diet to find out if there is a hidden food sensitivity which is causing low grade inflammation and exhaustion.

If you are having any digestion problems, you might look into adding some lemon to your morning water. That can help with any kind of indigestion you might have. Without good digestion we always feel lousy because we are inadvertently experiencing all kinds of vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

I hope I didn't wander far too off on a tangent:eek:,


Hi Alisha! I'm in awe at your knowledge! It's inspiring!! Rhythmic Step and Imax 2 are the two workouts I want to conquer! That's part of a future goal! My favorite move is the Rhythmic L!!

Right now my goal is to get my fitness back. Then, I want to stick with it. I don't have any big goals. I just want to stay active as I age. I intend to prove those people wrong, that think a person can't do vigorous exercise after age 50!!!

I've had my thyroid checked and its good. I just recently started taking hormone therapy. I'm on an extremely low dose as I am high risk of heart disease (another reason to exercise). I get migraines due to hormonal imbalance and I take an anti depressant due to chemical imbalance. These, plus my hot flashes and lack of sleep were making me miserable. I dealt with them for almost 13 years and got desperate. NOTHING I was doing herbally and with supplements was working. It's been 8 days now. I am hoping that getting my hormones balanced will help. My doctor is watching me closely and so am I. Hormone Therapy is something I vowed NEVER to do!!!

I have never tried an elimination diet. My only issue is with dairy. I'm not allergic, but my body produces excessive mucus. (Sorry, TMI). I am congested every morning. I'm considering a vegan diet. But I do like eggs and an occasional good steak. I am Catholic so I thought I would try to eliminate dairy for lent.

I appreciate your advice!! And I welcome any more you have!!

Thanks again.
I started with light weights 3 times per week and walking 2-3 times per week. I slowly increased my weights and added more intense cardio over time.
The main key was consistency and getting up and doing my workouts even though I didn't feel like it, was tired, felt fat, felt depressed, wanted to quit.
I ignored that mean little voice in my head that said go back to sleep, sit down and watch tv, eat that big piece of cake with a cup of coffee and forget it-you'll never have a good body again. LIES LIES LIES

That dedication paid off over time, NOT over-night. You will have the body you want again if you are consistent.

Hi tralaiven! Thank you for your advice! Don't you just hate that mean little voice!! I love your words, "The main key was consistency", and "That dedication paid off over time, NOT overnight"! That is big for me. I have gotten really lazy and have very little patience!! Something I need to work on!! 2 to 3 days a week seems easy enough. I get a nagging feeling that If I don't do something every day, I'll quit! I feel like a lost cause.

I am going to print this thread and read it over and over!

Thank you for your encouragment!
Hi Sharon,

My journey began at 19 years old. At only 5'1, I weighed 140lbs (not very heavy I know, but on my small frame, I was considered overweight). My eating habits were lousy and my activity level was low. I had been very athletic in grade school, but during high school I somehow left that behind. By the time I turned 20, I went down to 110lbs by eating very healthy and becoming active again. What also helped keep me fit was my full-time job. I was on my feet for 9 hrs/day, walking, unloading skids, lifting heavy boxes. I easily took 20,000 step/day. During my twenties, I developed a love for bike riding, hiking, traveling, anything that allowed me to walk and be active. What I did not do was weight training. So although I was thin and active, I started to get flabby.
My real test of fitness began with the pregnancy of my daughter in 2008. I was on bed rest for 4 months and gained 55lbs! I gave birth to her 2 weeks before my 30th birthday via c-section. Within 1 year of giving birth, I lost 45lbs. I used strictly exercise video's, walking, and a healthy diet to lose the weight. It was not until I found Cathe in May 2011, that I was able to get into the greatest shape of my life. I am now fitter, healthier and stronger than I have ever been. People told me I would never look the same after I gave birth. They were right........I LOOK BETTER. With Cathe I have achieved a level of fitness and confidence I never knew existed.
My advice to you would be, all the little things add up in achieving your fitness goals. Start out small and work your way up. Attainable goals are far more likely to be met. Do not underestimate walking!! It is one of the greatest ways to lose weight without putting too much strain and impact on your body. If you want to start with Cathe w/o's, perhaps give the beginner rotation a try, like Alicia suggested Eventually you will get stronger and able to take yourself to the next level. Perhaps you can go into the Ask Cathe forum and she might be able to give you a personalized rotation and advice.

Good luck & take care,


Hi Natasha! Thank you for your advice! I have gotten some wonderful tips!

You're right about walking! I think I have underestimated it! When I've walked in the past, my shins would end up hurting and I would quit. Maybe I was doing too much. I am seeing a pattern as I reply to everyone. Wow. I should have figured this out on my own. I seem to find excuses instead of solutions. Solutions require thought and work. I am ashamed of myself.

I am so grateful for your help in my breakthrough.

