Dumbbell Spotter?


Does anyone know of a piece of equipment that would be used as a "dumbbell spotter" geared towards women? I can often lift a lot heavier if I didn't have to hoist the dumbbells up from a flat back or even inclined back position.

To lift heavier for legs, I use a weighted vest and fit tower. To lift heavier for upper body with a barbell, I use the fit tower. But I can't find a spotter for dumbbells that would work for me. I do see some bulky pieces of equipment, but it looks like it is geared more towards super heavy dumbbells/men's hands. I am hoping for a spotter in the vertical orientation and not so dang bulky for my smaller hands.

I have even started designing one to have it made at a machine shop...but am hoping there is already something out there for the ladies.

Thank You!
Something like this?

Yep, similar to that is what I am looking for, but geared more towards women. That one seems to be WAY too bulky for my smaller hands and smaller weights (causing the spotter to drop/rotate down once unracked). Seems the spotters out there already made are more towards man-hands and man-weights.

Was hoping for a vertical grip start also, versus the horizontal grip start. (I am much stronger racking and unracking in a vertical start versus horizontal).

I am thinking I will have to have one made! My workout equipment is probably 40% modified, so I am used to it. :)
I looked at these hooks. The shipping is more than the hooks! Please keep us posted if you have them made. The concept is great.

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