Hardcore Hottie Fitness Maniacs November 26, 2008

Good Morning Maniacs!!!

Think I am gonna do Step Blast today. I don't want to miss out on the fun! Been awhile since I did that one and want to just do cardio for this week to compensate for the partakings of pie and suchs. Weight is slightly down. Happy about that.

Diane Sue,

Yesterday morning, my hr was up..heart was pounding not soon after I woke up. Not sure what that was about. Stayed that way for about 30 mins. Kinda like when you feel like your really sick and worried about something..only I didn't have anything on my mind so I don't know. This has happened before, but always in the am. I wonder if anyone else has had this happen. Strange.
Char - Nice workout yesterday. Holy crap on the calorie burn!!! Very nice job! Makes me almost want to get on my treadmill and run like Forest! LOL!

Yesterday afternoon I got off my chair at work and felt a shock wave go down my left leg. Great. Rubbed it out and it came and went all afternoon and evening. Got up this morning and the same thing. WTF??? I'm resting this week, how the heck can I hurt myself resting? I know it's a pinched nerve, I just hope it doesn't get worse. I am going to ice it when I get home.
Morning :)

No workout this morning, I stayed up cooking last night getting ready for tomorrow. I did not get in my bed till 12:30. I have to finish up tonight, not much more to do. Boss man, let us leave yesterday at 4pm hopefully today to. My appartment is mess need to wash clothes and clean both bathrooms, blah...blah...:eek:

Toasty: Nice workout yesterday;)
This morning I did Amy Bento's A-Team Bootcamp. Didn't set any records or anything, especially because I had no idea what exercise was coming next so I had to kind of guess what weight to use. At the end I realized that there had been no exercise to target the back. So I threw in some rows. It did have some different moves in it so that was fun.

- Hope your leg gets better!

Char -Enjoy Step Blast!

Teddy - I'd say enjoy your cleaning but I don't think that is possible. I have to get busy cooking myself here in a little bit.
Morning Maniacs! Gonna do Jari Loves Ripped 1000 this morning (Jari says I'll burn 1000 calories, yeah whatever. I'll probably burn 300 tops). I was thinking of Step Blast but that requires thinking and I'm not up to thinking this early. I have tons to do today. I need to make some sweet potatoes and go and get pies and all those fun things. I'm off work today and the rest of the week and am sooooo happy about it! I needed a break.

Sonya- I went to the Twilight movie yesterday. It was ok. If you haven't read the book I don't think you'd get any of it, lol.

Charlotte- Have fun with Step Blast today! Do you drink coffee? Maybe that gets your hr up sometimes?

Suz- Great workout yesterday! I think a writers camp will be fun for the kids.

Hermia- Now you tell me about the long island iced tea! :p I might have to look that one up. Why waste time, cut to the chase, like you say.;)

Teddy- Have fun cleaning today. I know you love it.:p

How do you get injured while resting? LOL! funny, I remember pulling my knee while I was in bed, so I totally get it:rolleyes:. Hope it goes away soon.

Off to the basement...
Boss man :D said work 4 hours then leave:) That’s wonderful news now I can go home and finish up me chores before I pick up my client today. I may go to the mall to find cream shoes for tomorow, who knows. I will talk to you guys tomorrow:rolleyes:

Anyone plan to workout TG?
If I don't check in tomorrow I wanted to wish all my excellent Hardcore Friends/Family a very


Eat well, my friends! We'll burn it off next week! :eek:
I second the above!!

Today I walked the hills again, but no walking lunges! My hiney hurts from yesterday - I guess that lets me know to do this at home more often, but it will have to be on the TM if I want any hills. Afterward, I did some band work for upper body. I need to do abs but my spine hurts in one spot, like it is bruised or something. Anybody ever have that?? It is annoying and comes and goes.

Debbie - hope your injury gets better. What a bummer to do something when you aren't working out. Well, bummer anytime but at least working out, you can usually identify the cause.

Dallys - I have not once burned 1000 calories in GR1000 either. Still, it's fun to do!
Hello my fello Peeps!

You're all making me want Step Blast! Just what I need - more cardio! :p

Since I'm off today I stayed in bed until 6:45, but I was awake at about 4:15ish and couldn't go back to sleep. WTH?

Today was biceps & abs and then an easy spin on the bike for 60 minutes since my legs are FRIED from Cardio Coach Press Play yesterday afternoon.

Biceps & Abs

Chins 8/8/8/8
Again these were tough this week. I don't know why these aren't getting easier. I still can't pull myself up for even one. I have to jump up like a reknob. I can lower myself down, but usually can lower myself down for all of them, but not this week. Could be my poor nutrition this week.

Standing Alternating Curls
10r 8r 6r 4r
12.5# 15# 17.5# 20#

Hammer Curls
10r 8r 6r 4r
15# 17.5# 20# 22.5#
This time I got the 22.5# up but I had to cheat a bit to get them up by swinging them just a tad. Usually I don't swing at all. But I reeeeally wanted to do it so I was willing to cheat!!!

Lat Pulldowns
85# 8/8/8 70# 8
Started feeling it in my biceps more on the last set so I dropped the weight to feel it in my back, as this is for my pullup goal.

Bench Reverse Crunches - Straight Legs
These are KILLER! I bend my legs just a little on the way up and keep them straight all the way down. I know it doesn't seem like much, but for someone who wasn't going to do abs...

Debbie - That's weird about your leg. Remember...my shoulder got the most messed up when I wasn't lifting. Crazy stuff. I hope it goes away for good! Happy Thanksgiving to you too, my friend!

