Hardcore Fitness Hottie Maniacs January 14, 2009

Good Morning Maniacs!!!!

This morning getting my hair trimmed and then gonna do Imax 2.

Have a great day! It is cold here, but the sun is beaming!
Today was Pyramid Back, Biceps & Shoulders and each one was followed by one exercise from Gym Style for each body part. Had a great workout. I liked this mix.

Dumbbell Pullover: 30#/35#/40#/35#/30# - 12/10/8/10/12 reps
ss w/
Double Arm Rows: 20's/25's/30's/25's/20's - 12/10/8/10/12 reps
Repeated again but UP pyramid only. Used same weights.

Gym Style:
T-Back Squeeze w/Band: Purple Band

Hammer Curls: 12's/15's/17's/15's/12's - 12/10/8/10/12 reps
ss w/
Traditional Curls: 12's/15's/17's/15's/12's - 12/10/8/10/12 reps
***Did these on an incline on my bench. Killed!
Repeated again but UP pyramid only. Used same weights.

Gym Style:
Curl Up/Reverse Downs: 12's - 10 reps 4/4 ct.
***Bi's were fried but I should have used 15's.

Pyramids (giant set):
Rear Flies: 10's/12's/15's/12's/10's - 12/10/8/10/12 reps
Lateral Raise: 8's/10's/12's/10's/8's - 12/10/8/10/12 reps
Front Raise: 8's/10's/12's/10's/8's - 12/10/8/10/12 reps
Repeated again but UP pyramid only. Dropped to 8's/10's/12's for Rear Flies; 5's/8's/10's for Lateral and Front Raises. Right shoulder was bothering me.

Gym Style:
Overhead Press: 15's - 3 sets/10 reps 2/2 count
***These were easy but my right shoulder was bothering me again. Didn't want to go too heavy.

Great workout! I enjoyed this one!

Hi Toasty Girl!!!!

This morning, I did CC#8 and had a blasts. I woke up late, silly me:rolleyes: when my alarm went off, I jumped up, hit the snooze, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz's:cool:

4:00 miles travelled
461 cals burned
53:00 minutes
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I had to go back to read yesterday stuff. I tell you one thing, I love the heck out of Oprah, she’s amazing! However, when it comes to thing about her weight, I surely don’t feel sorry for her WTF, with billions, you can't get your shit together, duh!

Toasty: Thanks, I’m going to order Press Play maybe tomorrow, first need to order some BSN protein. You silly woman, kitty litter:confused:
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Great job! Cannot wait to do that workout tomorrow.
My neighbors dog tore his bedding to pieces and fluffy cotton stuff is just everywhere. I wish they would clean up the mess. I cannot stand looking at it anymore.


Your gonna love it! hehe. Wear a bikini top though when you do it. I wish I would have.
Morning Maniacs! This morning I did CLX Burn Circuit #2. Had a great workout. Upped weights on some. Grip felt stronger this time.

Shana- About the PUB Flys. Chalene does a tweener. She holds the db's in between palms-in and palms-forward. It's quite comfortable. Try that next time. Some moves are just not made for our individual bodies. Like a mentioned before, pullovers are very uncomfortable for me.

Great workouts everyone!

Gotta run...

About the chest issues...I WOULD HAVE NO CLUE as I cannot figure out why I struggle to bench 45# bb at times. You'll have to ask someone else. Chest is not my speciality AT ALL! We can talk biceps though.:eek:
Thanks Charlotte and Dallys! I posted on the Ask Cathe thread last night and got some good answers - seems some people just cannot do this move comfortably. I NEED to do chest work b/c that part of me is rather weak.

On the upside, I kept reading these tricep reports here, using weights that I thought were out of my reach. Well, I decided to try them and what do you know - success! I had gotten stronger than I realized :) I think my problem was doing tricep work involving several moves and they just got tired but to try without them being fatigued made me realize that I have that strength, and that I can definitely push more. Tried it Monday and it was great! Anything that involves my dumb elbows, though, is annoying with all of the popping and creaking. Ugh.

Charlotte - have you never done a PP Saturday where we add on the extra challenge? You should give that a try. It is fun - I never stay on the same piece of equipment though.

Last night, I did CC#3 - warmed up on the arc trainer (may actually be fixed now, as of yesterday), walked the TM for sprints and did the SM for hills. The back felt ok. It is really starting to irritate me though. I want to just bust loose and go for it again! Afterwards, I did abs, skipping reverse crunches b/c of the back. Everyday is better though so that is good. I'm going to try the rotation work today.

Teddygirl - you will enjoy PP! Now you can join the PP Saturday too.

