ectomorph or endomorph???????????????


Would you pleae explain the difference between the body types? I have read this and seen articles in magazines, but didn't really pay too much attention. But I see quite a few posts regarding weight loss for Ectomorphs. I wondered which category I fall into.
I am 5'9" and weigh 152 lbs.


Linda :)
The ectomorphs are the hard gainers. Ectomorphs have a hard time building muscle, and often, gaining weight. They have small wrists, usually long legs and arms. They are usually skinny. They are usually advise to focus on strength training with heavy weights/low reps.

The endomorphs are those who tend to gain more body fat. These ones are usually advised to focus on cardio and train with high reps/low weight.

The mesomorphs are the lucky ones who bulk very easily. Usually have wide torso and look muscular. This ones are usually advise to work with moderate weight/reps and do cardio.

Now, notice that I use the word "usually" a lot. That is because this is not as simple as it sounds. There are ectomorphs that do gain weight and that is why you see those posts. There are combinations of bodytypes. In fact, almost everyone is a combination of two or the three body types.
Thanks Mariela for your answer to my question. I am not sure where I fit in, but many thanks!!
Linda :)

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