
Hi Ladies!!

Friday's workout was Meso 2 disc 17 Legs & Saturday's workout was FlexTrain. I worked another long shift Thursday so no workout. & yes Katie I was able to get some good catnaps.;)

Katie: Great job on your run!!:)

Wendy: So what if you did the wrong workout? You still rocked it!!:D
Good morning (afternoon?)!

No work for me today. We got quite a bit of snow last night and the roads were awful this morning. So I'm just sitting around the house, relaxing, doing much of nothing. It's fabulous! :D :D :D Might as well enjoy it while I can before the kiddos arrive. :)

Yesterday's workout was Legs & Glutes. Not a bad workout! I burned out towards the end and started missing reps. I don't have the leg endurance like I used too. :eek::rolleyes: I've got a bit of DOMS in my hamstrings and low back.

I haven't decided what workout I'm going to do today. I'm supposed to go to CrossFit at 5:00 pm, but I would rather get my workout done now. So, I think I might go for a 2.5 mile run and then maybe do some extra stretching or yoga.

Wiggie: Thanks for getting us started for the new month!! I always forget about that. :rolleyes: Whew, glad to hear you were able to get in a few catnaps!! Those crazy long days sound insane! You're such a trooper. So have you dedicated yourself to completing Meso 2?

Wendy: Your last post made be LOL! You're stronger than you realized, jumping straight from week 1 to week 11. If only we could all be like you. :p:eek:;) I must admit your workout was intimidating. Great job, girlie!!
This is what I did this morning and what the 2nd TT work out really looks like! :p

TT 19 min body weight work out:

8@10/20 of low box jumps but I subbed in squat jumps...
4@10/20 of TRX rows but I subbed in inverted rows
4@10/20 of spiderman push ups
8@10/20 of body weight squats
8@10/20 of planks
6@10/20 of jumping jacks

Wiggie:: You are bringing back the painful memories of STS Meso 2 Leg Days with your posts! :p

Katie:: Stay safe dry and warm at home today. I, unfortunately am at work but hoping for an early release! Weather is nasty here as well! :eek:
Hello! :)

Yesterday I went on a 2.5 mile run and then finished with 10 minutes of shoulder work and a foam roller stretch. My run was, in a word, horrific. I was ready to stop after one mile. :confused: I'm hoping I was just having a bad day.

This morning I did the CrossTrain Express: All Upper Body workout (except for shoulders) and a wee bit of abs. This workout is mainly endurance in nature, which is a nice change from the heavy lifting in CrossFit.

Wendy: Great job getting back on track! Yesterday's TT workout actually looks fun! Much better than that crazy one you did last week. :p;) Yes, I stayed warm and dry yesterday and it was fabulous!! I hope you made it home safe last night. I truly enjoy winter, but i'm getting tired of the winter weather. Over it!!! :)
Hello Ladies. :)

I have been working out every other day and loving it but with the weather forecast for tmrw morning I am thinking I will need to leave some extra commuting time. That being said, I worked out this morning instead and trmw will be a rest day.

I didn't do work out #3 but instead an "extra optional" work out that is paired up with #3 in the rotation. I will do #3 by itself on Thursday.

So what I did today is this::

(Optional) Bodyweight Workout - Bodyweight Cardio:

jumping jacks (40 reps)
run in place (40 reps per leg/80 total)
push ups #1(20 reps) - split up push ups into two segments b/c 40 in one shot is too much for me to do without taking a million breaks and doing having terrible form.
skater hops(20 per leg/40 total),
bodyweight squats (40 reps)
x-body mountain climbers(20 per leg/40 total),
side to side jumps(20 per leg/40 total),
push ups #2 (20 reps)
40 seal jumps-did not do b/c IDK what they are and they forgot to do them in the video! LOL
walking lunges(20 per leg/40 total),
split shuffles(20 per leg/40 total)

Then I did it again after a one minute rest but I did half of the original rep count....:cool:
Good morning!!:cool:

We went out of town for a Super Bowl party so no workout Sunday.:eek: Monday was STS M2 D16 Chest, Shoulders & Tri's & Tuesday was Addiction a heavy bag workout. I plan to do M2 D18 today(Back & Biceps).

Wendy: I like the look of your last workout:eek:, I love no equipment workouts. Be careful driving in this bad weather, you know you have to always watch out for the others on the road. I hate to ask you this again :eek:, but can you explain what 8@10/20 means?