Debbie - would still love to see the Oxygen article :)
Debbie - Thanks for the Oxygen thing - super, super awesome!!! I was a shy girl in HS (well, all my life). I was too skinny, so people teased me for that. They will tease for anything. You know how some people say there are some times in your life that just change you? Well, there were these guys who would walk behind girls and pinch their rear in a rather sexual way. I HATED that. I mean, HATED it. And it would be funny to them and the girls that hung with them. I got so mad one day - me and my tiny self - that I reared back and kicked one of them, completely nailing him. Everyone in his group laughed at him and I just glared him down for a second or two, then went on. I had no idea where that power came from, but I felt like - " huh - there you have it. That was me, yeah, I did that." From then on, never once did any of them ever touch me again. That was a big point for me - not only did they respect me in some weird way, I guess, but I started to respect myself more. I was certainly never athletic in HS, or much afterwards, but I am amazed at what I can do now.

And about the shoulder thing - I am so glad I asked that. For so long, I thought I wouldn't ask b/c maybe I was missing something. Live and learn :) Now I know to do them the traditional way - feels better and makes more sense.
Debbie - Thanks for the Oxygen thing - super, super awesome!!! I was a shy girl in HS (well, all my life). I was too skinny, so people teased me for that. They will tease for anything. You know how some people say there are some times in your life that just change you? Well, there were these guys who would walk behind girls and pinch their rear in a rather sexual way. I HATED that. I mean, HATED it. And it would be funny to them and the girls that hung with them. I got so mad one day - me and my tiny self - that I reared back and kicked one of them, completely nailing him. Everyone in his group laughed at him and I just glared him down for a second or two, then went on. I had no idea where that power came from, but I felt like - " huh - there you have it. That was me, yeah, I did that." From then on, never once did any of them ever touch me again. That was a big point for me - not only did they respect me in some weird way, I guess, but I started to respect myself more. I was certainly never athletic in HS, or much afterwards, but I am amazed at what I can do now.

And about the shoulder thing - I am so glad I asked that. For so long, I thought I wouldn't ask b/c maybe I was missing something. Live and learn :) Now I know to do them the traditional way - feels better and makes more sense.

Shana, I was picked on quite a bit in HS too. My hair is naturally a white blonde and I use to get called names about it all the time. One girl on my bus tried to burn the ends of my hair and one girl colored it with permenant marker. I didn't know about it until I got home because my hair was long and I didn't feel anyone messing with it. Too cool on how you kicked that guy! YOU GO!! Wish I had the nerve to do that, I was such a chicken. Now if anyone gets in my way I don't hesitate to stick up for myself. :D Bring it on!!! :eek:

I woke up late, silly me:rolleyes: when my alarm went off, I jump up, hit the snooze, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz's:cool:


Char...It's been in the high 60's here (which is still too cold for me) but it's been sunny. I am loving the sunshine! Have fun getting your hair done.

Shanna...yea on the tricep sucess. Great feeling, huh? And way to stand up for yourself in HS. As a principal that is absolutely one thing I will not tolerate is bullying!

Ok...so last night I did CC #4! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am NOT a runner so for me to be excited about these workouts is not the norm. But I absolutely love CC! I love how Sean can motivate and inspire and push me to higher level. In #4 he makes a reference to the fact if you want to see changes you have to push yourself....and I did--beyond what I thought I was capable of doing! I used my new HRM (still have to figure the "zone" thing out) but here are stats:

4.05 miles traveled
44 minutes
491 calories burned
Avg heart rate: 147
Peak heart rate: 161

Doing back adn biceps today.........
Ok...so last night I did CC #4! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am NOT a runner so for me to be excited about these workouts is not the norm. But I absolutely love CC! I love how Sean can motivate and inspire and push me to higher level. In #4 he makes a reference to the fact if you want to see changes you have to push yourself....and I did--beyond what I thought I was capable of doing! I used my new HRM (still have to figure the "zone" thing out) but here are stats:

4.05 miles traveled
44 minutes
491 calories burned
Avg heart rate: 147
Peak heart rate: 161

Sonya, me too! I am NOT a runner. But Sean broke me out of my comfort zone and I can sprint like no other now. I'm still not much of an endurance runner, but even that is getting better for me, especially since I got CC #8. And to think I hated running. Now I love it when I'm not burned out on cardio. CC #4 use to kick my butt. I always thought it was the hardest and sometimes I still think that. The only thing that kind of bugs me about it is his times in this workout aren't right. It's the only workout Sean does where his counts are totally off.
Nice work guys:)

Since, I brought my IPod to work, too charge, may as well order Press Play. I didn’t tell you guys a few weeks ago I brought another flat screen for my living room, EEK this one is a 46” I gave 2 TV’s away now I have FS in all three room. Also, brought me another DVD surround sound for my workout room, gave the other one away. I need to sit my a$$ down. I’ll be ready for STS okay enough off to order……….
Teddgirl...did you win the lottery???:D Have fun with the new toys!

