
Happy New Year!! :D

Monday's workout was Fire 55 EZ & Tuesday's workout was a 1.7 mile run on the treadmill. I went to my brother's house for a visit & took advantage of the opportunity. I am a beginner when it comes to running :eek:, it took me 20 min to do 1.7 miles. I looked online & that wasn't considered too bad :rolleyes:. The hardest part was just staying on the tm, it was kind of boring:confused:. Having company while I did it helped.

Katie: Thanks for the birthday wishes!! I understand about the computer, I feel the same way sometimes. Great job sticking with CrossFit!! Yay for DOMS! :D

Wendy: Glad you're back! Sorry about your shoulder, mine gives me trouble from time to time also. Re plans, just gonna chill & watch the ball drop:cool:. How about you?
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Good morning!! :cool:

Wednesday's workout was HIIT 25, X10 Fat Burning Circuit then later X10 Low Impact.

Have a great day Ladies!!:D
Good morning!!

I'm finally back at work, so I promise i'll try to be more consistent now with my checking in. :)

Tuesday I did Combat 45 + 10 minutes of abs. Fun!

Wednesday I made-up my own New Year's workout (mirrored on a workout posted by The Sox Box) that went like this:

Jan 31 kettlebell swings
Feb 28 rows
March 31 kick throughs
April 30 situps
May 31 clean & jerks
June 30 pushups
July 31 deadlifts
August 31 box jumps
September 30 walking lunges
October 31 burpees
November 30 air squats
December 31 jump ropes

365 reps for the New Year! :)

Finally, this morning I started with 50 jumping jacks & stretches, then went on a 2 mile run + abs + foam roller stretch.

Wiggie: Thanks for getting us started for the new month (and the new year)!! Excellent workouts so far this year. :p I find running on a treadmill to be exceedingly difficult! For a new runner, 1.7 miles in 20 minutes is awesome! I've agreed to run a 4 mile race at the end of January so i'm going to try to run 3x/week until then. Yikes!! What do you think of X10? I can't decide if I like it....

Wendy: I had a low-key NYE, which was nice. My husband had 3 friends come over and we played board games until about 1:00 am. It was fun! How was your NYE? I'm so glad to hear your shoulder is doing better. Cheers for that!!!!! I'm not familiar with the Challenge Barbell Complexes Program. Is that an app?
Hello Ladies.:)

Let's make 2014 a kick azz year okay!? :D

This morning I did a workout from the Burpee Challenge program that I have....
A two way ladder of burpees and prisoner squats...10 squats & 1 burpee, 9 squats & 2 burpees etc until you get to 1 squat & 10 burpees. I finished it in 5 min 20 secs. I was beat when I was done!

Last night when we got home from my SIL's house, I did the third Challenge Barbell Complex and it looked like this::

8 reps of each exercise x 4 rounds. Resting 1 min btwn rounds....
Ab roll out
High Pull
Reverse Lunge (8 per leg)
Bent Over Row
Push Up with Shoulder Touch

So this week I will be ordering the NASM materials so that I can start studying for their PT cert! I'm excited but askeered! :eek: Wish me luck!

Katie:: The Challenge Barbell Complex program is not an app though I can see why you might think that given my recent flurry of fitness app purchases. :) It's an online program that I purchased. So is the Burpee Challenge program I mentioned above. Both are by the same woman. Great work out to kick off the new year/end the old one! Nice job! :D

Wiggie:: Nice work outs! Excellent maiden voyage (run)!!!!! You did fantastic for your first time! You go girl! :) We went to my SIL's for NYE and spent the night and then stayed for dinner the next day. Nothing crazy...some drinks, good food and good company...very casual and mellow compared to our usual stint in AC for NYE!

I took a rest day today. I almost didn't because I've been missing quite a few workouts lately, but I chalk that up to the Holidays. ;) I'm ready to get back on track.

I do have some exciting adoption news to share. We've had no luck with the domestic adoption, so we recently decided to change gears completely, and we are in the process of adopting a sibling group from the Ukraine. It's costing us about 5k-10k more, but we are hoping to adopt 2-3 children, not just one child. We've updated our home study and are in the process of putting together our dossier. We hope to travel to Ukraine in May. We will have to live there for 35-45 days (and possibly longer), which is both extremely scary and extremely exciting. I'm not sure what i'll do for exercise during that time, but i'll figure something out.

