? for Kettlebell fans...


Without going into the long story, I am just starting with kettlebells (read haven't done them yet) and I ended up with 2 20# KB. My question is will I have a use for two the same weight or should I return one? Now with DB I like to lift heavy, except shoulders, and don't consider 20# heavy. I know KB's are different so I am just so confused?:confused:
If you can return it, or even exchange it for a heavier, you probably should. While there are some exercises that require two kettlebells, you can do so much with just one at a time, and I'll bet you'd like to add a heavier one to the mix.

Well, I'm not you and probably can't lift anywhere near what you lift but I used a single 7lb and 10lb kettlebell when I did AOS Providence for the first time. I thought the workout was kind of easy (compared to, say GSLegs or B&G). What always gets me is the cardio effect... But after doing the "easy" workout I was so sore I needed to hang onto something every time I sat down or got up, walking was tough... this went on for FIVE DAYS. I'm trying to figure out how to gradually integrate kb's into my workout without being too sore to move the next day. You may not have the issues I had so you may be able to use (2) 20lb kb's, jump right in, and have no big recovery issues. You be the judge I know I'd love to hear how you feel about three days after, though:D.
Alot of the movements done with a kettlebell are different from a regular dumbell so sometimes a lighter bell is needed. I have two 15# bells and a 20# and I am very happy with them. You don't HAVE to do any double bell work but I usually will when it's offered. I like to change it up and it can definatley be more of a challenge.
I've been doing kettlebells for almost a year now, and I have one of each of the following: 15lb, 20lb, 25lb, and 30lb. If you do kettlebell work often you will probably progress fairly quickly. There are some AOS videos and workouts out that suggest two kettlebells, but they can be modified to use only one. So, I would suggest trading in your 2nd 20lber for a heavier bell, at least for now. If you get to the point where you want to kb's, you will most likely need something heavier than 20 lbs. anyway.

I'd also like to say that if you use kb's consistently, you will be amazed at what they will do for your body. I have been lifting for 15 years, and finally after adding kb's to my workout routine, I have the body I've been trying to get all those years. I now have to force myself to do traditional strength training. I don't believe it's as effective as kb's, but variety is essential for progress.
I have two kbs in four different weight sizes. I like the variety and doing the double armed moves. However it is not necessary that you have two kbs of the same weight. Most of the dvd workouts use only one kb and the ones that do (I'm thinking AOS) can be modified by just using one kb.

If I were you, I'd trade it in for a 25# bell. You will get more use out of it.
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I started with a single 15# bell because I was afraid of hurting myself, knowing that I would be unable to get any one-on-one coaching or attend any classes right off the bat. I was pretty much done with the 15# within a week...now I use it when I'm trying to learn something new.

I've been using a single 20# and thought that I would want a second one right away. I'm glad I waited because I really need something heavier now and need to be a bit thrifty with how I build my collection. Someday I would like two of whatever I use the most, but as others have said, you're really fine with one.
If you do kettlebell work often you will probably progress fairly quickly.

This is a relief because I can't keep winding up too sore to do anything for 5 days.

I'd also like to say that if you use kb's consistently, you will be amazed at what they will do for your body. I have been lifting for 15 years, and finally after adding kb's to my workout routine, I have the body I've been trying to get all those years. I now have to force myself to do traditional strength training. I don't believe it's as effective as kb's, but variety is essential for progress.

Wow. A woman over at AOS said the same thing. She also said all the soreness I've experienced is a good indicator that my regular weight training is... lacking.

One question: Do you feel kb's are doing much for your arms? I mean, from the sides of my butt cheeks - down I was beyond sore but from my b.c.'s - up, I didn't feel much of anything. I'd be interested in your feedback on this. Thanks.
Linda, I would keep both 20s. In AOS Firepower there a few exercises that use two KBs. You can also make up your own routines implementing two KBs. I would also save for heavier ones. I have two 18s, a 20, 25, 30, and 35. I do a lot of swings with the 35 pounder. Just my opinion.

