Help! Rotation advice needed


HEllo, everyone in Cathe-Land! I am wondering what rotation-Cathe or your personal version-have you had success with in REDUCING the thigh/but area!! I got too much junk in my trunk and am at my wits end trying to get rid of it! I am currently doing 2-3 full body circuit type weight sessions weekly, plus 40-60 minute sessions on the stairmaster or treadmill, minimum of 3 times per week, PLUS 2-3 45 minute Advanced level Spin classes per week. I am getting burned out and am starting to feel like giving up. I need to lose at least 15# and it is just not coming off....ANY ADVICE?

I have STS and most Cathe dvd's...although I do not enjoy kickboxing....I own a spin bike, treadmill and Nordic Ski machine, and have a gym is TOO cold and icy here to get outside right now, so am stuck inside.....

Thanks to all

Sept. 08 Leg Blast Rotation

I have this workout printed out but not sure I followed it exactly. Cathe's emphasis for this rotation is to lean out your lower body without building muscle. I like the results I see when I use Butts & Guts consistently and this DVD is in the rotation. There is kickboxing in this rotation, but you could substitute any of the cardio you already do for the kickboxing.

If you look through the Index of Cathe Rotations thread ( you might get some other ideas.


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