Wendy: Yes, ma'am! A kick azz 2014 it will be! Great job with your workouts! I find both the Burpee Challenge and the Barbell Complex Challenge intriguing. I'll have to check out both of them. Congrats on pursuing the NASM certification!!!! That's so exciting. I'm so proud of you. :) You're going to do great! You're already a top-notch trainer. I just wish I lived closer so you could be MY top-notch trainer. ;)
Hey Ladies. :)

So we all had a snow day here today. Makes for a nice unexpected long weekend! :D

As much as I was chomping at the bit to work out today despite my sooo sore muscles, I resisted and was victorious against temptation! WOOT! Now that's something you only hear around here huh? That it's a struggle and an effort to take a rest day!? :p

So I spent some time shopping on amazon with $$ I got for Christmas and ended up buying a new sandbag that holds up to 40#. The best part is that it comes with 4 pre-filled bag inserts so I don't have to do anything!:D I have a sandbag but it's not a good one. It rips my hands up because it's not made of a smooth material and also does not have properly coated handles either. I hate it! :mad: I also bought THREE foam rollers! LOL Yes, I am a complete trainer dork now. I admit it. :p I bought one full size one to replace the forever old and crappy little one I have for standard foam rolling but then I also purchased 2 small half round rollers that can be used for stability/balance if you stand on one or both of them during any weight training exercise. :) And last but not least I bought a pair of "yoga socks". They have individual toe stalls and "sticky" bottoms for traction. Since I am into the wonderful world of minimalist training, they may be a good alternative to expensive footwear when I work out at home (which is MOST of the time!). :D

Katie:: OMG congrats on getting closer to adoption! :D Multiple children at once!? :eek: Wow! You guys will rock as parents just based on the fact that you are wanting to do that! That's so freakin' awesome! My step sister and her hubby are at the top of the "list" to adopt a baby girl so now it's just a waiting game...!!! The online challenge programs I have are right up my alley because they are short work outs but very intense. I also have turbulence training if you recall. That was my first. I'm very excited to really be able to "dig in" to all my new stuff now that my shoulder has healed! :)
Today's work out was Barbell Challenge Complex #4::

AMRAP of the following exercises for 4 mins.

Rest 1 min.

Repeat 2 more times.

7 Front Squat with Overhead Shoulder Press
7 SB Half Kneeling Forward Rolls
7 Reverse Lunges per leg
7 Bent Over Rows
7 Narrow Stance Push Ups

Then I added on an 8@10/20 conditioning segment of prisoner spd squats and forward/backward lunges.

Good stuff!:)

Hello Ladies!!

Thursday's workout was Max from Aerobox, Friday's was Shoulders & Arms from S90 & today's(Sat) was Lean Legs & Abs then PRS#2 later.

Thanks guys re my run, I need to do that more often since DD & I have a 10K in April. I didn't get to go last year because we had just found out about DH's illness. My NYE was much like yours, very low key, but nice. We haven't gotten any snow, but it is very cold!:eek:

Katie: That is fantastic news about the adoption!! It has crossed my mind a couple of times, but I didn't want to ask. I wish you all the luck & will remember you in my prayers. I like X10 & have been using it often. I usually string at least 3 together unless I'm pushed for time. I like your New Year's workout, next year you'll have to post it so we can do it "together".:)

Wendy: I agree, let's make this a kick azz year!!:D I can tell by your workouts that you are serious about this!!:p I am very pleased to hear that your shoulder is better.:) Congrats on the new purchases!!:) Good luck with pursuing your NASM, not that you'll need it, you can do this!!
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Hello again!!:rolleyes:

Sunday's workout was all three Gym Styles!!:eek: Well, actually I did a 30 minute premix from each.:eek::p:D I chased that with Burn from Aerobox, which is 10 minutes of jumping rope.

Hope you guys had a great weekend!!:)
Barbell. Challenge Complex #5 for today! :)

1 minute of light hand to hand kb swings
8 reverse lunges per leg
8 Spider-Man pushups per side
8 front squats
30 sec plank recovery
Wash rinse repeat 4x.
The swings were jump rope in the workout but I wanted to sub in something different and swings sounded good. I also think after looking at the workout again when I was done that it only called for one round of swings at the start and not each round. Oh well. A little extra work never hurt anyone. ;)
Good morning!!

Thank you both for your kind words regarding the adoption. We are very excited, nervous, stressed, hopeful, etc. :D Speaking of the adoption, we spent most of the weekend painting what will be the kids' room. I'm exhausted! I was excited to come back to work this morning so I can get a little rest. ;)

Saturday I went to CrossFit and had a great workout. My CrossFit Box just moved into a new building, and there is sooo much more room now. I think i'm gonna like it. Anyway, the workout consisted of 50 jumping jacks + 5 rounds of: 10 toes-to-bar (I think I did 6 "actual" T2B, which for me is amazing! I usually have to modify) + 15 box jumps + 20 wall balls.

