Help! Gaining weight in 40s


I have always been slender at 5'9" and have consistently exercised 6 days a week (usually mid morning - 3 days of cardio and abs and 3 days of weights (3 day split). Last year I started a demanding full time job and have been steadily gaining weight. What?! I don't have time during the work day for a work out and the dress code is suits and blazers so the most I can do is a 30 min walk at lunch which really isn't much and I try and usually get in my 10,000 steps per day but I really feel it doesn't make much of a difference. I have tried on and off getting up bright and early to work out but by the third day I am so wiped out. I have tried to exercise after work but I usually get home after 6 pm and then it seems that all my energy completely disappears. I know I need to get to bed earlier but I am a single mom of 3 teenagers with a new puppy. He is adorable but exhausting. I get that the forties are an unforgiving time hormonally for weight gain and that what worked before no longer will and I have to cut down on carbs and sweets. I feel I need to buckle down and commit to early morning workouts since night time ones are impossible and just suck up the fatigue later in the week. I am considering doing cardio in the mornings during the week for 30 to 45 min and then legs on Sat and Chest/Tri on Sunday. The next weekend I will do legs and Back/Bi/Shoulders on the weekend. Not ideal but weights first thing in the morning is tough and often Cathe's workouts are an hour (or more). Has anyone done this and had success? I feel I need more cardio but don't want to lose the weights. I have never had a stomach before or flabby arms but here I am and my clothes are so tight. I was always the girl that could eat anything, sadly that is no more. I can't seem to find many great role models for women in the 40s or 50s that look amazing. Though Sandra Bullock does look pretty great. Any thoughts?!
You are definitely on the right track with cutting down on sugar. :) Have you had any current blood work done like thyroid, progesterone, Vitamin D etc?
Have you ever considered that your body is truly tired and it may benefit your overall health and therefore weight status by cutting back on the exercise a bit, so you can have more rest, sleep and less stress? I would suggest speaking to your doctor about this. I am not saying THAT is the definite issue, I do not know ....although it is worth discussing your weight gain with a good doctor with a good reputation dealing with endocrine/hormonal health.
You are a single Mom with TEENAGERS. Just reading that exhasts me - you are a super lady!!!! (I do not mean that snarkily.) I am not a Mom, but there are many knowledgable & healthy ones here on the forum who will hopefully drop in with some more sound advice for you. :)

Take care
I agree with Elsie. My first thought, is give yourself a break. You have TONS going on! Anyone in your shoes would be experiencing a similar thing. I know for me, stress absolutely wrecks my body and mind. I gain weight, get depressed, the works.

Meditation, yoga, apps on your phone.... anything to destress just a few min a day can help a lot. Yes Iknow that seems like the last thing on your mind to do. But just try to take deep breaths... try 5. Next time try 7. You never know. What could it hurt?

Are you pushing yourself too hard at work? You mentioned it's a new job. Are you trying to prove yourself and so running yourself ragged? Remember, they chose you for a reason! They know you are the person for the job :)

Check that you are eating balanced meals throughout the day. I know sometimes at work I eat far to little and then I come home crashing and starving and tired.
Get enough rest- you just have to. If you can't recharge, all your efforts will backfire (just my personal experience)

if you want, I started an early risers check in on the check in forum. I am new to 6am workouts and yes they are tiring but this is my first week and I am taking it easy. One night I didn't sleep well so I just stretched in the am.

Hugs to you. Things will get better :)
I'm a single mom of 2 teenage girls and 2 dogs. I work 7 days a week. I've always done early am workouts, but the last year or so my disease (lupus) has made it so hard to work out early because of joint pain. I try to get a workout in at some point of the day, but it's so hard with the kids, etc. I've learned to give myself a break and try to do better on the next day. It's learning to quiet that voice in your head and just doing the best u can. Good luck!
By the way, I'm 47.
You already know what you need to it. You've stopped working out, and your body has suffered for it.
Once you get in the habit of morning workouts, you'll adjust quickly and it will become the norm for your body. You'll just have to suck it up for those 2 weeks or so of adjustment.

This isn't about being in your 40s and hormones - yet. Right now, this is about having stopped building lean muscle mass. You can replace it with walking, but we both know that's not nearly enough compared to what you were doing before.
If you resume that schedule and still don't see a difference, then maybe hormones are kicking in. But first, you have to get your schedule back.

Sorry mama, I'm a 40 YO full time working mom of 2 kids in elementary school. I get it, completely. You just have to fit it in, and you already know that. You can do it!
Thanks everyone for your feedback and support! You are all too kind!

If you think I would feel and look less run down after committing to early morning workouts for a couple of weeks then I will give it a go. I'm hoping that isn't just a pipe dream lol.

Has anyone tried splitting the 3 day split over more than 7 days (i.e. 2 of the 3 days on the weekend)? I am going to cut myself some slack and stick to 30 - 45 min in the morning which really isn't conducive to the majority of Cathe's weight workouts, so it will have to be cardio during the week and legs on Saturday and one of the two upper body workouts on Sunday when time and sleep aren't an issue. I am planning on working out 7 days per week because I will literally never happen especially on the days I just can't get up (my tiny little Maltese is adorable but exhausting!) FYI I tend to be pear shaped.
Hi LK1,
I'm 49 and a single parent to only one teenager and 2 cats - no comparison to your brood and you may as well say you have a new baby too as puppies really are like babies lol! Kind of like men too but that's another topic! I switched to morning workouts maybe 7 years ago and am NOT a morning person. But I was finding my fatigue at the end of the day was getting to me and i was missing workouts. I find the morning exercise lifts my mood considerably and i'm more energized all day, sleep better at night. Instead of doing splits though you may benefit more from circuits so you get your weights and cardio all in one so more bang for your buck. The RWH upper and lower body circuits are great and only around 40 -45 minutes i believe. I'm a little concerned that you may be setting yourself up for failure with this high expectation of working out 7 days per week when you have so many responsibilities right now. Give yourself a break, take at least one rest day or more. Does your puppy need a morning or evening walk? Why not use that time to your benefit and do a light jog with it or have some wrist weights on to add resistance with a briskly paced walk. All sorts of things you can incorporate into your day.
Diet/ nutrition is definitely key - people can lose weight with diet alone they say but the exercise is needed to maintain it for sure. Cut out the sugar and processed foods as much as possible, read labels for hidden sugars, have healthy snacks on hand at all times - carrot sticks/ celery/ nuts/ apples etc.
Most important is to be kind to your self, take deep breaths. It will all come together for you, give yourself some time to get into a healthy routine.
Good luck,
I'm the kind who doesn't like to suffer. So my approach would be to cut 250 calories from food and to work 250-300 calories from exercise. I find that is a reasonable way of doing things.

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I would only give you the tip of adding a full body circuit to give you both weights and cardio in a short amount of time. Also Kundalini Yoga would benefit stress levels and works your body working on your organs and hormones more directly..... specifically good ones that come to mind are Ravi and Ana's Fat Free workouts.

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