Sherry K

Good morning!

Checking in before I go out the door. Calves are doing much better this morning, meaning that I can walk without pain although I do feel the muscles stretching and straining with every step. Today's workout will be yoga, which I'll do this evening after work.

Hope you all have a great sweat and a clean eating day!

Today will be MIS...lets see how far i can go:confused:

Sherry-Hope you have a good day and your calves feel better soon.
Hallo girlsm,

I have the green light to fly:p Sunday I walked 4 miles on the beach plus I went to the gym in the morning did the rowing machine and did leg workout. Yesterday I did CCV1, burned 560 cal. Not sure what I will do today? I fly back to Germany tomorrow, I will start our thread on Thurday. So far I haven't gained any weight, I very happy. Eating wasn't that great, been eating out a lot:confused: Need to get back on track.

My friend Diana will start checking in wih us on Thurday.

Sherry, hope you feel better.

Amelia, have fun with MIC today.

Hallo Heidi amd Allee.
Hi everyone.

Accomplishment today was that I wore flats all day long. My calves have been so tight, that I haven't been able to walk flat footed, and actually wore heels a few days because the calves wouldn't stretch. Albeit, I could feel every step, but they are healing and loosening up. I think I may even be able to workout tomorrow, upper body only, but that's a step in the right direction. In the meantime, I'm trying to be very good with my eating. I can't believe how quickly we are going through cottage cheese now that we decurd it. amazing what little thing can do.

Belinda - Glad you are ok to fly home. I'm sure you'll be back in the swing of things soon.

Amelia - How was the workout.

Hi Heidi and Karen - miss you both!

Off to find some dinner, then to school for a meeting. One more week to go, and I'll be as happy as the kids when it's out.

See you tomorrow!

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