Yesterday (Sunday) I went on a 2 mile trail run with my dog. It was, um, interesting. Okay, it was a disaster. The trail is really a bike trail, so it was very narrow and my dog had to run either behind me or in front of me. I also got lost a few times. And then my dog tried to chase a herd of deer. and then I about fell down a really steep hill covered in snow/ice. So... yeah...I don't think i'll be repeating that again anytime soon. At least not with my puppy dog. ;)

Wendy: Yeah for a healed shoulder!!!! I like how your workout yesterday had a 30 second "plank recovery". Bahaha! Not much of a recovery. :p;) Oh maybe i'm just a wimp... :D Ya know, while you're shopping around there on Amazon feel free to send a few purchases my way. I won't mind, really. :cool:;) You got some great stuff! I've never even heard of yoga socks, but now I've got to go check them out. I'm always slipping when I do yoga. Annoying!

Wiggie: So I see you are liking the GS workouts. ;) I enjoy them myself. Great job stringing all three together. I LOVE doing exactly that (30 minute premix of each). I don't know about you but I usually collapse on the floor when I get done. I don't know how you managed to add on 10 minutes of jump roping. You're a beast lady!!! :D:p;) Wow, a 10K!! That's so exciting! I might join you in a 10k this year. If I manage to run 4 miles at the end of January, i'm signing up for one. Deal? :)
This morning's work out was Barbell Complex Challenge # 6::

Do 10 reps of:
Weighted Burpees
High Pulls
Front squats with push press
Incline Spiderman Push ups
Inverted Rows

Rest for 1 min
Repeat for 8 reps of each exercise

Rest for 1 min
Repeat for 6 reps...

Rest for 1 min
Repeat for 4 reps...

Rest for 1 mins
Repeat for 2 reps...

Kicked my (SORE) arse!:D

Katie:: They also sell yoga gloves if you are interested! OMG I am awful at painting and yes, it's exhausting is right! I still don't know why I volunteered to paint my son's room by myself when I was unemployed! What was I thinking!?!? :confused::rolleyes: So now that your CF Box moved into it's bigger space that "open gym time" should be starting soon right? I hope that you can take advantage of it! You can use it to work on the exercises that are hardest for you b/c strengthening the strongest link does not make the chain grow stronger! A very wise trainer once said that! ;)

Wiggie:: Holy cr@p that's a tough work out - all three GS!? IDC if it was only 30 mins of each! That could NOT have been easy! You go girl! :D


Yesterday's CrossFit workout consisted of:

(I) 50 jumping jacks + shoulder and spider stretches.
(II) Snatch - I worked up to my heaviest weight to date - 35 pounds. :eek::p;) It's still pathetic compared to most, but i'm happy. I notice that other people use heavier weight but they have awful form. I refuse to sacrifice my form just to say I used X weight. If i'm gonna do it i'm gonna do it right!! :D **off soapbox**
III) After that, the WOD was a 21/15/9 of clean squats (45#) and bodyweight dips. Those clean squats were hard!! I maybe could have gone a little heavier; i'll remember that for next time. :)

Wendy: Excellent workout!! What's a weighted burpee? Do you hold dumbbells in your hands? Spiderman pushups are the devil. I hate those. :eek::rolleyes: Agreed. Painting sucks. ;):p Luckily I *think* all the painting is done. I finished the baseboard last night. Woohoo! Now all we have to do is install the chair rail, which shouldn't be that hard. Once the room is finished i'll try to post a picture. Yes, my CrossFit box now has open gym time BUT i'm not sure if it's included in my monthly plan or if i'd have to pay extra. I know it's free for the unlimited members. Once the adoption is over i'm going to change to an unlimited membership (if I can afford it, that is). You're absolutely right about needing to strengthen the weakest link in the chain!!!
Howdy Girls. :)

This morning's work out was a Burpee Challenge. It was a ladder Burpees and Pull ups (inverted rows for me) so I started with 1 burpee and 10 inverted rows and kept going until I hit 10 burpees and 1 inverted row!:D

Tmrw will be either a rest day or a yoga day.

Katie:: Yup, the weighted burpee was done with a barbell in your hands. You place it on the ground in front of you and walk out to plank, do a push up on the bar, walk back in, and pick up the barbell (paying close attn to form!) when you stand up. No jumping. There is also something called a full body burpee that I want to try soon! I think it uses dumbbells. Can't wait to see the pics of the newly painted kiddos' room! :D OMG, my boss would hug you if he heard you say this! LOL: "I notice that other people use heavier weight but they have awful form. I refuse to sacrifice my form just to say I used X weight. If i'm gonna do it i'm gonna do it right!!" Smart girl! :):):)
Hi ladies!

