endomorphs and yoga

Hi there! I am not a fitness expert, but I have been doing Yoga for a few years and I don't think it would be a waste of time for ANY body type.

Yoga is awesome for flexibility, strength, weight loss and overall well being. It also relieves back pain and tension. If your goal is to lose weight, I think you may have to add cardio along with weight training, as Yoga alone may not be enough to shed pounds (please consult a fitness expert on this to confirm as I don't want to give you incorrect info). It will however sculpt some nice muscles while holding all those poses (plank, side plank, warrior 1, 2 ect) which do lean you out and help rev the metabolism.

Even if you only do Yoga 1 or 2 times/week, I am sure you will notice the benefits and continue to use it as part of your fitness routine.

Yoga is an awesome compliment to any fitness routine. Never a waste of time! So much strength and flexibility and muscle endurance! Holy cow, it burns.
I always lose weight when I also get my yoga in. It does rev the metabolism, as mini-natty said. What it does is relax the vegus nerve which is part of the system that determines how much stress hormones to put in your body, those are the ones responsible for stress weight gain. If you don't want to do a whole hour, just 25 minutes really helps. I use a disc called yoga for beginners with Desi, and there are 2 workouts, one for AM and one for PM. I like to pair them with a run/walk interval workout or HIIT, I use it as the cool down.

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