Teddygirl - Glad you're off work early! Yup, I'm planning to workout before everyone comes over. I'll be getting up early. :)

Linda - I always hate that about a new workout - not knowing what weights to use. And those always take me so much longer too. Hope you enjoyed it though.

Shana - Yay for the hurtin' hiney!!! That's odd about your spine. I wonder if you twisted funny or something? I think if you eat extra pie tomorrow that should help. :D

I suppose I should get to cleaning my house and peeling potatoes. Oh yay! I have a friend from high school who will be in town Friday/Sat and I'm trying to decide if I'm going to go spend the night out at her sister's 40 acre place that is just an hour east of where I live or if I'm just going to go for a day on Saturday. Decisions, decisions. I haven't seen her in 10 years. Of course being the lovely wife I am, I feel bad that DH and I are off together and his birthday is Sunday so I'd be ditching him, but not on Sunday. He doesn't mind though. I mean, it's only 2 days, right? And how often do you get the chance to see a friend like that? Of course I would see her anyway but just not overnight. It will be her, her sister, her sister's husband, their kids and her sister's friend, 4 wheelers and alcohol (not for the kids - I don't know how old they are - could be teenagers for all I know). :) I should add that she's a good friend but she lives in Chicago now and I live here now - we're both from LA.
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I still have my granddaughters here. I worked out early then we have been putting out some Christmas stuff and playing games:D We stayed up late last night. My workout today was Kettlebell Goddess Cardio/ endurance (15 minutes) doing the joint mobility warm up and stopping at the stretch, then I did Strength cardio segment no w/up or st (15 minutes), I followed with legs and butt segment no w/up or stretch 17 minutes, and finished with the Full body segment no w/up or stretch 22min.. I followed this with 4Day Split High Intensity Step (cardio only), then AMy Bento's Step Challenge 3 combos 1,2, and 1&2, Finshed with Flexible Warrior yoga swim and cycle segments
Total calories burned today was 953. DH said to order my 30# kettlebell and get my second 20 I want but I have to wrap them for Christmas:D I just got order shipment emails for Traceys Yoga Solutions and the Phil Ross Kettlebell workout from Deep Discount I paid 8.95 for:D

Debbie, I hope your leg lets up. I have had things like that happen. Maybe it will work itself out. Enjoy the holiday:D

Charlotte, I have the hr thing sometimes when I am trying to go to sleep. Feels like almost like I can feel the bed shake because my heart is beating so hard. Now I generally have lower blood pressure when I go to the doctor. Don't know what that is all about.

Suz, I stayed in bed till 6:30 but was awake at 5 this morning. The little girls were still asleep since we all stayed up really late watching movies. My body clock does not know when it is time to sleep in LOL
Nice workout:)

Teddy, have fun cooking:)

Dallys, I think my calorie burn with Ripped 1000 is generally around 400 even if I skip the stretches and keep the higher intensity and I use heavier weights. I have no clue where they came up with that number. I like the workout but I hate that they make you think you can burn loads of calories doing it.

Linda, I haven't done A Team Bootcamp in a long time. I think I have a worksheet printed out on it though as a reminder of what I need to use for weights.
Diane Sue - How nice of your DH. Funny that you have to wrap them and wait. :) Then you'll have something to unwrap from him. Awww... Nice workout! Your grandkids are just too cute, aren't they? They sure keep you busy. No boredom while DH is away.

Okay, I'm really getting off the couch now!
Hey there! Had a change of plans and did a Squeeze lower-body mix that someone made up and posted on VF. Dang if my legs weren't shaky from this one! My knees almost buckled coming up the stairs. During the stretch my legs were shaking so bad I couldn't control them, lol. If you have squeeze (original) you should give this a try. Anyways it was great fun and now I need to take Carma for a walk... She's bored:rolleyes:. Oh! I got my pies (costco) and made my sweet potatoes and also made candied pecans. I'm like gettin' tons done today.:p I'll do Ripped 1000 tomorrow.

Here's the mix: Hoping to be sore tomorrow!

Warmup (Full Body Squeeze) - 2:00
Waist (Full Body Squeeze) - 3:35
Legs (Full Body Squeeze) - 5:00
Legs (Power Squeeze) - 1:30
The "L" (Full Body Squeeze) - 6:00
Pretzel (Custom Squeeze) - 4:25
Foldover Plank (Custom Squeeze) - 5:50
Buns & Thighs (Power Squeeze) - 3:45
Windshield Washer Buns & Thighs (Custom Squeeze) - 3:50
Flat Abs (Custom Squeeze) - 6:20
Final Stretch (Full Body Squeeze) - 3:30
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It seems like several of you guys are hurting/injured...hope some rest does you good!

Dallys, you've never had a long island iced tea? Oddly, they're actually yummy...that type of drink you have to really keep your eye on...it tastes good so you're more likely to drink it faster than a nasty one, and then it'll kick you in the booty. Been a while since I've had one, actually. I'm an apple martini girl these days. Wine too. =)

Today I did the stability ball section of Core Max (workout #2) and then upper body from Body Max 2. With the four day weekend, I'm gonna see my boyfriend Thursday-Sunday. He's sometimes pouty if I want to work out, so I usually try not to workout on the weekend when I'm seeing him, but I think this time he's gonna have to get over it. He has a project he's working on, and I don't think I can go four days with nothing!

Off to make zucchini bread. I bet you all are asleep, you morning people, lol.

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