I survived a crazy hard CrossFit workout yesterday. I think our coaches are trying to punish us for all our awful holiday eating. :eek:;) Anyway, we started with 2 minutes of jumping rope + mobility stretches (which are AWESOME). After that, we did 5x3 back squats. I worked up to 105 pounds, which is my heaviest weight to date. :eek::eek::eek: Finally, the WOD was called the "50s" and here's why:

50 box jumps
50 jump pull-ups
50 kettle bell swings (26#)
50 walking lunges
50 toes-2-bar (I had to modify most of theses, but I did a few!)
50 push press (35#)
50 sit-ups
50 burpees
150 jump ropes

I did the WOD in 26 minutes, and was damn proud of myself!! :cool:

I got up at 5:30 am this morning to workout at home and realized I had no space to workout. All the stuff from the kids' room (which used to be our office) is now in the living room. So I went back to bed. BUT, i'm going to go on a 2.5 mile run today after work. I promise!!

Wendy: I love your ladder workouts. Concise yet very tough to do i'm sure! I'm keeping track of workouts like that that I might be able to do in the Ukraine. My DH is making fun of me because, at this moment, i'm more worried about how i'm going to get my workouts done than anything else. :rolleyes::eek::p Yikes, those weighted burpees sound tough!!! And kinda fun... :D
Yesterday was a rest day. This morning's work out was the next Barbell Challenge Complex ::

10 Reverse Lunges w/bb in front squat hold position (5 per leg)
10 Front Squats
10 Push Presses
10 Back Squats

3 rounds with 1 min of rest between each of them.

Then I did this:
1 round of 8@10/20 of
X-body mountain climbers (slow to concentrate on core activation as opposed to cardio conditioning)
Floor Bridge Hold
Regular Mountain Climbers (same as above)
Floor Bridge Hold

Good stuff. Kicked my butt somethin' fierce!

Also used my new foam roller today and wore my yoga socks. Loved them both! :D

Katie:: DH can make fun all he wants but I totally get your worries about working out while you are away! Holy crap that work out looks terrifically tough! Sounds like you killed it though! You rock!:D
Hello! :)

As promised, I went on a 2.5 mile run yesterday. My time was approximately 10:15/mile, and 25:50 total. It's not my best time, but that's okay. :) I know as I add distance my time is going to slow down. Running has never come easy to me, but i'm enjoying the challenge. I also spent a little time with my foam roller last night. So far, my IT band is doing great as I add mileage! Yay!!!

Wendy: You're doing lots of Crossfit type moves. Are you converting?? :eek::p;) I'm just teasing. I know your boss at the studio would have a heart attack. Which yoga socks did you buy?? I love my foam roller. :) I used to barely use it; now I use it several times a week!

Wiggie: Hope you're having a great week, girlie!!!
Katie:: Great job taking the running slowly. That's the best way to do it to prevent injury! :) I am sure my boss would not like every move I do in these challenge work outs but he also doesn't like most of what I've done for the past ten years in my work outs! :eek: There's just no pleasing some people! :p That being said, my motto is: what he doesn't know won't hurt him!!! ;)
Hello Ladies!!;)

Sorry about being MIA but I worked two marathon shifts this week & just couldn't find the time to get back here.:eek: My shifts were on Monday & Wednesday. Tuesday's workout was Aerobox for 30 minutes. Thursday's workout was a blast from the past Slim & Lean by Jari Love. I used a good weight because the last reps were hard!:eek:

BBL for personals!!
TGIF!!!! I'm so happy it's Friday! :)

Yesterday's Crossfit workout was fun! We started with crab walks and then did 3 rounds of the following with 35# barbells: 3 muscle cleans; 3 front squats; 3 push presses; and 3 good mornings.

After that, we did a ladder/pyramid up thing. It consisted of 5 rounds of clean & jerks. In each round you did 9 reps with a 1 minute rest after every 3 reps (so 3reps, rest 1 minute, 3 reps, rest 1 minute, 3 reps, rest 1 minute = 1 round). You started with 50% of your 1RM, and then went up 10% each round. So, I used 25# the first round, then 35#, 45#, 55#, and 65#. I think the most weight I've ever used for clean and jerk was 55#, so I was thrilled I was able to get to 65# (though I struggled to do my 3 reps each time).

Finally, the WOD was a 21/15/9 of (i) rowing (400 meters - can't really count reps on that); (ii) chest-to-bar pullups; and (iii) burpees.

My plan today is another 2.5 mile run after work. :)

Wendy: I LOL at this: "what he doesn't know won't hurt him". That sounds exactly like something I would say. :D:p;) Running has never come easy to me, so taking it slow is a must! I'm hoping I can actually run this 4 mile race coming up in 2.5 weeks. That might be wishful thinking, though. :eek: Got any fun weekend plans??

Wiggie: Geez, girl, go take you a nap!! Two marathons work days...WOW! Great job getting in a few workouts and using a challenging weight!! I don't know if I could have done it after working all those hours. You deserve the name Cathlete! :)

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