Thanks again!
Hi nkhansen1! Thank you for your advice! I love your words, "Give it your best and leave the rest behind"..."Listen to your body, but don't be afraid to push yourself". I have always had it in my mind, that if I can't do the whole workout, then I won't do it. I don't know why I think that way about myself. I tell others to do what they can. I am going to print your words and tape them to my TV! (With your permission of course!!) I also like that you said that there is no good place to start. I think alot of my excuse is that I'll start when I find the "right" place to start.

I, too, used The FIRM. I struggled through the Classics (future goal is to do Vol. 1 ALL the way through! I may be 70 yrs old, but I WILL do it! LOL!!). I had the greatest success with BSS1! Then I tried Cathe. I couldn't do alot, but when FitTV ran her workouts, I watched (key word is watched) every day. I learned (by memorizing) to do the first part of Imax 2 that way! I didn't use a step when I attempted, but I was on my way! I knew I wanted to stick with Cathe because she talks to the viewer like a friend, not scripted. And I felt that all the ladies were my friends. And she had only one name for each move in ALL her workouts. Silly reason I know, but I would always get thrown off with the FIRM when in one workout a move was called one thing and then in another the same move was called something else. I like simplicity in my challenging workouts!!

Thanks again for your encouragment!

Sharon, that is so sweet of you! I'm glad I could give some encouragement. :) Vol. 1 is awesome! You can do it! And I bet you'll do it before you turn 70! Ha! I had the same mindset about feeling like I was somehow required to finish a workout. It's a hard mindset to break when you've been in good shape before and you're used to training at a certain level. Give yourself a break when you do your best because you totally deserve it. We hear all the time that this is a journey, not a destination, so just keep going and each day will be better than the last.
I saw that you were considering a vegan diet...I happen to be vegan, and I highly recommend it. It's wonderful! If you want some vegan meal ideas, go to or Those are some good sites with wonderful recipes. Isa Chandra Moskowitz is my favorite vegan chef, and she has several fantastic cookbooks for purchase. She also runs website (The Post Punk Kitchen).

I agree with what others have said about starting with small baby steps. If you start out gung ho, too hard and fast for what you're conditioned for you may peter out and give up too easily since it it will be overwhelming. I did step videos in high school and also used a gym in college (as well as my trusty videos). Like Natasha though, I never touched a dumbell back then. Once I was done with school and started working my commitment to exercise waned and I became very inconsistent. I'd workout for 3 months, then quit for 9 months! Then I finally stopped altogether from about age 32-37. Even though my BMI was still in the "healthy" range it was near the top of that range and I was extremely out of shape.

I always had trouble working out in the mornings but I knew my problem with inconsistency could be solved if I could just get up early enough to do it in the morning. I got some 10 minute solution dvd's and just resolved to do 2 of the 10 minute sections every morning. I didn't even do cardio at that time...just the pilates ones. That way I could just simply get in the habit of actually getting up and doing it every morning. I'd even do it in my pajamas! Once I had the habit I slowly increased my activity...adding cardio, more time (30 minutes, then 40 etc). Then I discovered circuit training videos and started adding strength work. That was when I discovered Cathe...about a year after I had been doing this. Then my fitness really took off! Like, Natasha said, I have never been as strong and fit as I am today and that's all due to Cathe!:D

So my recommendation would be to take extreme baby steps- make small achievable goals so that they simply become a habit rather than something you have to force yourself to do, and really try to workout in the morning if you can. For me, if it doesn't get done in the morning it ain't happening!

Hi cokonkel! Thank you for your advice! 10 minutes at a time I should be able to do!!! I used to exercise in the morning. But now I have an extremely hard time getting up early. I think it's because as my body is changing, I don't sleep good. But I agree with you, "if it doesn't get done in the morning, it ain't happening"! (Love that!!)

Everyone has been so kind and I am extremely grateful! I have alot of work to do! It will be work, but I need this journey!

Thanks again for your thoughts!
Totally agree with all of this. Baby steps is how I started out as well. I actually couldn't even really do any of my Cathe workouts for a while when I started working out regularly again after two years of no activity and gaining back weight that I had lost a few years prior. I just didn't have the cardio capacity or the energy. I had to go back to my old Firm workouts and build back up from there. 30 to 40 to 45 minutes of moderate exercise about 4 to 5 days a week. That was November of 2010. Now I'm averaging 60 to 75 minutes mostly Cathe's with a few others mixed in 6 days a week.. but as you can see it took me a year and change to get here. And I also work out in the mornings. I like to get it out of the way so it's not hanging over my head all day that I have to work out when I get home.

Just start out slowly and work your way up. If 30 minutes is all you can do then so be it. Next week try for 40 or 45 and work up from there. It's okay to modify if you need to. We all have to start somewhere. Good luck!

Hi cammie-cam! Everyone has been so wonderful and I am humbled by all the well-wishes I have received.

Your story sounds alot like mine as I began experiencing perimenopausal symptons. But, unlike you, I just gave up my fitness. I admire your strength (figuratively and physically).

