Did Mes 3 Week 3, Chest, Tris (Disc 19?) this AM..


...and I have to say, I did not do very well!!

I have been loving this Mesocycle, but for some reason, this one was practically undoable for me! Perhaps it was the Double Wave Loading, maybe my less-than-stellar night of sleep beforehand, I'm not sure. Even doing the normal sets at last week's 75% of one rep max was often not attainable, as it was in the previous week's!

I am a bit discouraged, mainly because I've been working really hard and getting through most of the reps and only having to lower my weights a few times during this Mesocycle. But I realize it does give me something to work towards getting through more successfully when I do this Mesocycle again. I even thought about repeating this week's workouts, but only if I'm experiencing the same issues with the other two workouts this week.

Just wondering if anybody else felt this way?!?

...and I have to say, I did not do very well!!

I have been loving this Mesocycle, but for some reason, this one was practically undoable for me! Perhaps it was the Double Wave Loading, maybe my less-than-stellar night of sleep beforehand, I'm not sure. Even doing the normal sets at last week's 75% of one rep max was often not attainable, as it was in the previous week's!

I am a bit discouraged, mainly because I've been working really hard and getting through most of the reps and only having to lower my weights a few times during this Mesocycle. But I realize it does give me something to work towards getting through more successfully when I do this Mesocycle again. I even thought about repeating this week's workouts, but only if I'm experiencing the same issues with the other two workouts this week.

Just wondering if anybody else felt this way?!?


Aimee don't feel discouraged this w/o was hard and with the double wave, it was even harder. Maybe you should go 5 % down onthe weight selection and do this week's workout over next week. My question for you is did you increase your 1RM during meso 1? This is what I did and now I have to lower some of my weight selections.
Aimee don't feel discouraged this w/o was hard and with the double wave, it was even harder. Maybe you should go 5 % down onthe weight selection and do this week's workout over next week. My question for you is did you increase your 1RM during meso 1? This is what I did and now I have to lower some of my weight selections.


I agree with Jazcam. Maybe you should lower your weights a little bit. I had to lower mine some, too. I think this just needs a little more tweaking than the last two weeks of this Mesocycle.

I definitely felt the difference. I also thought that maybe I should do this one, one extra week, but I am going to keep going. I know my triceps will be extemely sore. I already feel it. They were really fatiguing during the workout!

Right there with you. See my post Disc 19 Ramble. We aren't alone. I was just wondering if we should be building enough strength to do these higher weights or if it's just a guesstimate. I did okay but am worried that I'll really have to be adjusting my weights in Meso 3. I hate having to adjust mid exercises because it messes up the flow of the workout. I'm a bit anal about that kind of stuff but I'm getting better at taking it stride:)
I've got this one on tap tonight. It all looks doable on the workout card, with perhaps the exception on the flat bench press. That was tough last week. I believe last week (#16?) for the set of 12 I did 12, for the 10 I did 8, and for the 8 I did 7. The rest of last week's was ok. So it will interesting to see how it comes out tonight. Wish me luck and strength.

Thanks for your comments.

Yes, I think I definetely need to lower some weights, especially for the triceps exercises, and after reading some more posts, I think I also need to bite the bullet and get a barbell. I've been trying to do this with just dumbells and add-on weights. I think most of my problem was just getting the weight into position for the chest work. Yikes!

I was just surprised at how I totally hit a wall with this one workout, when things have been going pretty smoothly as far as using the proper weight according to my workout card with little adjustments here and there. Oh well, as I said, something to conquer the next time around!

I'm so glad to see a post about meso 3! I could only afford one at this time, and I just ordered meso 3 yesterday. I've always lifted using a meso 2-type system - three sets, 8-12 reps...But I know I need to change things up a bit, that's why I decided on meso 3 (and for the plyo legs). I'd appreciate anything you'd be willing to share about meso 3 compared to meso 2. Types of exercises, amount of reps...


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