
Hello Ladies!!

Thursday's workout was kinda light(still not 100%), rebounding & TA's Mat. I'm going to add this in for a while to see if I notice any changes.;) I preordered Kettlebell Kickboxing Body Series, I'm justify this purchase because it's different from anything I have.:p Just getting August started, BBL! :)
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Happy Friday Ladies! :D

Today's work out was another 325 swings intervalled with squat curls, squat presses and squat curl n presses just like I said I would do! :)

Wiggie:: The only justification you need is that it's good for you! ;) Feel better soon!!!

Happy Saturday!

This morning I worked at the studio and then I was supposed to hit the park with a friend for a work out but it was raining so we post-poned it until tmrw. That being said, today is my rest day. Blessing in disguise I think as all of those swings finally caught up to me! Oh the DOMS!:eek:

Ok, enjoy your evening! Time to eat!
Took it to the park today!

16 @ 15r/30w of::
Spider Push Ups
One arm rows
... Rear Lunges
Plank hold

8 @ 10r/20w x 2 of::
double arm swings
single arm swings
hand to hand swings
single arm swings
(for a total of about 224 swings)

+ 15 min run/walk.See More

Sunday's workout was Cardio Strength, Saturday's was Aerobic Capacity from Lean Out, Step 2 Success(35 min), TA's arms from Mat & 10 minutes of Steppin in Rhythym. Not back to back of course.:p Friday's workout was Pump & Shred, TA's arms & 20 minutes of Rebounding for the Health of it.

Wendy: You are doing great with your swings, I haven't started yet.:eek: Great park workout!! Did your friend do it with you? So where is the doms? In your upper or lower body? Just wondering, I've haven't done alot of kettlebell workouts.

Hi Katie!!:)
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I'm back! I did an impromptu second work out a little while ago....

Another 200 (20 reps x 10 sets) swings intervalled with 30 sec hold floor bridges alternated with sets of 10 renegade rows for the first 100 swings and then 30 sec hold sb bridges and sets of 10 hand touch push ups alternated for the second 100 swings! I should sleep good tonight!:)

Wiggie: The DOMS I was talking about is in my lower body. Swings are a lower body exercise. If you are getting ub doms from them then you are doing something wrong. A lot of people misunderstand how to do kb swings at first so it's a commonly made mistake.

Time to make dinner! Trying a new recipe tonight! I think I deserve it!;)

4 sets x 10 reps of sb pull overs and sb push ups/forward rolls done circuit style followed by 10 @ 15/30 of swings for a total of 211 swings. :)

Good morning!

Saturday's workout consisted of a 2 mile run + Combat core attack. I went to the chiropractor last week for the first time, and I don't know if the therapy helped or what but I my knee did NOT hurt when I ran. :D :D :D I also think i'm getting better at adjusting my IT band strap. Either way, i'll take it! My knee was a little sore after the run but nothing like it has been in the past. Maybe i'll actually survive the Warrior Dash on Saturday. ;)

Yesterday's workout was Terminator: Viper. I did not allot myself enough time to complete the whole workout so I only did the finished C&W step combos 4x (instead of 6x) and I skipped entirely the last C&W step segment. Still, it was a fun, tough, sweaty workout, and i'm feeling it today! This morning I did Combat 30 + Inner Warrior. My shoulders are sore from yesterday, so I only wore my boxing gloves for one segment (and that was enough :eek:).

Wiggie: Thanks for getting our new thread started. I always forget about that. :eek::rolleyes::p How are you feeling? By the look of your Saturday workout i'm thinking you are on the mend. :p Yowza lady!!! Congrats on the new workout series! How do you find these awesome workouts? I just checked out the series, and it looks awesome! If only I had a kettlebell. Once I get a little more workout space i'm definitely going to invest in a few kettlebells! Looking forward to your review of the workouts.

