Hardcore Fitness Hottie Maniacs August 24, 2009

Good Morning Maniacs!!!

Well I can't believe I am starting this thread. Anyhow, the weekend was good. Ate too much...my weight jumped up...gotta take care of that now. Gonna work legs/abs today and hope to get on bike too while it is still not as hot out cuz tomorrow it will be again.

Have a great day!
Today was STS Week 4, Disc 11, Back and Triceps. Had a pretty decent workout. I only did 1 set of chins because I just didn't have it in me to do 3 sets. So for the last two sets I did Australian Pullups. Those burn good so I didn't think I was cheating myself.

Lat pulldowns with band - 10 reps/green band
Double Arm Rows with Band - 28 reps/green band
Dips on chair - 16 reps/BW
Seated Overhead Extensions One Arm (dumbbell) - 10#/10 reps

Chinups - 8 reps unassisted
Flat Bench Barbell Triceps Extensions - 47#/15 reps
One Arm Row - 37#/15 reps
T-Pull with band - Green band/36 reps
Flat Bench Tricep Extensions (dumbbell) - 20's/15 reps
Barbell Rows - 65#/21 reps
Y's with band - Green Band/36 reps
Kickbacks One Arm (dumbbell) - 12#/15 reps
One Arm Horizontal Row (dumbbell) - 30#/15 reps
Deadlifts (dumbbell) - 37's/8 reps
Seasaw Pushups - 20 reps (love these)
One Arm press Down with Band - Green Band/36 reps
Australian Pullups - 16 reps
Seated Overhead Extensions Both Arms (dumbbell) - 35#/15 reps
Barbell Rows - 65#/21 reps
Double Arm Rows with Band - Green band/36 reps
Side Leaning One Arm Overhead Extensions on Ball (dumbbell) - 15#/15 reps (love this exercise)
Pullovers (dumbbell) - 35#/15 reps
Kickbacks Double Arm (dumbbell) - 10's/15 reps
One Arm Band Kickbacks - Green Band/36 reps
Australian Pullups - 9 reps/1 cnt up/3 cnts down
Cross Body Kickbacks (dumbbell) - 15#/15 reps

Drop sets:
Dumbbell Rows Both Arms - 25's/10 reps
Dumbbell Rows Both Arms - 20's/10 reps
Dumbbell Rows Both Arms - 17's/10 reps

Drop Sets:
Close Grip Bench Press (dumbbell) - 30's/10
Close Grip Bench Press (dumbbell) - 27's/10
Close Grip Bench Press (dumbbell) - 25's/10
(Loved these. Close Grip Bench is my favorite exercise.)

Back and tri's were fried!
Went to Wildwood, NJ yesterday and spent the day, from 10:30am to 11:30pm, in the waterpark (until 6pm) then on the boardwalk on the rides. And of course, my eating was horrible.:confused:

I tell you this because I do not think I was in any shape at all to do Meso 2, Disc 19, Chest, Shoulders & Triceps which included Double Wave sets. For those who have not done STS, Double Wave Sets are where the the first set of 12 is at 70% of 1RM, then increase weight by 5% and do 10 reps, then increase by 5% again and do 8 reps, then go back and do all that again.

I really struggled this morning and most of the workout occurred in my head, if you know what I mean.

W/U Flat Bench Press
12 - 40#
Double Wave Flat Bench Press
12/10/8 - 80/85/90#
12/10/8 - 80/85/90#
Chest Flys
12/10/8 - 25's
Incline Bench Press
12/10/8 - 70#
Incline Chest Flys
12/10/8 - 22's

Double Wave Seated Front Press
12/10/8 - 20/21/22's
12/10/8 - 20/21/22's
Standing Lateral Raise
12/10/8 - 17's
Prone Incline Rear Flys
12/10/8 - 13's


Double Wave BB Tricep Extension
12/10/8 - 40/42/44#
12/10/8 - 40/42/44#
Cross Body Kickbacks
12 - 17#
10/10 - 15#
(left arm was struggling here big time and was why I had to drop the weight)
Double Arm Kickbacks
12/10/10 - 18's

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Morning Maniacs -

Yesterday morning I did Mindy's Workout dvd with the DH. Workout was about 75" and I burned 700ish in calories. I also did Supreme Pilates and a 15" yoga segment.

Today I did Bulge Be Gone followed by Supreme Pilates again and a 10" Pilates stretch. Workout (minus pilates) was 60" and I burned 500 calories.

Gotta go get ready to go into work later today.

Have great workouts everyone.

Saw that Quentin Tarantino movie over the weekend, Inglorius Basterds and it was quite well done, a true Tarantino masterpiece.
I set the alarm for 4:30 got out of bed and took a couple of swallows of coffee and felt so drained and tired I crawled back into bed till 6:00. So no workout yet. I just got back from my physical. I had forgotten that I had a compression fracture in my vertabrae when I had my last dexascan, Not gettting another dexascan this year though. She says it takes awhile for the bone to build back up with the Actonel and calcium I am taking. I wonder if my weight loads should be lower. I think lifting is supposed to build bone right?? I have had no pain or anything. They will schedule my mammogram for me. Then off to the dental check next week and I should be good for awhile

I am going to try to get the grandbaby down for a nap since her daddy said she should be ready for one when I picked her up. Then do STS disc 4.

Linda, nice workout. I liked those double wave loads. I almost dreaded the second time through:p

Charlotte, my weight jumped up too. I expected it because yesterday was a totally crappy eating day. I had mexican for lunch after church and really indulged in the chips and salsa/queso. Had fajitas with corn tortillas, then ame home with granddaughters and played clue and ate triscuits. So I really overdid the sodium and carbs. It will go away though
Linda - Wow. That workout looks brutal. The sick thing is, I'm looking forward to it!!! Nice job, even though you were struggling.