Debbie - what on earth fun would it be to color somebody's hair, or burn it, or make fun of it? Probably they were jealous - what a beautiful color it is. You should go to a reunion and kick their most likely fat a$$es. Personally, I have yet to attend a reunion and have no desire to.

Sonya - yes- the tricep success was motivating! You girls are such inspirations. We needed a principal like you - the administration was pretty much like "nothing we can do about it unless we see it...reallly, is it that big of a deal?" That was another lesson I learned - sometimes, you can depend on nobody but yourself...and self did just fine ;)

Both of you - you want to talk about not a runner...then talk about me. But, I tried Runervals and I RAN! Not a lot but for me, it sure was. I am not a graceful runner at all - it does not come easily for some reason. If you are looking for a change from CC, these DVDs are good. You establish your base pace and increase from there based on what Coach Troy give you to do - incline too. It is HIIT like CC.
Teddgirl...did you win the lottery???:D Have fun with the new toys!

OH HOW I FREAKING WISH.........:eek::cool::eek:.

I tried ordering PP but its telling me I have to set up PPal account. And, I don't want to. I sent Jim a email. Is there anyother way?
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Debbie - what on earth fun would it be to color somebody's hair, or burn it, or make fun of it? Probably they were jealous - what a beautiful color it is. You should go to a reunion and kick their most likely fat a$$es. Personally, I have yet to attend a reunion and have no desire to.

Both of you - you want to talk about not a runner...then talk about me. But, I tried Runervals and I RAN! Not a lot but for me, it sure was. I am not a graceful runner at all - it does not come easily for some reason. If you are looking for a change from CC, these DVDs are good. You establish your base pace and increase from there based on what Coach Troy give you to do - incline too. It is HIIT like CC.

Yea, they were bitches, thats for sure. I seen one of them at a grocery store out here a few years back. Fat with a butt load of kids. I just rolled my eyes when I walked by her. LMAO!! I went to my 5 year reunion and haven't been to one since. What's the point? I didn't like too many people in my class anyways.

Where an I find these Runervals? Sounds cool! Thanks!
Hi guys! I slept in today and didn't work out- I've been stressed out today. DH is having weird pains in his sides and he had a CAT scan today. I'm sure it's nothing but tell that to my head. Hello, can we say EMOTIONAL EATER? I was going to blow the whole day off but I joined this check in for a REASON. I'm going to go work out right now and then come back later for personals and to announce that I have worked out and feel better. :)
Debbie - I just pray to God that I am raising a compassionate child, and from people say, that is the number one compliment I get about her so I feel good about that. Spinervals.com has the runervals - you can also get them on ebay and other sites too. There are a few new listings on ebay that I am going to bid on if they go for low enough. It is so much easier to run when somebody is there telling you that you can do it, that there is only X amount of time left, etc, and the screen is filled with people running too - Coach Troy will announce what speeds they are doing, HR, etc (there is a monitor at the top of the screen so you can gauge what your output should be, there is a timer on the bottom left, and at the bottom right is a description of what you should be doing - ex. base plus 3mph and 3% incline, or something like that.)

Patti - all the best to you and your DH. Hope the results are good. And a workout will do wonders for you. I can't get started myself - as my multiple posts should show :) I'm going to go to work and come back and do it then - just not in the mood now.

Teddygirl - I don't mind sending you the PP file if you don't have a paypal acct, if you don't mind mailing a donation to his foundation :)
Debbie - I just pray to God that I am raising a compassionate child, and from people say, that is the number one compliment I get about her so I feel good about that. Spinervals.com has the runervals - you can also get them on ebay and other sites too. There are a few new listings on ebay that I am going to bid on if they go for low enough. It is so much easier to run when somebody is there telling you that you can do it, that there is only X amount of time left, etc, and the screen is filled with people running too - Coach Troy will announce what speeds they are doing, HR, etc (there is a monitor at the top of the screen so you can gauge what your output should be, there is a timer on the bottom left, and at the bottom right is a description of what you should be doing - ex. base plus 3mph and 3% incline, or something like that.)

Ahhh, so you need a TV with these? I have one in my workout room but it's hard to see from my TM. I'll look into them, though. Thanks!

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