The kb workouts have definitely helped the definition in my arms as well. I used to think that I could only work by bi's and tri's individually (curls, extensions...) I've found that the kettlebells work them with other muscle groups, for more of a total body affect. For example, snatches and presses really work the triceps as well as the core, shoulders, and lats. KB rows work the biceps along with the back. Also, many of the AOS dvd's have designated exercises for the arms. You can do bicep curls, overhead extensions, etc. with your kb's. There is a great exercise called the triple crush that incorporates a bicep curl with a tricep extension, and you can add a squat also! I've found that kb's work the large muscle groups in conjunction with the small ones, which burns more fat than working body parts separately.
One question: Do you feel kb's are doing much for your arms? I mean, from the sides of my butt cheeks - down I was beyond sore but from my b.c.'s - up, I didn't feel much of anything. I'd be interested in your feedback on this. Thanks.


I've noticed a big difference in my shoulders and arms recently. I have only be doing 1 day of weight training a week but started doing 100+ swings about 3 or 4 days a week and my biceps and shoulders are really starting to show some definition. I do other kettlebell work as well but I really noticed it after starting my 100+ swings.

I've noticed a big difference in my shoulders and arms recently. I have only be doing 1 day of weight training a week but started doing 100+ swings about 3 or 4 days a week and my biceps and shoulders are really starting to show some definition. I do other kettlebell work as well but I really noticed it after starting my 100+ swings.

What size bell are you using for the 100+ swings. How are you breaking them up set wise? TIA
What size bell are you using for the 100+ swings. How are you breaking them up set wise? TIA

The first 2 weeks or so I was using a 25# bell and then moved up to 30#.

When I used the 25# I was doing 2 sets of 30 and 2 sets of 20. When I used the 30# I did sets of 20. I try to keep the rests short.

On Saturday I did 200 with my 30# bell but my rests were much, much longer.

I originally found this swing challenge on facebook and the guy was doing 200 swings a day for the month of November. The only rule was to do them in 10 minutes. So I decided to try it with 100 first. I did them in 5 minutes but I haven't really timed them since. My sister and I plan to do the 200 swings challenge in January.
Hey Jane, I saw that challenge too..... I love swings, and do that for my cardio often these days. This morning I did KPC and during the combos I did swings -- 600 of them, but I mostly used my small bell (17 pounds). I did 180, I think it was, with my 35 pounder. Three rests in all, I think. I haven't been doing them every day, but I've thought about it. :) One of these months I will. I'm doing FF's rotation this month, and don't want to push it too hard.


I posted a reply to your question about upper body, but it didn't come through, so hopefully this will. The kb exercises are also great for your upper body - snatches work your triceps and shoulders, kb rows work your biceps and back, and your lats and shoulders are constantly worked whenever you lift the kb over your head. In Providence you do the triple crush, which involves both a bicep curl and overhead tricep extension. I believe you also do pushups. The muscles in my arms are really defined, and I haven't noticed any negative changes in that definition - if anything they're more cut because kettlebell workouts burn far more fat than traditional strength training.

I posted a reply to your question about upper body, but it didn't come through, so hopefully this will. The kb exercises are also great for your upper body - snatches work your triceps and shoulders, kb rows work your biceps and back, and your lats and shoulders are constantly worked whenever you lift the kb over your head. In Providence you do the triple crush, which involves both a bicep curl and overhead tricep extension. I believe you also do pushups. The muscles in my arms are really defined, and I haven't noticed any negative changes in that definition - if anything they're more cut because kettlebell workouts burn far more fat than traditional strength training.

Your posts are coming through. I don't know why they are not showing up for you???
Hey Jane, I saw that challenge too..... I love swings, and do that for my cardio often these days. This morning I did KPC and during the combos I did swings -- 600 of them, but I mostly used my small bell (17 pounds). I did 180, I think it was, with my 35 pounder. Three rests in all, I think. I haven't been doing them every day, but I've thought about it. :) One of these months I will. I'm doing FF's rotation this month, and don't want to push it too hard.


600 swings!!!! :eek: Beth, You Rock!!!

I'll let you know my results from January.
This swing challenge sounds very interesting...I suddenly feel the need to get a kettlebell for my office...

Stacey - ITA with Jane and jansherman. KB's do great things for the upper body.
This swing challenge sounds very interesting...I suddenly feel the need to get a kettlebell for my office...

LOL Gayle, I thought about that. Then I thought about the potential hole in the wall if I ever slip and figured better not :confused:

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