Endormorph's and Long Workouts?

The first time I did STS the same thing happened to me, I put on muscle, but sure did put on what seemed like fat. Within a month it seemed to disappear. My next round of STS, about 3mo later, l definitely saw amazing results, no weight gain, and great definition. I was also trying to fit in cardio on those days, the second time around I did not do cardio, lesson learned!

That is encouraging to hear. May I ask when you did do cardio what type was it and how many days a week?
That was quite a long time ago, I was recovering from a knee injury. I would probably have done something low impact, but honestly I do not remember. I was doing yoga two days a week, so if I am correct it was probably STS three times/week, yoga twice a week, and a daily walk.
Thank you, the next time I do STS I will try and adhere closely to the schedule that Cathe suggests.

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