Wendy: What's the current swing count?? You are racking them up FAST! I love it! :) Still enjoying those lower body DOMS? :p;) Another awesome "walk in the park" on Sunday I see. :D:p At least you didn't do those crazy hill climbs. I get winded THINKING about them. :eek:;) Do you ever feel swings in your shoulders (mainly front delts?). That's the spot in the upper body that I sometimes feel it when I do KB swings (which isn't often, so i'm sure i'm not doing something right).
Good Morning Glories. :)

No work out for me this morning...YET! I wasn't feeling it and in light of the fact that I will have a few more opportunities to get it in, I decided not to force it right now. My DS is sick and will not be attending camp for the second day in a row. My mom watched him all day y'day but will probably only be able to watch him half of the day today so I will be home with him. After that, DH goes bowling tonight and I will again be home with DS. Basically, if I don't get in a work out at SOME point today I will be rendering myself pretty darn pathetic! :eek::rolleyes:

Katie:: I am wary of Chiropractors and therefore have never been to one but yay for you if it helped your knee!:D I'm getting super excited for your race this weekend! I'm going to be on pins and needles awaiting your race report!:) When you do a swing you need to stabilize your shoulder. If you are not doing that, then I can see where you might feel it. Also,using your upper body to move the bell could be another factor. Your lower body is supposed to do the work. Your upper body just comes along for the ride. I too was relieved to not be doing hill repeats at the park... but I really need to.:eek: That mountain was a b*tch to climb!:eek:

Ok, as it turns out I am home ALL DAY with DS so now I REALLY have no excuse not to work out....unless he gets me sick! :eek::eek::eek:
Hi there! :)

I warmed up this morning with 4DS: BC (just the warmup) and then I did 4DS: Biceps, Triceps, and Shoulders. My arms are soooore already! They feel very heavy and weighted. Fingers crossed for DOMS! ;) I know the WD requires a lot of upper body strength, so i've really been trying to work my upper body. I'm going to work chest/back tomorrow and then let my upper body rest for the remainder of the week.

Wendy: Awww, sorry to hear your DS is sick. :( Poor guy! I hope he feels better soon. And you'd better not get sick, ya here?!?! It's not permitted. Nope. Ain't gonna happen. :p;) Thanks for the form pointers on the swings. I'll definitely try to stabilize my shoulder next time i'm hanging tough with a KB. I've always been leery of chiropractors as well but I REALLy like this particular chiropractor. He doesn't do all the crazy adjustments (quick neck twists, etc.) that i've heard about/seen on tv. He premises his practice on electrotherapy (which sounds insane I know but I swear it feels amazing), massage, and GENTLE adjustments. I'm lucky to have found a chiropractor like him. :)

Hi Wiggie!!!
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Ok, work out is complete. Here's what I did::

5@20/40 x 4:

Round 1) rear foot elevated squats R, L, R, L; Front squat w/sandbag.
Round 2) split stance tube lift R, L, R, L; Body saw.
Round 3) KB squat and single over shoulder press R, L, R, L; KB crush curl/tricep press.
Round 4) Renegade Row R, Tricep Dips, Renegade Row L, Tricep Dips, Plank To push ups.


5@30/30 x 4:
Round 1) Two arm swings w/40#
Round 2)Hand to Hand swings w/30#
Round 3) One Arm Swings R w/20#
Round 4) One Arm Swings L w/20#


FRIED IN FORTY MINUTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D (and over 400 swings!!!)
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Hi Ladies!!

I have to post on my computer again!:mad::rolleyes: Monday's I workout was TA's arm's & Tracy Campoli's online arm workout, Tuesday's workout was Lean Legs(JNL) &Tracy Campoli
again. I want to see if I can trim my arms so I'm trying a different approach.

