GETTING IT DONE January 2016 - January 2020

Happy Wednesday!

Yesterday - Rest day. First day back at work after the holidays, and in the evening had to take DD back to school. DS went earlier in the day and she was still doing laundry. They started classes today. Very short break for them.
Today - Had to get out the new dvd's! Did the Kickbox only. Loved it. Can't wait to try the rest.

Belinda - 3 miles outside? It's just too darn cold here, and it's lightly snowing again (another inch), to go anywhere that distance. For New Year's Eve, DH and I went to dinner and a movie, and were home by 10:00. It was just miserable outside, so people didn't want to get together, us included. It was nice nonetheless.

Time for dinner, then to bed. Back at it tomorrow.
Hi everyone,

Today I did JS WS3 D46 Barefoot Cardio Core, I also walked 3 miles.

Than I did Fit Split Kickboxing. I skipped the leg workout, I will do it on Saturday. I worked my legs yesterday. They need a break. Not sure, if I told you guys my friend (neighbor bought Fit Split and she wanted me to do the workout with her) I did like the KB workout, had to modify the heck out off those flying angels, jumps forwards/back and Burpees. I marched in place/or walked forward and back instead. I didn't like the music either. If I ever do the workout again, I have to play my own music.

Sherry - we both did the same workout today. Good job! No, I didn't walked outside, it's too cold. I did an indoor walk.

That's it for me today, my legs are shaking. Need to rest a little, before I move on to more house work.
Happy Friday!

Last night I was supposed to start STS, and tried, but just didn't have it in me. So I went to bed early, up this morning and at work now, with D1 scheduled for tonight. Means I'll need to do D2 and D3 both this weekend. Better eat my wheaties.

Belinda - Great job on all your workouts! Nice that you have a neighbor to do wo's with, and that she likes Cathe, too. Ours who do wo want to go to the gym. Almost no one works out at home, which I find to be the most convenient.

Be back later to report that I actually did it! Have a good one.
Happy Friday!

Today I did STS M3 D27 and JS WS3 D47 Tone + Flow.

Sherry - you better eat your wheaties, lol! Have fun with STS, it's an awesome program

Heidi - where are you?

I will be back tomorrow.
Back to report D1 is done! Didn't do my 1 rep max, so was a bit concerned, but I did just fine.

Belinda - great job today.

Heidi - I expect you are digging out. Hope all is well.

Now to get some rest. Be back tomorrow.
Sherry - wtg, on D1! I don't do the 1 RM either. Just pick up a weight an move on. I don't go very heavy in M1, since it's an Endurance workout. Just pick a weight you can do for 15 reps with good form and forget the rest. M2 and 3 is when I pick up very heavy weights. Have fun!
Hi ladies,

I got my workouts in early today. Going to a tea party later.

I did LS Walk to the HITS Party Songs + JS WS3 15 TB + Fit Split legs. I thought the FS legs was good, lots of pulses in that one. I am glad I canceled my preorder. If Jen is in future videos, my credit card is safe :D I hope she is better in the other videos...I think, they should put her in the back and put Nicole or Brenda in the front, JMO! I love Jessica Smith workouts but Beth does the same face expressions, WTH? At least she is in the back not in the front. It's very annoying in workout videos, IMO!

That's it for me today. Have a great weekend, everyone.
Happy Saturday!

Went to ballet class this morning, with plans to do D3 later today. However, I am feeling every bit of the class this morning, so putting off the leg wo 'til tomorrow. Went to the grocery store with DH this evening, so now we can meal prep tomorrow.

Belinda - How was your tea party? Sounds fun. Haven't done all the videos yet, but there was always a comfort factor with Jai, Lorraine, Brenda and Cedie. There were the ones in the videos when I first started Cathe.

Time to relax for the evening. Hope you had a good one.
Happy Sunday!

Plans were to go to the bootcamp class in the morning, and do an STS wo later in the day, whichever half of the body wasn't worked as hard. However, this class hit it all wonderfully (clean and press followed by pull ups, then squats followed by burpess, just to name a bit), so there was nothing left for later today.