Katie: Sorry your run went bad:confused: Though it does sound like you enjoyed your snow day!:) Yes I plan to complete Meso 2, I'm really enjoying it. Doing STS makes me feel like a serious weight lifter.:p I love CTX!! I've used it plenty.;)
Good morning!! :cool:

Wednesday's workout was M2 D18 Back & Biceps as planned.:rolleyes:

Have a great day Ladies!!:)
Hello! :)

Yesterday's CrossFit workout started with 100 mountain climbers + stretching. After that, we did 5x5 back squats (85#...maybe should have gone heavier). And finally the WOD was: 500 meters rowing, 50 situps, 1000 meters rowing, 30 situps, 500 meters rowing, 20 situps.

Today is my double day, so I did a 2 mile treadmill run this morning and then i'll go to CrossFit after work. For some reason I run slower on the TM than I do outside. According to BOTH of my apps I run an average 10 minute mile, but when I tried to run that on the TM this morning I about died. My guess is that my pace outside varies with the road (faster down hill and slower up hill) so I'm not used to running a steady 10 minute mile. Who knows though, really! :confused::rolleyes:

Wendy: I agree with Wiggie, bodyweight workouts ROCK!! I LOVE the one you did on Tuesday. In fact, I've already saved it in my "future workout file" on my work computer. Now I just have to remember to take the file with me when I go to Ukraine. :) Did you have any problems commuting on Tuesday? I had a late meeting that night and it was awful trying to get home. :confused: I enjoy winter, but i'm SOOOOO over this bad weather!

Wiggie! LOL! STS makes me feel like a serious weight lifter, too. :) I'm glad you've committed to doing Meso 2. You're going to feel so accomplished when you get to the end. Not that you don't already. :) The Super Bowl party sounds like fun, even if the game was a dude. DH had a few friends over, but that's all we did. I'm a football FANATIC (and a Broncos fan, oops), but by the end of the first quarter I was so bored I started reading a book. :eek::p;)
Today's work out was the TT 10 Minute Bodyweight Workout::

4@10/20 of Total Body Extensions then Push Ups then Jumping Jacks then Mountain Climbers then of Body Weight Squat then DONE! :D

can you explain what 8@10/20 means?
Sure can! 8=how many rounds 10=how many secs rest 20=how many seconds work so 8 rounds of 10 rest and 20 work. Make sense now? :) Nice job with STS! Thinking ahead to what your next plan might be? I sure would be!!! :p

Katie:: Feel free to "steal" any of the work outs I post here for your trip! I think you pretty much hit the nail on the head as to why you can run faster on the road! I did okay getting here on Tuesday. It was slow but not too bad. Getting home was a breeze after I finally made my way out of our unplowed parking lot here!:rolleyes:

Good morning!

Yesterday's CrossFit workout was interesting. We started with a junkyard dog warmup (I can't even describe, lol, just google it. :)), and then did 3 rounds of : 3 pass throughs, 3 muscle snatches, 3 snatch push press, 3 snatch balance, and 3 overhead squats (OHS). The skill focused on our snatch form and parts of the snatch. We focused on 3 different moves: (1) snatch grip push press + OHS; (2) snatch balance, and (3) and high-hang snatch. The point was to work up to a heavy weight for each move. I started with 15 pounds and worked up to 40 pounds (which was my heaviest weight to date for an OHS, yippee). Finally, the WOD was a 7 minute AMRAP of: front squats + box jumps. It was a Ladder Climb so I added 3 reps each round (so first round 3 front squats and 3 box jumps, second round 6 front squats and 6 box jumps, etc.). I completed 5 rounds in the 7 minutes.

I thought about going to CrossFit today, but my low back is rather sore, so i'm taking the day off (and get familiar with my new heating pad). :)

[Wendy: Oh my goodness the parking lot at my office is the WORST!!! The idiots come during the day to clean it, so of course the actual parking spots don't get cleaned. You can't see the lines and cars are just parking all over the place. Crazy people!! I'm glad you don't mind me stealing your bodyweight workouts. I can't seem to put together my own workouts, and yours always look like so much fun! :)
Decided to work out this morning on a whim even though it would normally be a rest day. I didn't do a TT work out though. I decided to do 3 of my own interval conditioning circuits...