I am a cashier at Walmart and after standing in one place barely moving all day, my lower back, feet and left hip hurt sooo bad. When I get home I'm down for the evening. Walmart doesn't believe in giving cashiers a set schedule, so I have the dumbest schedule on the planet. I have worked till 11 pm and then be scheduled to be back at work at 6 am the next morning. Trust me, I throw a fit!!! Anyway, my whole life is so messed up, that my head spins. I am trying to get a hold on it.

I sometimes have trouble trying to find a way to modify some moves. But, I'll work on it!

Thanks again for your thoughts! I am more grateful to EVERYONE than I could possibly express in words!!
Sharon, that is so sweet of you! I'm glad I could give some encouragement. :) Vol. 1 is awesome! You can do it! And I bet you'll do it before you turn 70! Ha! I had the same mindset about feeling like I was somehow required to finish a workout. It's a hard mindset to break when you've been in good shape before and you're used to training at a certain level. Give yourself a break when you do your best because you totally deserve it. We hear all the time that this is a journey, not a destination, so just keep going and each day will be better than the last.
I saw that you were considering a vegan diet...I happen to be vegan, and I highly recommend it. It's wonderful! If you want some vegan meal ideas, go to or Those are some good sites with wonderful recipes. Isa Chandra Moskowitz is my favorite vegan chef, and she has several fantastic cookbooks for purchase. She also runs website (The Post Punk Kitchen).


Thanks Natalie! My DIL tried to go vegan for about 3 months last year. She had great weightloss results but gave up because she got bored. I have been considering going vegan more for health reasons with the weightloss as a bonus. I have a few books on my Kindle Fire so that I will always have info at my fingertips! I am always looking for as much info as I can find, so I will check out the websites! I know this sounds unusual, but I have to tell myself that through the internet, I have alot of vegan foods available. I forget that. Because I work at Walmart, I shop alot there after work. They carry some products, but not enough!!!

Again, I am sooo grateful for your advice!!!

Thank you.
I have been working off on and off for years, however I have never been able to stick to a fitness routine for longer than several months during my adult life. Something would always come up and I couldn't make it to the gym for several weeks and then weeks would turn into months!

I started working out again not necessarily to get into shape but to be able to sleep at night. I figured it was a healthier approach than taking sleeping pills or anti-depressants. I started out by recording Gilad's Bodies in Motion and then doing them at night after my son went to sleep. I really liked them and younger Gilad is complete eye candy. After about a month I started recording Gilad's Total Body Sculpting as well and doing both programs! After another month of that, I added in some recordings from Denise Austin that are on ESPN (her and I don't mix well though....something about her personality really grates on me). After a bit, I was working out an hour plus a night and still barely breaking a sweat. Then I read about Cathe on some fitness forums. I purchased some cheap DVDs and a step from Craigslist and have been hooked on her since!

If it's been awhile...start slow. I would get pretty tired when I first started doing Gilad and I didn't always get his moves right but I stuck with it. The nice thing about him is he doesn't use a lot of equipment either. I wasn't sure if I was going to stick with exercising at first so that was a big plus to me. However, it's been over six months now since I started up again and I am still going strong! I am even doing a STS rotation now! Who would have thought that seven months ago? In the words of Gilad "You can do it!"

Hi TRSTACIE!! I hang my head in shame as I realize I missed your post!! I also salute your for your accomplishments and doing STS!!! I can't wait to get and complete STS!!!

I have never worked out with Gilad (I was going to say I've never "done" Gilad, but that didn't sound good!!! LOL!!) My very first workouts were Denise Austin's and for an absolute novice, she is encouraging. But after a while, she made me uncomfortable. Plus, she would stumble and I got all confused!! I still have a soft spot for her, I like some of her advice, just not her workouts!!

Good Luck with STS! I know you will rock it!!!

Thank you again for your advice!
Originally Posted by TRSTACIE
I have been working off on and off for years, however I have never been able to stick to a fitness routine for longer than several months during my adult life.

That was me too...from highschool onward until maybe May of 2002. At that point I decided to get in shape for my wedding (March 2003), literally! Too bad I didn't discover Cathe back then!;) lol

Anyway, I started out with Beachbody's Great Body Garunteed, moved onto one of the Firm's Body Sculpting Systems and it just took off from there! I even walked on the treadmill for 30 mins every day on my honeymoon! When I did that I knew I was hooked!;)

I discovered Cathe in Dec of 2004 while pregnant with my son and I've managed to buy ALMOST every dvd she has available over the years. I didn't keep them all for various reasons but I've pretty much owned them all! :D

As for what motivated me to start-it was my wedding and wanting to look good in my dress. What motivated me to keep going when I got back from the honeymoon? Not sure but I never looked back! Exercise just became a part of my lifestyle and I've truly learned to love it! If I can't work out it affects me negatively so why skip it right? ;)
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