Hope you had a good one.
Hi everyone,

This morning I did STS M3 W2 D28 and SBF Restore & Release D1 Seat Work Mat Target + LB Quick Target. I also Did JS WS3 W8 D50 LB. I am almost done with JS WS3.

Sherry - how did your workouts go?

Good job, everyone. BBL!
Happy Monday!

Booty has some incredible DOMS today, so obviously went with an upper body wo - D2 is done. Tomorrow will be D3, as long as the 2nd day DOMS aren't too bad.

Temperatures warmed up a bit, so enjoying salads today. When it's been so cold, I want warm food. Getting the eating back on point after the holiday binge.

Belinda - I am constantly amazed at how you are able to do any other workouts after you finish an STS wo. High fives to you!

Back at it tomorrow night. See ya then.
Hi everyone,

Today I did SBF TB circuit plus JS WS3 UB and 3 mile walk.

Sherry - you and me both :) Once I am done with JS WS3 I will slow down. I have too. Nice job on your DOMS. Have fun with D2 today.

I will be back tomorrow. Waiting for my JumpSport, it's out for delivery :)
Happy Tuesday! Or also known as, Killer 2nd Day Leg DOMS Day. Really! My glutes, hams, ab-/ad-uctors are killing me. So rather than do D3 legs, I elected Shred Cardio (yep, the cardio portion only) and modified 'cause the legs just didn't have the "umph" in them. Also took the dogs for a walk, which was a bit slippery, therefore the legs worked a bit more again. I'm hoping the 3rd day is a charm for moving them normally.

Belinda - Did you get your delivery today? How exciting - you get to play with a new toy!

Behind schedule tonight, so it's to bed I go. Be back tomorrow.
Good morning,

STS M3 W3 D35 + JS WS3 D52 Pilates + Yoga + SBF D3 of the Restore & Release Int-Adv Total Barre all done. I am almost done with JS WS3 rotation.

Sherry - yes, I did :) loving it so far.Good job yesterday.

Heidi - where are you?

I will be back later.
Happy Wednesday!

Legs finally feeling good enough today to torture . . . ahem, I mean work them some more, so did D3. Weights are heavy in this, so I should be fine tomorrow.

Belinda - Great job on all the wo's today. Yay for the new toy! Do you have dvd's or a website that you'll use for wo's for this equipment?

Be back tomorrow with plans for D4. Catch ya then.
Hi everyone,

Today I did the 30 min beginner JumpSport dvd (cardio, strength training & core). It was pretty basic. I felt confident enough to tackle fit-split-mixed-impact-cardio-pull-day = 29 min on the JumpSport :) What a different it made on the JumpSport. Mine came with a handle and I am holding on to dear life :D I did had moments when I let go of the handle bar. I am afraid I bounce right out the door with that thing, lol. I also did JS D53 Cardio HiiT and SBF D4 Arm Target with No Planks = 13 min + Arms and Upper Body = 10 min.

Next week I will be done with Jessica Smith WS3 rotation. I will only do STS and SBF.

Sherry - good job yesterday. It come with 2 workout dvd's. You can find lots of trampoline workouts on youtube.

Good job, everyone!
Happy Thursday!

Tonight was D4. I still don't like push-ups. Nope, not yet. I am so off my planned wo schedule, but a wo off schedule is better than none at all. Legs not feeling bad today, after D3 yesterday. Really, really looking forward to M2 and M3 for heaiver leg work. :)

Belinda - LOL! I love your explanation of your workout today! :D I know you will be having lots of fun! Enjoy!

Short as usual. It's late and I'm tired. Be back tomorrow night.
Good morning,

I am done with STS D30 + JS WS3 D55 Cardio Interval Sculpt and SBF D5 Pretzel Target for Upper Glutes = 8 min + Foldover Intermediate Target = 14 min.

Sherry - glad you liked my explanations yesterday, LOL! Good job yesterday. Nobody's likes those push ups.

That's it for me today. Have a great Friday, everyone.

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