Pyramid Up One Arm Kettlebell Swings - 8@10/20
Alternating One Arm Front DB Squat - 8@10/20
Alternating One Arm DB Squat Press - 8@15/15

Back to TT this weekend!:)
Yesterday's work out was back to TT...Week 2 Day 1::

Bodyweight Workout # 4
The Big 12 Circuit:
Do the following circuit 3 times, resting one minute between circuits....
1A Close-Stance Bodyweight Squat 15 reps
1B Close-Grip Push-Up 10 reps
1C Jumping Jacks 20 reps
1D Reverse Lunge 10 reps per side
1E Inchworm 6 reps
1F Run in Place 20 secs
1G Mountain Climbers 20 reps
1H Total Body Extension 8 reps
1I Calf Jump 10 reps (didn't watch video so IDK what this is. subbed in squat jumps)
1J Reaching Lunge 8 reps per side (not sure on this one either so I did what I thought it could be.lol.)
1K Decline Push-Up 12 reps on upside down bosu
1L Run in Place 20 secs


Optional Bodyweight Workout # 12
The punisher:
Do the following exercise 8 times, resting as little as possible.
Close-Stance Bodyweight Squat 20 seconds/10 second squat hold
Hi Ladies.

So I decided to do some version of a detox style eating plan to help me shed some weight and body fat. I'm start today so I had to get on the scale and measure my BF this morning. UGH. Let's just say that staying off the scale may be great for my mental state b/c "ignorance is bliss" but I DEFINITELY benefit physically from seeing the number on a regular basis. I won't go back to daily weighing if I can help it but I NEED TO USE THE SCALE. I am disgusted w/myself right now! Both numbers are the highest that they have been in years! :eek:

BBL with my work out!:cool:
Hi ladies!

Sorry for the lack of posts the past few days. It's been a crazy busy weekend. Saturday I did a CrossFit partner workout that consisted of 3 rounds for time of:

75 wall balls
50 KBS
25 burpee box jump

Because it was a partner workout, I only did 1/2 the reps. It was still a good workout, though!

Sunday I ran the Frigid Fanny 4-mile race. My time was 38:46, which was a PR for me. I'm happy with my results! :)

Wendy: I'm sorry to hear that the scale is not your friend right now. :( I'm terrified to get on my scale. I know it is not going to be good. I used to use my scale to make sure I was keeping my weight somewhat steady, but I've gotten away from that. Maybe we should plan a monthly or bi-monthly weigh-in. We don't have to share our actual numbers. Just keep each other accountable. At least you got in some great workouts this weekend!!
Hello Ladies!!

Thursday's workout was PRS#1, Friday's was M2 D20 Legs, Saturday's was M2 D19 C,S & T & Sunday's was JNL's Lean Legs. I'll do M2 D21 tonight & I'll have completed the 3rd week!!:eek: I am getting P90X3 for Valentine's Day, so excited!! I will have finished Meso 2 by the time I get it. :D By the way, great workouts Ladies!!:cool:

My crazy work schedule is going to remain so for quite a while so please be patient with me. :)

Wendy: I'm really sorry the scale is not your friend right now.:( I'm not weighing right now because I never lose weight when I'm lifting heavy.:rolleyes: Are your clothes fitting the same? If they are, as hard as you work out you have probably gained some muscle. Tell me more about this detox, can I view it online? Thanks, you answered my question perfectly!!:)

Katie: Good job on your race!!:) That's less than 10 minutes per mile, way to go!!;) I'm just the opposite of you, I find running outside so much harder!:eek: I think a monthly weigh in is a good idea, maybe we could start next month? We could specify the exact day. How are the plans for the UK trip coming along? ;)
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Hello! :)

Monday's CrossFit workout went something like this:

Warm-up: 15 wall ball burpees; 20 overhead squats (no weight); 20 Samson w/ pass through; 20 strippers; and 1 minute plank.

Skill: EMOMx15 of: (1) 1 power snatch and (2) 1 squat snatch. I used a35# for both moves the entire time. I'm improving! A few months ago I would have been using #25 or less.

WOD: For time - 25 burpees + 25 power clean (55#) + 25 burpees. While doing the WOD, every minute on the minute (EMOM) we had to stop and do 7 wall balls. I actually rocked this workout. :D :D :D I used a slightly heavier weight than most of the other girls and still finished first (8:02). It's rare that I'm actually good at something at CrossFit, so I just had to brag for a second. :) Of course, I'm still no where near using RX weights, but that's okay. :)

Yesterday I went on a 2.75 mile run. I intended to follow up the run with abs and stretching, but I forgot I had agreed to baby-sit my nephews last night so I had to hurry and get out of the house.

