Help! I need your opinion


Hi all,

I am contemplating cancelling the blast series, though I dont want to because I love Cathes workouts, (my favorite being the intensity series).
The thing is lately my knees have become weaker more painful and crunchier sounding than they were before I started all this higher impact, now I dont want anyone to think that I am blaming Cathe, but it is just that I think any high impact workouts cant be all that good for me as my knees play up a lot, I mean I could keep the blast series on order and just modify the moves, but as there will probably be a lot of lunges, squats plyometric jumps, and jacks etc, by the time I have modified those there will be nothing left for me to do, or I will lose intensity, I need the intensity but not the pounding.
I also suppose that because my weight fluctuates it does not help my knees, I am considering getting a bosu and rebounder. Can cathe be done on any of these and if so which cathes?
any advice or suggestions would be welcomed.

Luv hotchick:)
Just a few thoughts/questions here. Are you doing Cathe exclusively? What I'm getting at is, are you cross-training at all? If you're using Cathe exclusively, then you might want to think about trying some lower impact, yet high intensity workouts. Swimming/water aerobics (ask Ajock on this - she'll give you some killer workouts!), the recumbent bike and the elliptical all come to mind. Alternating these workouts with Cathe will give those joints a break, but let you continue to enjoy Cathe's workouts.

What is your step height? That could impact your knees, too. Personally, I didn't lose any intensity going from 8" to 6" - I just had the option of jumping higher if I wanted to!

How many days a week do you work out/take off, and do you take a week off periodically? I know I have to take a week off after every 12 or so. I getting nagging minor injuries the last few weeks, so I know it's time. After my rest week, I'm ready to go again and things are healed up.

I wouldn't cancel the BB series order. There's always more than just high impact in Cathe's workouts that's beneficial - all the lifting and core work are worth keeping that order.

I hope you find a way to workout that will keep your knees will be happier!
Kotacam - thank you so much for your kind word@

I agree with all of Kotacam's comments and questions, and *no surprises here* I also agree that if you're using Cathe exclusively for your home DVD/video exercise program, having lower-impact alternatives including aqua, biking etc. is important. In fact, earlier this summer I took a week off from work while at the same time the pool where I teach aqua was closed; I found that even two solid days of Cathe cardio really fried my joints and thighs so I bit the bullet and went to another pool for a couple of days to get my water workout in. Made all the difference in the world.

Please reconsider cancelling your Body Blast series. IMHO, with the premixes that we know Cathe will be including I'm sure you can fashion lower-impact routines / mish-moshes; if you get it and absolutely don't like it, you can always offload it on E-Bay or another DVD/vid fitness forum. I also want to encourage you to consider bringing in water training on a regular basis; not only is an incredible joint-saver, it also conditions the muscles from an endurance standpoint in an awesome way, and there are plenty of ways of getting a good cardio workout as well.

Just a note to say that I wouldn't stop doing lunges and squats unless they give you pain. I'm just a layman, but I think those exercises strenghten the muscles that support your knees. My knees sometimes bother me, but never in connection with those exercises. Step-ups can hurt my knees if I don't have the right height.

As for high impact, I must say, I just don't believe in it and never do it, so I can't comment and will leave that aspect to others who are more knowledgable. I have found, unfortunately, that cycling is hard on my knees. Just can't figure out how Lance Armstrong does it! No matter what I try, I always come back to walking on the treadmill. When all else fails, it is always there to go back to.
Hi everyone,

thank you so far for your comments, and kind words of advice.

I dont do Cathe exclusively, I have firms, Kari, Mindy, Gin, Karen,Keli, powerstrikes and other kickboxing vids, also ballet and pilates dvds etc. I love variety, and just over a year ago I seriously started working out due to being fat for 17 years and having creaky knees. I have not lost all the weight but because I have discovered strength training I have become quite toned and have muscles, but with a bit of fat left over it and Nancy is right the squats and lunges helped me a lot because apart from gaining muscular quads,I stopped having pain for a long time, but recently for the last three months I have been having pain on and off, you know the sharp shooting pain you get in the knees when going up the stairs,though I must confess that I had gone off weight training and have not done it for a few months as I got sick of setting up and unpacking the equipment, and I just did not feel like doing weights. so I did a lot of circuit or interval training instead, not cathe but mostly Gin or keli etc.
also I work shifts so I cant commit to outside activities, such as swimming,and I only use the club step with no risers for step.
Lately though because the pain has been coming back on and off I am afraid to do any serious weight training.

Do you think that because I stopped using weights that my joints started to hurt again?
I just dont want to make them worse, and I thought to cancel the blast series as I may be to scared to exert my knees.
Sorry for such a long post, but I dont fancy having to wear knee replacements as I am only 35 and dont want to pound on them any longer.
If I am talking rubbish I dont mind if you tell me as I am only a novice in these matters.

Hi Hotchick,

Just thought I would throw my .02 cents into the conversation.

I have had both my knees operated on and have had to modify my workouts to accomodate them.

I agree with Ajock and the others that doing Cathe exclusively is probably not a good idea for those with joint problems. I looked at your list of others and saw that the instructors you favor all tend to be higher impact/intensity. Have you consider incorporating some yoga and/or pilates into your workouts? These formats are easy on the knees and can be very intense if you want it to be. Advanced pilates and power yoga can really strengthen the muscles without impact and such. You may want to check out collage video and video fitness for recommendations.

With lunges and squats, modify by not going down as far. If I go too low with squats my knees will fire up something fierce. I think the moves can be just as effective if you concentrate on form and focus on the muscles rather than just range of motion.

I find that if I don't do strength training regularly my knees will notice it. You don't have to go very heavy and I would try to be consistent to at least 1-2 times per week.