Wendy: Great workouts & good job on your swings!:) Re swings, I haven't done any yet.:eek: I've read that they are a lower body exercise, but since you are holding a heavy weight while doing a swinging motion I was wondering if you feel it in your arms too. I thought it might help my in my quest for smaller arms. I hope DS feels better soon, & listen to Katie, don't get sick!:):p

Katie: You are really hitting it hard young Lady, I know you are ready for the WD. Make sure you rest all day Friday, maybe Thursday too. Just want to make sure your body has time to recover completely. Smart move going to the doctor, so glad he was able to help. I am so excited about your race, I can't wait to hear all about it. :) & yes I am feeling much better, thanks for asking!
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Good morning! :)

Today's workout consisted of: Combat Shock Plyo + 3 rounds of chest/back from 4DS. That shock plyo workout is no joke. I was huffing and puffing at the end. :eek::)

Wendy: Nice job getting in your workout yesterday! It sounds like a burner fo sho. Especially for your lower body. Good grief how are you even able to MOVE today? :p;) How is your DS feeling? Better I hope.

Wiggie: I like this idea of slimmer arms. I want slimmer arms too. What is your game plan? I hope i'm ready for the WD. :eek: I'm not much of a runner, but i'm gonna give it my best shot. I go back to the chiropractor this evening so hopefully my knee will be in tip-top shape for Saturday.

Hello Ladies. :)

This morning I backed the swing count down a bit since y'day's was over 400 in total and I was sore!

Here's what I did:
25 hand to hand swings alternated with 10 SB Circles (active rest) x 8 rounds = 200 swings

Tonight I am training 2 clients at once. :) I trained them before...once at the same time and several times separately. Tonight though, my boss is really putting me to the test...he isn't going to be there to ask questions and they are both doing brand new work outs with lots of new moves. Going to be a challenge for them AND for me! :eek: Thankfully my boss has already given me the ok to use substitute exercises if there is something I am unfamiliar with as there is no time for him to go over anything with me before tonight. So I spent last night googling a lot of what I didn't recognize. I found some stuff but couldn't find others so whatever I didn't find I am just using an alternate exercise for-which there actually isn't much so I'm sure it will be fine in the end....RIGHT?? :confused:

BBL for personals :cool:...My lunch is over!:(
10 reps of each of the following exercises followed by 50 swings x 4 rounds....

1) 2 DB chest press in floor bridge position
2) 1 arm bent over DB row with pause at top
3) 2 DB squat and overhead press
4) other arm bent over DB row with pause at top
5) alternate hand slide reach
Hello. :)

Today's workout was Combat 45. Because this was my second time doing the workout, I was able to put a little more "umph" behind the moves and get my heart rate up. I actually enjoyed it more this time around!!

Wendy: I bet your lower body singing from all that swinging. :eek::eek::eek: I know, i'm such a geek. :eek::p How did the training session go last night? Were you able to modify the unfamiliar moves? I'm sure you did great!!! You're going to whip those clients into shape in no time, and they are going to love you for it. :)
Happy Saturday!!
I went to church Wednesday night so no workout for me. Thursday I did a rebounder workout by TA. Friday's was Athletic Training, I forgot how much I like that workout. Today the Wellness Comittee I'm on sponsored a Golf Tournament to raise money for charity. We did pretty well considering it's our first, we plan to make it an annual event. When I got home I did Tear It Up from Slim Series.

Katie:I will have to revisit Shock Plyo, I don't know if you've noticed but I have sort of wandered away from my Combat rotation(rotation ADD:rolleyes::eek:). As for my game plan for slimmer arms, I'm planning on dropping a few more pounds while I add some low weight very high rep workouts to my usual routine. How was the WD?

Hi Wendy!
At the park this morning w/a friend::
10 reps each x 4 rounds
One DB Deadlift/squat row
One DB Squat press
10 second arm hold-push up position...
One DB Squat Curl

Each one done for 8@10/20 before moving on to the next one::
Jump Rope

No Swings.....YET! But hopefully this afternoon!

ETA: 367 swings....DONE! :)
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Circuit done three times at 10 reps per exercise:
1 hand kb pick up
body saw
Rear foot elevated squat R
Rear foot elevated squat L
body saw


8@15/30 x 2 = 332 kb swings

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