Forums Closing at 9pm EST - Tonight

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We will be shutting down our forums and Workout Manager tonight at around 9pm eastern to begin the migration process to the new forum software. This will take at least several hours and perhaps most of the night to complete. This is a very complex move and there are bound to be issues that we will need to fix after the migration. You will still be able to use your current username and password on the new forums, so no need to sign up again. Hoping to see and hear from everyone soon in our new forums!
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How come I am a new member on the new forum? What's up with the trophy points? The new forum will take same time to get used too.
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I'm not able to get into the forums from the app on my phone anymore. Anybody else having this problem? Thanks
You're probably just cached. Trying clearing the cache and refresh your browser to see if this helps.
How come I am a new member on the new forum? What's up with the trophy points? The new forum will take same time to get used too.

When we migrated the data from the old forums to the new forums some things didn't transfer. We've now corrected this manually. Our new title ladder is as follows:

New Member - 0 posts
Member - at least 5 posts
Active Member - at least 25 posts
Cathlete - at least 45 posts
When we migrated the data from the old forums to the new forums some things didn't transfer. We've now corrected this manually. Our new title ladder is as follows:

New Member - 0 posts
Member - at least 5 posts
Active Member - at least 25 posts
Cathlete - at least 45 posts

This morning I was a new member, which didn't made any sense :D It did changed to Cathlete:D

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