Have you thought about knee braces? You can go to a drug store or even a medical supply store and pick up neoprene braces. This will help support your knees during strength training.

I would eliminate all high impact moves from cardio. I find that almost every high impact move has a low impact counterpart and I still think the workouts are as tough as ever.

Lastly, knees should not have persistent pain and the sharp shooting pains you described would concern me. Consider going to your physician and having it checked out. Often times doctors will prescribe a course of physical therapy to help strength the muscles and tissues surrounding the joint to help stabilize the joint and the PT can tell you how to modify your workouts and what exercises you should/should not be doing.

Whew! Sorry so long.

I am going to disagree with some posters and agree with others.

I would say trust your instincts: only YOU know how your knees feel, no-one else here can possibly judge this for you and tell you you will be OK with the Blast series with modifications.
Personally, problems with knees would scare the heck out of me and I would never want to do permanent damage to them or griund away the protective cartilage in them. For heavens sakes, we need our knees, and we want to still be active wen we are grannies rather than hobbling around because we did too much Cathe impact work.

I would agree with several posters here that it's time for a re-evaluation of your body and what it needs to keep it fit and healthy in the long term. Look at what works, what doesn't, what is downright painful and what could be incorporated to take your workouts into the next phase for you.

I am goint to be radical and suggest you cancel at least the order for the first DVD, or first 2 videos, the two that contain all the step work. That's where the most impact lies and what could cause you trouble. I don't know how you feel about this, but having to do aCathe step video as a no or low impact routine and not doing it exactly as is would kill me. I'd feel there was no or little point. That's me. Others do it and like it, but I wouldn't see the point. I'd rather just go and swim a mile and get my cardio in that way in a joints-friendly fashion.

Then I think it might be helpful for you to visit a physician and [physiotherapisy to get those knwees evaluated as your previous poster suggested. After that, find a reputable personal trainer who cah help you to tailor a weights workout to your special needs, to biuld strength around the knee and help protect it, rather than grind it into the dust. If then, the moves seem to be working for you and Cathe has moves that are comparable to this, then by all means, the remaining DVDs on the blast series could be useful to you. In which case, I would probably hold off on buying them, regardless of discounts, until I knew that I was absolutely going to be able to use them safely without straining my joints.

What are you losing by cancellng the order? Not much really. The tapes/DVD's will ALWAYS be there should you decide to purchase them 6 months later. They aren't going anyahere. Do not feel you HAVE TO purchase them because it seems like everyone else is and hey! it's such a good deal to get the whole package! It's not a gooddeal if it 'aint gonn awork for youIt would be a waste of money and exasperating, not to mention pigs-ear inconvenient off-loading them on ebay.

Hotchick, I'd err on the side of caution right now: saveyour money and spend it on evaluating your knees/joints with professional advice from physician, physiotherapist and trainer. Cathe earns enuf money already, you don't owe her anything.

Have a great day and please take care,

Sorry if I did not clarify myself,

I do wear knee supports when I exercise, and if it hurts then I dont do it, but my knees dont really hurt at the time I am exercising because I listen to them and the supports really help, but just generally they seem weaker and sometimes have pain when going up the stairs, so I was just thinking if the high impact has encouraged general wear and tear.
Dutchgirl the instructors that you mentioned are indeed high impact but I wont do them if I have pain I will usually do floor cardio or kickboxing with minimal impact.
Clare you have made some valid points and the truth is I feel that I probably dont want to miss out or will regret not having the blast series if I keep reading great reviews from everyone when they are out, plus I did order them at the first pre sale price, but like you said they wont be much good to me if I cant do them as I already have ten cathe dvds and it is killing me not to be able to do them with the full effort/impact. I am in the process of seeing a physiotherapist right now soIcan get more advice on the state of my joints, and dutchgirl I have quite a few pilates/ballet dvds which I should do more often.

Oh well! off I go to cancel Cathe.... ( this is torture) Im not cancelling, I must! I must!.

I agree with some of the posters and think it would be VERY VERY worth your money if you had your knees checked out. I only have one small word of advice that *might* work and has worked for me in the past. When I first started running back in my Freshman high school day, my knees were killing me!! Now, I had nooo strength training under my belt at that time, and I'm sure my muscles were weak. Well, I don't remember where, but I read that if do leg-lifts... they are excellent for strengthening the muscles that control your knees... I didn't use any weights for a long time, and then slowly used 1lb then 2lb weights... I just sat in a chair very straight, and kept my knees bent at a 90 degree angle, then lifted one foot up until my leg was almost straight.... I never ever lifted too high, though, because that will hurt your knees, too. I will honestly say within two weeks, my knee pain was virtually gone...

Again, this summer when I was on vacation, I sat on my butt soo much that I became very weak, and once again my knees were feeling terrible.. I could hardly walk without severe pain. so I did the leg lifts again... it worked wonders again... I am pain-free after 3 weeks.

Not to say that this is your problem, and you may already do leg-lifts, but I just wanted to share my experience... If you have Karen Voights Great Weighted Workout, the floor work should be really good for strenthening the knee-supporting muscles... That is my favorite floor work of all time.

I really hope you feel better soon!! And I hope that you don't have something severe. Take care of yourself!!

Hey there :) Actually, you can do any kind of variation of this leg extension that you would like. Whatever feels comfortable. Just be careful... It might work the muscles more if you hold them up for a few seconds... Form is everything; otherwise, do whatever feels good. It would be wonderful if that works for you... I don't understand why it works for me, but I am very grateful that it does... :) Working your hams in kind of the same manner might be helpful, too, but I don't remember reading about that... hopefully someone has some input...


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