
Well....instead of working out last night, I decided to go have authentic New York Style pizza :D The authentic makes it sound better. Actually, it was really good and there are only a few days left before Lent starts and I go into total lockdown. DH got me a TRX suspension trainer for Vday and although it seems easy, it's really not. I think I will use that today and get my kb/rope workout in tomorrow or Sunday.

Anyone have any fantastic Valentine's day plans?

Diane Sue-I keep forgetting about those evergreens :eek: glad you get DH back today.

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This morning, I had a good workout. I started with a 20 run to warm up then onto disc 11 back&triceps Tomorrow, will be the completion of Meso 1.

Theresa: Send me a slice:rolleyes: pleasssssssse! Nope I don't have any plans. My Saturday class is 6.5 hours grrr......... so up at 4am:eek:

My boss sent me this, this is increbible:rolleyes:

Go to the link below to see this incredible talent on loan for God!
Hey Maniacs!!!

I know I haven't been on here much at all...trying to make my way back thru interruptions and such.

Anyways, all I had time for yesterday was shoulder work. Today I plan on working chest/back/abs. So I will put up my stats this evening.

My eating has been good, but Bobby just bought me a 6 pack of hersheys bar so I am kinda afraid I might eat them all too quickly. haha.
Today was cardio and I chose Imax 2. Holy crap is my cardio endurance about gone. I struggled through this workout and my HR was high even when I began. It got up to 168 bpm at one point, which is VERY high for me. I had to rest on intervals that I don't think I've ever rested on before. Kind of bummed me out. I was sucking wind big time.

HR Stats:
1 hr. total
2 minutes below zone
10 minutes in zone
48 minutes above zone
524 calories burned

I guess I need to start doing these types of workout at least once a week to get my endurance back up. I was shocked at how hard this was. I use to fly through this workout with no problems.

Don't have time to be on much today so I hope you all have a great day! Hi to all you Maniacs!!!
Morning Maniacs -

This morning I did SWAT Strength followed by part of Amy's Kettlebell Dynamics. Max HR was 156 and I burned 570 calories.

Have great workouts everyone.

No special plans for V-Day. I'm working all weekend. Hopefully we will be busy. Traditionally a big holiday as far as fragrance goes, but we shall see with this economy.

I wish I'd have gotten a TRX Suspension Trainer for V-Day. Great Gift!! :cool:

Some days are gonna be like that though. I had one day when I felt like I could do Imax 2 again, but somedays hard to get thru it just one time around. I wouldn't think too much about it..just your body is speaking to you and letting you know how it feels. We cannot expect to be 100% flying high everyday..and that is o.k.
This morning I wanted to do some heavy bag so I did MMA Boxing stopping at the abs and doing the heavybag, then I did the abs twice using 8&10# dumbbells and the stretch. Workout was 79 minutes, Max HR was 165 and I burned 623 calories. I had to take my granddaughters to school and run some errands. Got the dog bathed and will be picking up dh from the airport this afternoon.

Lora, I would think sales will be pretty good with Valentines day. Hope goes well for you.

Debbie, I usually have a hard time getting my HR much over 158. Lately though I have had it higher but I think it is because I am drinking 1/2 a can of VPX Redline along with a cup of coffee before my workouts. I know my endurance is better because after doing some of the Insaities and Cathe's new SC's other stuff seems pretty easy. I won't use the Redline all of the time though. Just wanting to burn off some fat before we go to Jamaica:D I think you have been doing some pretty tough workouts. Maybe today was just an off day.

Charlotte, that was nice of Bobby to give you Hershy bars. I would be so in trouble LOL Glad to have you check in.

Theresa, enjoy your TRX Suspension trainer today. The reason I thought of the Cedar pollen is my granddaughter saw the doctor for dizziness the other day and they said she may have some allergies to the pollen. I would have thought everything was frozen.

Teddy, good job getting that workout in. Hopefully all of the extra things has settled for you.
I am still being a bum!:D:D:D:D Just returned from the massage therapist, now my shoulder aches.:(

Theresa - I am so jealous of you V-Day gift!:p:p:p
Linda-thanks :p We found it used on amazon, so we got a pretty good deal. I don't quite know how to work it into the mix.
Hi ladies. For today's workout I went to yoga class. My horrible schedule is over now, yay! I still have to grade for that class, but I don't have to go any more. I have a new schedule now that I think will be a lot more ammenable to workouts and life in general.

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