Wiggie: We completely understand re: your crazy work schedule! Just check-in whenever you can. No worries. :) Wow, I can't believe you've already completed the third week of Meso 2!! It seems like you just started. WTG girlie!! Wendy is going to be so jealous of your V-Day present. :p;) Make sure you share your thoughts about the program with us. I've never broken down and purchased any of the P90X workouts or insanity. Are those programs light on equipment? I need non-equipment workouts to take with me to Ukraine. The plans for our Ukraine trip are coming along slowly but surely. My DH and I went yesterday to complete our biometrics for immigration. We hope to receive immigration approval in the next 2 weeks. As soon as we receive that, we will officially submit our dossier to Ukraine and then we hope to actually travel 45(ish) days after that, so maybe mid-April? It's coming up so fast!!
Hey Ladies...:)

This morning's work out was TT Week 2 Day 3::

8@10/20 - Total Body Extensions
4@10/20 - Decline Push Ups
6@10/20 - Squat Holds (Subbed for wall squats)
4@10/20 - Cross Body Mountain Climbers
8@10/20 - Prisoner Squats

and Monday's work out that I never posted was Day 2::

20 reps of Inverted Row
50 alternating reps of Diagonal Lunges
40 reps of close grip push ups
100 alternating reps of ices katers
40 alternating reps of mountain climbers
30 reps of prisoner squats
20 reps of Inverted Rows (again)

Katie:: Yes, I would love to do a weigh-in with you to keep me accountable and motivated!:) I will be weighing myself weekly but we can check in according to how much you want to do it.

Wiggie:: The detox removes all forms of sweeteners, alcohol, grains, legumes, peanuts/peanut butter, processed foods and coffee from your diet for 21 days. At the end of 21 days you add them back in (if you want to), one at a time. The idea is to see what foods you may have a sensitivity to and in the meantime you should lose weight and body fat as a bonus as well as reap the rewards of so many other possible health benefits! :)
Good Morning!:)

The snow is coming down and I am staying home! I will work out, cook for the rest of the week and study today.

BBL with my work out!:cool:
Pryvit (which means "Hello" in Ukrainian).

I'm hoping over the next few months to learn a few Ukrainian words. :)

Yesterday's CrossFit workout went like this:

Warm-up: 3 rounds of: 20 jumping jacks; 10 hip bridges w/ rotation; 10 supermans; 10 pass through; and 4 inch worms.

Skill: 4x5 bench press (75#) with band pull aparts between sets.

WOD: 3 rounds for time of: 30 hand release pushups; 30 calorie row; 30 hollow rock.

The WOD looked deceptively easy. It wasn't!! :eek: I hate hollow rocks. They hurt my back. I'm such a wimp, lol!

Today is my double day so I went on a 2 mile run this morning on the treadmill and then after work i'll go to CrossFit.

Wendy: Do we want to schedule a set weigh-in day (Wiggie make sure you chime in here too, please :)). We can do like the first and fifteenth of each month. Or every other Monday. Or every Friday. Or whatever. It doesn't matter to me! I still have not got up the nerve to step on my scale. I really am a wimp (and a chicken). :D:eek::rolleyes: Your detox plan sounds, well, awful! Okay, that's not really helpful, is it? Oops. Sorry! :p;) Really it was the lack of coffee that about sent me over the edge when I was reading it. I truly am a coffee addict. *sips coffee*
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Katie:: Looks like a tough work out! Nice job! I would prefer to weigh in weekly on Fridays starting tmrw. :) LOL-I don't blame you for your reaction to the detox but TBH it's not all that bad. The recipes are delicious! I don't miss the grains and legumes. I do miss pb but I you are allowed other nut butters so that's cool. I miss sweet as I am a dessert queen! I miss coffee and alcohol but honestly I haven't cut them out completely...I just cut back a lot so I can live with that and still see results.:) Because I am still having limited amounts of coffee I get a little sweet fix from the flavored creamer I use. So all that being said, it's actually very doable and I will admit that I hopped on the scale y'day morning and already saw a small drop in the # from Monday so I expect to be happy tmrw morning as well. :)

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