Debbie - I wouldn't wish Double Wave Sets on my worst enemy, but I do wish them on you, because I just know you are going to love them!:p:p:p:p I loved the challenge, just wish I wasn't so darn exhausted trying to do them this morning. Definitely a workout I would have rather have gone into feeling completely refreshed and energized.:confused:
Good Morning!

Lora, that's neat that your DH worked out with you; does that happen often? In my experience, men don't want to work out with wives/girlfriends, lol....I think they're concerned about their fitness level. They don't want to be seen struggling.

Saturday's workout was short, the tris and bis from 4DS. Yesterday I did the warm ups from Ravi and Ana's Yoga Quick Fixes, then two rounds of shoulders from 4DS, then the abs from 4DS kickboxing, and finally two rounds from chest and back 4DS. Now it's work and errands time.
Debbie - I wouldn't wish Double Wave Sets on my worst enemy, but I do wish them on you, because I just know you are going to love them!:p:p:p:p I loved the challenge, just wish I wasn't so darn exhausted trying to do them this morning. Definitely a workout I would have rather have gone into feeling completely refreshed and energized.:confused:

LMAO!!! Yea, I'm a glutten for punishment. I still have to decide what I'm doing next week. I'm on my 4th week and still have one more week before my vacation and I don't want to take my recovery week until then. I may just repeat one of the Meso 1 weeks. Did you just do cardio on your recovery week?
LMAO!!! Yea, I'm a glutten for punishment. I still have to decide what I'm doing next week. I'm on my 4th week and still have one more week before my vacation and I don't want to take my recovery week until then. I may just repeat one of the Meso 1 weeks. Did you just do cardio on your recovery week?

During my recovery week I did one light Kettlebell workout, but after that I stuck to cardio. I think the idea of one more Meso 1 week sounds like a good plan t get you to your vacation and your rest week. Going anywhere good?
During my recovery week I did one light Kettlebell workout, but after that I stuck to cardio. I think the idea of one more Meso 1 week sounds like a good plan t get you to your vacation and your rest week. Going anywhere good?

We are just going to take day trips on our motorcycles. Maybe spend the night at the islands, we love it there. I'm so looking forward to it. :cool:
Hermia - DH works out with me sometimes when I'm off on a Sunday or Saturday (which is rare). This has only been since we've been back together though. He is not worried about his fitness levels and will only do "hardcore" workouts, but he is tremendously fit and has been doing a lot of Insanity workouts lately. He was impressed the first time I did Insanity with him though, as he didn't think I'd do quite as well as I did, especially since I need to modify a bit due to my disc herniation. What is funny though -- is that high rep workouts and most DVDs with weight lifting move so quickly that he admits he isn't used to it and that it's kicking his butt....but he keeps up quite well and is always ready to take on a challenge. We're somewhat type A personalities! LOL.
I finished with STS disc 4 chest,shoulders, biceps. I also did the Extended stretch. Calories burned was 401. I have to eat something and get the baby ready to go back out to pick up the children.
I felt like I was still not all that energetic through my workout. It was ok but I know I could have done better.
push ups drop sets-BW 14,12,10,8,6 reps
standing upright rows-35# barbell
alternating standing curls-21# dumbbells 16 then 4 bonus(still have a hard time understanding the reps on cathe's worksheets)
incline chest flys-16's 15 reps
seated rear flys into band pulls-11#dumbbells, band 1# gloves and green band
Incline curl on ball alternating rotate at top-16#dumbbells 15 reps ea
stability ball push ups-BW 24 reps 3/8 different leg positions
functional overhead press-13#dumbbells 7 reps
barbell curls with band- 23#bar with green Cathe band
prone push ups on stability ball-BW 20 reps
seated lateral raise both arms high ends-11#dumbbells 6 reps
seated concentration curls 1.5's-21# 12 reps
straddle push ups-BW 16 reps
side leaning lateral raise-9# 15 reps
seated curls alternating+both arms-16# dumbbells
chest flys flat bench-15's 15reps
seated overhead press-21#dumbbells 8 reps dropped to 16's 7 reps
preacher curl on stability ball 1 arm-16# 15 reps
core push ups bootcamp style-BW 16 reps
seated front raise double arm 1.5's-32# 12reps
reverse dumbbell curls-16#dumbbells-16 reps
staggered push ups- BW 16 reps
Bow and Arrow with band- blue Cathe band 4 slow, 3 sets of 15 pulls
hammer curl double arm 20# dumbbells 15 reps
push ups 21's-BW 21
Standing barbell front press-35# 21 reps
barbell curl narrow grip- 35# 21 reps
Hey Maniacs - Workout for today was Spinervals Sprinting Machine and a 1 mile run. Going to do the Oxygen abs later today. Calorie burn was 690, Max HR was 177, avg was 150 something. I wanted to run more b/c my legs felt awesome and my form felt so easy but my HR was climbing too much, too fast after the bike. That DVD is a 9.9 out of 10 and I gave it everything I had, and then some. It also has some plyo squats. I sure felt amazing afterwards and am still riding the high! I have also started back with tracking my foods as of today. Hard to take in enough calories. and get the protein b/c I am trying to avoid a lot of dairy so I am having a little greek yogurt and my protein shake split in half in hopes of keeping my tummy normal. I'l start STS in September.
Linda - they were from Belinda Benn - she posted them on facebook. She is the girl who was the BodyBuilding.com spokesperson, or whatever, for so long. The girl in their ads that was in the kickbox pose. I don't knew where she got them from but I thought they were too awesome not to share. Glad you enjoyed them :) In addition to just enjoying the different shapes and sizes, it also made me reevaluate my fitness goals given my body type.

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